Work in electronic retailer

>work in electronic retailer
>mom about to buy M rated game for her spoiled brat
>ask for her ID
>proceed to tell her all about the game's violence, sexual nudity, drug use, alcohol use
>"Tommy I don't think this is a good game for you, let's go find something else"
>kid gives me the death glare as his mom yanks him away by the wrist

Other urls found in this thread:

You're only doing your job, so I don't blame you.

They should lower the age to 15 desu. Teens nowadays are already fucking and doing drugs and all the such.

>implying it wasn't always like this

>work in GAME back in the day
>some 11 year old comes in trying to buy MW2
>sell it to him


The ESRP ratings are way out of touch with reality. The ratings should at least be three years younger.

>be 14 when Call of Duty 4 was released
>go buy it with my mom
>gamestop employee tells her its rated m for mature
>she says whatever
>he tells her it has a decapitation scene in it
>mom freaks out and makes us leave the store

COD4 didn't even have a decapitation scene. WHY the fuck did that employee lie about that? I didn't get to buy a COD until two years later with MW2.

>must be over 17 to buy
>asking somebody with a child to show their ID to prove they aren't under 17
God damn she must have thought you were autistic as fuck.

You must be 18 post on this board.

Welcome to 1970.

You must be 18 to post on this board.

>be over 18
>cashier asks for id
>don't have it on me
>don't get to buy it
Store went bankrupt a year later, eat shit fags

Who doesn't bring their ID with them anywhere they go? What are you, some manchild?

ESRB rating isn't even legally enforceable or necessary. It's all voluntary. Why does literally every developer and retailer suck their cock? Tired of that ugly ass rating marring the box art.

His mom probably drives him everywhere so why would he need it?

Literally me
>22 years old
>go to gamestop after work to buy the new Doom
>forgot id and license at home
>cocksucker asks for id even though i parked my car like right outside the fucking entrance
>car is even visible from the cashier desk

>That kid is 18 years old now.

Americans are degenerates. How do we go back?

Shit nigga you're mad

>cocksucker asks for id even though i parked my car like right outside the fucking entrance
>car is even visible from the cashier desk

What does that have to do with your age, you autist? Are you assuming only people who carry their licenses with them drive cars? There's people who drive on suspended or revoked licenses, retard. How would he know?

I hope this was bait, there can't be anyone this autistic.

Fifteen year olds can drive.

>tfw puberty was generous
>start looking adult by 14
>never got asked ID at game or liqour stores in my life
its the beard guys

>needing to buy games

consolefags are the worst

Why would you ask the mother for her ID?

>can't buy Rated M games at stores when a teenager
>go on Xbox Live and buy them from the marketplace instead
problem solved

>net enjoying new game smell

because in America we're retarded and card obviously middle aged people for things for some reason.

>years ago
>looking around in Gamestop
>some kid picks out Black for PS2
>he and his mom go to the counter
>mom asks the clerk if you kill people in this game
>clerk says yes
>mom looks at kid and goes "You told me it was aliens!"
>she drags the kid out of the store without the game
Good try kid

> guy comes in
> asks to buy M rated game
> has no id or license
> has full on temper tantrum when I refuse
> pitches such a fit that manager calls cops
> dude freaks out when they pull up, tries to force his way into employee room
> turns out car was stolen

>work the registry
>kid clearly no older than 12 wants to buy a 6-pack of energy drinks
>i ask for ID
>he stands there like a question mark
>repeat that I want to see his ID
>he asks if his library card will work
>he starts crying as I set his energy drinks aside and tell him he can't buy them
>old man behind him gets annoyed and tells him to move his ass
>kid stumbles crying out of the store
i love my job

That's the rule but not everyone does it. When I was like 14 I used to be able to buy M-games cause I looked like I was in my 20s and most cashiers didn't bother checking.

In some stores you can't bypass the ID screen prompt unless you call over a manager which is an even bigger hassle


Why ask for the moms ID, just inform them of the game's content

Welcome to the history of FOREVER.


>ID for energy drinks

What? I used to buy energy drinks all the time in middle school, they didn't ask for ID once.

why can't you just tell me that instead of saying "sorry you need an ID"

I'd at least be more understanding.

I know, I was able to buy cigarettes from convienience stores without any problem as a 17 year old. It's just that sometimes my mom still gets carded when she orders a glass of wine at restaurants and she's 52. I think that's more a Southern thing than generally an American thing though.

>Needing ID when buying a game

you need an ID to buy energy drinks? fucking sugar lemonade? you must be either French or English desu

Why do you need to ask for ID just for energy drinks?

You're a massive dick. Imagine being that kid.

>Things that never happened, the thread.

>ID for energy drinks
what nanny state shit country are from? I thought mine was bad.

>buying something age-restricted
>don't bring an ID
>cry that you don't get what you want because you didn't use your fucking pea brain and bring something you're supposed to have on you anyway


His mom would have found out eventually

Hahahah yes, YES! Get fucked you little shit!

