"The west makes better shoote-"

>"The west makes better shoote-"

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Yes, they do. Correct.

Japs can't design a fucking UI to save their shrinking population lmao, look at those korean f2p tier clusterfucks

Finish that sentence, buddy. I was about to agree with you.

What are you going to do about it, ya little weeaboo?

>Japs and Koreans are the same people

The only one that looks bad is bottom middle you nancy faggot.

>Putting that janky piece of shit that was Lost Reavers on there


Nips, gooks, slants, slopes, chinks, chongs, charlies, zipperheads, yellows, what's the difference?

I don't know what the fuck is going on in any of those screens but i know it's too japanese.

Most japs can't even play shooters due to genetic slit eyelids they were born with.

what are the 3 games in the middle row?

Kojima has the best eye for UI design out of any Japanese developer

You really don't recognize the game that is on every single fucking platform?

nah I know re and the other is lost planet I think,I was mainly wondering what that first person game was

>being able to develop shooters
Every single shooter, even the decent ones like re4 feel like you're shooting hitscan bb pellets at cardboard enemies, they can not design complex bullet physics systems, they can not make guns feeling weighty and impactful. The japs will never make a shooter masterpiece like FEAR

ghost in the shell standalone complex is a bad counterstrike ripoff and you included it there, lmao

They should make a Gantz shooter for arcades.

Binary Domain is the best shooter on that list.

Only actual shooter that nips made that's good

What's the game in the middle?

Anyway, the West is generally better at making shooters but then Japanese actually try, they're just as good, if not better.

>no Splatoon
>no Kid Icarus: Uprising

God fucking damn, right in the feels

The only good shooters in that image are Vanquish and Binary Domain.

RE4 is a good video game, but it's not exactly a " shooter "

Jap TPS = Western FPS > Western TPS > Jap FPS

look at all these amerifats getting triggered

Also, I forgot to mention that the image didn't even have kill.switch included, despite being one of the greatest third person shooters ever made.

What is it then?


>hud overfilled with useless junk, flashing text and generally unwanted shit
>"ret's make this robotto biggu as housu"
>every dude in their games must look """cool""" as fuck and girl has to be sexy or no asian virgin will ever buy it

Japs make games for japs, that's it, if you enjoy their games, you are a greasy anime-loving neet that got laughed at by his peers constantly and feels like japanese culture would suit his mentality better.

Western shitdevs have never made a better shooting game than HotD2 or Sin and Punishment.

Pretty much

A survival horror game with tank controls and an over the shoulder camera.

You forgot EDF! EDF! EDF!

I don't recognize any of these games.

Only if we're talking about on rails shooters.

culture, language, heritage, traits and state form you double nigger

Those games are garbage, you don't know anything about shooters, neck yourself

>Vanquish 2 never ever

>Metal Gear Online 2


>ohhh me insect race of hivemind people arr rook same and act same
Yeah really unique and diverse peoples.

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

>le shiteating Sup Forumsedditor rage

LP2 is legitimately probably the most technical TPS in existence

Just mastering grapple movement takes more skill than pretty much any other mechanic in a TPS

>They aren't

Everything but EDF in this list is hot garbage.
Japan pushes out solely consolized shooters, and while the West shits out a lot of them too, it has created SOME good ones.

Well, if we include all genres of shooter, then there are many better shooters such as Quake 3, Max Payne, Doom, FEAR, Blood, BLACK, Tribes, etc.

Fuck no, I'd say the two contenders for most skill-intensive TPS are Silent Assassin and Blood Money.

Duke Nukem 3D is better than Doom in every respect.
I know, nostalgia and all, but lack of proper Z axis is a huge impediment to fun.

Unreal and UT2004 are god-tier FPS and... well, almost every 7/10+ shooter that came out before 2007 is better than modern supposedly 10/10 superhits.

What game is this? It looks a lot like Unreal Tournament

It is Unreal Tournament, it's 4.

There's only one good game there.

Third person shooters are shit. All of them are so clunky and limited compared to FPS. What's the Doom of TPS? What's the Half-Life of TPS? What's the Quake 3/UT of TPS? What's the Tribes of TPS? What's the Marathon of TPS? What's the Perfect Dark of TPS? What is the TF2 of TPS? What is the Deus Ex of TPS? What is the Thief of TPS? What is the System Shock 2 of TPS? What is the Ultima Underworld of TPS? Hell, what is the CoD of TPS? I could go on, and on, and on, but it's pointless. Besides, which Japanese TPS are you playing which you think are so good? Let me guess, MGS, RE, Vanquish? Fuck off.

It is UT4 Instagib.

