ITT: Good Indie Games


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Where's the good games?


Right in front of you, you Stevie Wonder-looking fag.


Hollow Knight is pretty great.

I really tried to like that game, but it simply bored me to death. Something about it felt tedious unlike other games of the metroidvania kind.


I liked it

How far did you get? Because the game takes a pretty heavy shift in mechanics after a certain point.
There's also a sequel in development.


No, you are wrong. Shantae is great.

the game is mediocre at best. the only thing that gets it attention is from waifufags and their cancer.


This is indie, right?

Nope. The only reason people like it is for the "waifus"

literally made by a guy and his wife

>Uses a fucking shovel for a weapon like some retard


Fag user, still think it's a great game.

not a indie game

Then you have double bad tastes

Bejeweled is timeless and some cute girls is an improvement. Also those fucking voices.

Hmm... last I can't remember is beating the boss of the ruins (he was one of the easiest, but losing twice to it was already fucking tedious, what with having to walk and fall over all that trap riddled road every time) and then some another one. It was forgettable like that to me, but since you mention it, it always felt like the game hindered the exploration bit too much due to mechanics. When exactly do things change?

>shit art style
>ripoff game with waifu skin


This is actually one of the better games I've played.

>made by one guy
>not an indie game

Haven't played


Flavour of the month




It's niche but good

I nominate

Dwarf Fortress
Minecraft pre adventure

Comfy as fuck. Shame that evyone already forgot about it.

Forgot image

>Half-Baked Game

shoulda posted Pirate's Curse

holy shit how did i NOT think of that before?

DLC when

About the point you get the vertical dash booster is the first change, since since like the grapple puzzles get a lot fancier after that. If you're wanting to speed through the game to get to that point, look up how to get The Bike, which is a hidden, completely optional upgrade that boosts the fuck out of your movement speed. After you beat the station AI the second change happens for the postgame, which starts with getting all the upgrades and diskettes you missed. Once you do that, get a notebook, because the game goes into La-Mulana puzzle mode from that point on since once you have all the upgrades you're pretty much a infinite flight-having, supercharged, triple shot god of destruction.
There's 4 or 5 endings and the maximum completion percentage is 203 or 205%.

Still waiting for a GOOD game

Jesus fucking Christ, Lisa broke my soul in a million pieces, my heart legit sank when I had to kill my crying teammates.

How was this shit not posted yet


>Hi everyone, nice thread
>But you know what it could use?
>A big helping of MY SHIT TASTE
>Don't worry, I'll even reply to games that I haven't played, because this thread is about me after all!


are you baiting

>strong womyn

Better Metroidvania than any of the modern Metroid and Castlevania

I will start making best platforms chart from the last decade and some.


But it's too ugly for me

Name 56 games that were posted in this thread that don't feature a strong female character

But that isnt ugly at all.
How old are you?

I really love it and would play it more if the RNG wasn't shit.

Honey select

Hooo shit nigga. I may give it a try again then, thanks for the top tips! I knew I was missing on something with that game.
I just didn't want to beat them up, but most of them barely even attack you. Fuck man....

Post one yourself faggot

that looks a lot like deathstate

I think its p good.
hate the new "2 save files to go" bullshit though

the only reason you like dustforce is that it's niche

Yeah, the actual "killing the station AI" is only a tiny part of the actual meat of the game. Funnily enough, once you get the first two endings, the AI basically rops out of the story altogether in favor of some fucking spooky-ass shit.
There's also a bunch of secret rooms the dev added in an update but don't count towards anything, and they're all just little jokey sort of things like this.

damn, image came out a lot tinier than I expected.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean the general artstyle but fuckugly level design where everything is huge, flat and empty. It doesn't even come close to super metroid and instead feels like some cheap flash online game. Dropped it for this very reason.

Pic related just got an update literally yesterday, it's already in v.0.9. Can't wait to play the full story when it's finished. Grinding is fun if you know how to shred enemies fast (which really isn't hard as it would initially look), puzzles are nice, and I do love some bossfights.

Oh and also Risk of Rain. We have Sup Forums threads daily and it's the most fun I've ever had with playing vidya.

>Dwarf Fortress

Good taste

I can appreciate the dev of this game due to how much meta the game can get. Despite being incredibly pixelated it manages to make it irrelevant by simply having so many funky stuff.

Dammit forgot picture.

Is this indie?

The reason I had for playing that game was that someone had sort of spoiled me that there was some change in tone or whatever, and some spoopy shit happened at some point. Gues the fun was just delayed.

Is that birthday thing a reference to something?

Kero Blaster

Very underrated

>0 results

You are all casuals.

This whole series is popular because of waifus. It's really just an average platformer/metroidvania.

I bought it recently because it was on sale and you're right, it is good

no you are just that new to the video game world.

I reeeeeeeeeeally like this game but the only problem with it for me is that you don't get any semblance of advanced movement until really late in the game.

it was kickstarted but yes

The Dev guest starred on an LP once, and said that "Only one other person knows who's birthday that's referring to."
Yeah, it's great. Have you seen any of his devstreams for ESA 2? Shit's cool.

Did you mean Hyper Light Drifter? I think you meant Hyper Light Drifter.

Choose one.

>ESA 2

Downfall and Cat Lady

he really needs to do another one!



No one has mentioned Valdis Story yet, so I will. Good boss fights, pretty decent platforming once you get used to the controls and the 4 playable characters are all pretty different from each other.

I was honestly surprised by this. The map is fucking huge and there are items to be found fucking everywhere. Boss fights are pretty fun and there are a lot of them.

I want to like this but I just don't have the reaction speed/skills to pull off the shit the game expects from me. Was a little disappointed because I wasn't really expecting that going in.

Maybe I just need to give this game another chance, but it seemed kind of boring. Music is pretty good but the rhythm aspect was less interesting than I was expecting.

Yeah, he does devstreams weekly, announces them on twitter and everything.
He also upped the pixel art resolution he works with from 8x8 squares to 16x16.

I can't get into this. I just want to move around and play the game without the rythm game shit

There's the Bard character mode for that. But the game really is based around the 'rhythm game shit' forcing you to keep up the pace. With the bard things just become trivial because almost every foe has an extremely deterministic pattern.

Play Bard. With him you don't have to think about the rhythm but that's easy mode you scrub.

Anyway, floor 3 is hard as balls for me, can't even imagine what 4 will be like.

anything by joymasher really

Loved it

>Le Reddit Knight

Liking Shovel Knight is a red flag, a giant one.

Hollow Knight is amazing.

I agree.
Was pretty challenging too.

I'd play more of this if it didn't try to explode my goddamn laptop.

>ihavenoideahowtogreentext post

>being this much of a contrarian

There was a small circlejerk on Sup Forums about this game.
Only a Sup Forums meme game, like EYE

is 40% off good?

weeb simulator

If you think Bastion is better you're a basic bitch.

Overly overrated game but "weeb simulator" is not an argument

Why do you thin it's overly overrated? It definitely isn't overrated, but a lot of people do like it since there hasn't been a good game that focuses only on bossfights in ages. Having afro samurais designer helps too.

It was definitely an upgrade. Bastion had a far better narrator though, which was primarily it's only selling point. The gameplay and story were subpar but the audio work for the game (soundtrack/etc) was impressive for the studio's first efforts.

Can anyone suggest more good "bossfight games"?

I looked at Titan Souls but it looked pretty dumb.