UT4 is currently a prototype, it's free and available through Ebin Games cancerous launcher (that's shitty enough to make me not want to buy the game).

It's literally Unreal Tournament. You can go download it for free.

What's that game in the bottom middle?

Thank you, heroes. I hope to god they finish this because it looks great so far

>2 most skill intensive TPS are games which you are not even meant to play as TPS

>japanese can't make good FPSes

You only share this opinion because you have tremendous shit taste and poor understanding of game design.
Game where player can rotate camera whatever he likes can't have a better shooting challenge than game with fixed camera.

I don't recognize even half these games, list please.


>Half-Life of TPS
Max Payne

>Quake 3/UT of TPS

>TF2 of TPS

>what is the [everything else] of TPS
GTA V, kekus.

Yeah, consoles killed the genre quicker than a HIV positive chimp kills an african village.

>every respect

I disagree. Doom has better sound, art and level design. No Z axis is a legitimate point of criticism, but the levels being designed around this limitation leaves it as a highly replayable masterpiece in my opinion. I still love The Douk though.

It's pretty fun. Kind of sucks that Epic is locking it to their shitty launcher, but it was free along with Shadow Complex HD, and all I had to do was install their launcher to get two very decent games.

fuck off retard

>Binary Domain
that game was way better than i expected, shooting robots was really satisfying and big bo is mah nigga 4 lyfe

Lost Planet 2 is the best third person shooter ever made


yeah no those jrpgs look shit

Is there any good FPS for PC that came out in the recent years? I need to play one.

Top right: Metal Gear Solid 4
Middle left: Resident Evil 4
Middle: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex First Assault Online
Middle right: Lost Planet 2
Bottom left: Earth Defense Force 4.1
Don't know the others

The thing that shocked me was how well written the story was. I went in blind thinking it would be some generic military garbage and it actually had some touching, funny and depressing moments.

Are there any shooters where you play as a cute doggo?

DOOM or Day of Infamy



FPS is actually a dead genre but people don't seem to realize it yet
It was replaced by survival shit and open world shit and moba shit

I remember using the mic function and going full autist. Really interactive.

It's trash. Worse than LP1, worse than LP3, a terribad snoozefest.

Is Germany western?


they all look fucking hideous and intrusive, get your eyes checked or acquire a better taste.


Insurgency, Day of Infamy (divisive), Squad, Arma 3 Apex, nuWolfenstein, Superhot, Deathwing (if you have friends, don't touch otherwise).

>animu rocket garbage
>on rails
>calling any mg game a shooter
>fair play
>literally what x5
CoD4, NV, Doom, BFBC2, and a fuckload of others would like a word with your nip ass

Lost Planet 2 was so fucking good

arena shooters are dead, and for good reasons. They were never more than a primitive spinal cord exercise simulators.

But they fun m8

>I will never know how it is to have such terrible taste

Life is good

I don't remember anybody asking for a list of YOBA trash for 12-year-olds.
Everything released after 2006 is automatically shit if it's not a space sim.

I played most of them. Any old games that you can recommend besides the obvious ones? I don't mind bad graphics.

No, the problem is that mainstream gaming is infested with casuals who can't beat Angry Birds without an instruction manual and some paid cheats.
AAA devs pander to these idiots and lower skill ceiling any way they can.

>CoD4, NV, Doom, BFBC2
>being pretentious about your pedestrian as fuck, obviously underage taste

top left has no ui
did you look at the image

>Named a bunch of multiplayer games
>I played most of them

ao you're European, American, slav, Australian, Canadian, French and bunch of other in one?

Ah, well, Unreal. The first one, its campaign is fantastic. UT2004 has the best multiplayer, though.
Quake 2 Evolved fixes most problems the original had.
SWAT 4, Rainbow Six games, and Freespace 2 SCP - it's on the border between shooters and spacesims, but arcadey enough to be classified as a shooter desu.

Then there are MW: Living Legends (if it's still alive), NOLF2, Comanche 4 (and other Novalogic games), Red Faction 1 (2 sux) and RotC.

Speaking of Red Faction, check out Red Faction Gorilla - it has the best destruction system ever.

>hating Vanquish
did you even play it?

What I meant was that I played most of them and got bored. I dont like playing the same game for a long time.

They look so bland that I thought they were all the same game.

Titanfall 2

Also fuck off /asianmasculinity/

Vanquish, dunno, MGO2
RE4, GitS online, Lost Planet 2
some EDF, dunno, Binary Domain

as opposed to what exactly?

i see hundreds of missiles flying at you
giant robots on building
giant bugs attacking a tower

sure the others might not be that interesting but if you're gonna make a joke at least put some effort into it