Go back to when? Americans were always degenerates. The "traditional american family" is a dream, it never really existed.

>OP does his job
>Avoids possible liability lawsuit (this is America afterall)
>he's somehow a dick for doing what he's trained to do

This will never happen, companies will never want to be held liable for what could potentionally come from selling a M or Ao rated game to someone who is 15. I'm not saying a kid is gonna shoot up a school and blame it on GTA but it's a possibility. Honestly when I was younger I'm glad my parents didn't let me get M-rated games because I was able to find more hidden gems.

You don't, we kicked you out for a reason.

That's what you get for being a little shit that tried to fatten up Activision with his parents' hard earned cash

It's pretty universal, you get fucked hard for selling to underage people. So most people just card everyone.

Energy drinks are more dangerous than alcohol, the fact they aren't banned outright is only due to manchildren like yourself who need your 'GamerFuel(tm)'

>>work in electronic retailer
Do I laugh at the kid or you?

Shit, that's too close to home
>be 14yo console autist
>it's your birthday, you are 15 now
>go with dad to a local store to get a PS3 game
>pick Killzone
>dad is sceptical, but agrees to buy it
>picks ace combat for himself
>clerk asks, who's gonna play killzone
>"My son has a birthday, it's for him"
>clerk proceeds to tell how violent and cruel this game is
>"Why don't you buy a brand new Sonic game, it's a classic revived!"
>"it can't be bad, Sonic is cool, like Mario" - I think to myself
>it was Sonic'06

>tfw I remember when I was 10 or 11 or so and I rented grand theft auto

>my cousin comes over and tells my mom it has swearing and violence in it

>mom almost makes me stop playing it but I plead my case since the money was already spent and its not that bad

My cousin was such a fag

>The "traditional american family" is a dream, it never really existed.
ah yes, the "everybody was a repressed degenerate in the 50s because I'm a degenerate too and therefore my behavior must be universal among all people" argument. Not even conservative but shut the fuck up with this shit.

Man, it sucks to be you.
Since I was 4 or 5 years old my parents let me play games like Quake, Doom and Duke Nukem.
Best childhood ever.

Sweden, need to be 18 to buy energy drinks and provide ID if you don't look the part.

>Energy drinks are more dangerous than alcohol
>implying kids don't buy that shit to mix it with cheap vodka anyway

>energy drinks are more dangerous than alcohol

Tell me, how many people a year die from anything alcohol related and how many die from energy drinks?

You're a Dummy head

except they aren't and I don't even drink them, fuck off you obsessed health nut bitch

And look at you now, you're a brain addled retard who contributes nothing to society.


This thread reminds me of the time some delinquent youths tried to rob my work of their vidya.
>Work for Mr. Walton.
>Helping out in the ol' Electronics.
>Bunch of "black youth" with the wigger roll up to the game case and begin eyeballing everything.
>White kid: "Hey, Can I see that game?"
>Open the case, let him look at it.
>Hands it back to me.
>Put it back when one of his nig-nog friend tries to sucker punch me while the others go to grab shit.
>Kid's fist slams into the glass.
>Glass shatters.
>All the kids get cut the fuck up as I back up.
>two just get up and run out a fire escape.
>White kid, kid who tried to punch me, and one of the little shits laying on the ground screaming bloody murder and bleeding.
>Management/AP is there in a flash.
>All three get carted off to the hospital.
>Have to give witness statement to AP Manager.
>Tell me I did everything right.
>APM catches me a few days later.
>One of the niggers snitched on the others.
>Pretty sure they all assumed it was the white boi.
I hope the white boy got raped in prison.

>not having an ID on you

user, stop this. You are just giving the police an excuse to lock you up

More unhealthy than alcohol. To kill yourself on energy drinks the average person would need to drink 60 in 4 hours.

>At gamestop
>Skinny Black kid in front of line
>Trying to sell PS3
>No controller, wires, box or any thing
>sales clerk says he needs to have a controller to sell with it, but says he buy one to sell his ps3
>kid says ya
>clerk goes through all this shit of finding wires to hook up, opening a new controller package
>ps3 works, offers him like $20 or something
>kid looks confused, clerk explains he has to buy the controller to sell it again
>kid cant comprehend math, decides to keep ps3 and leaves

I was frustrated at first but it got amusing fast, although it reminded me of "that kid" who borrowed a game from me and never returned it. I'm almost positive he stole it from his friends house


U rite

When did you guys lose your passion for video games?

They are, actually.

Alcohol in moderation has been shown time and again to actually have a positive impact on life expectancy. Red wine in particular (again, in moderation) has been found time and again in controlled studies to offer real health benefits.

Energy drinks absolutely do not confer any health benefits, and for people who are drinking tons of them to avoid sleeping so that they can stay up all night gaming or whatever, that actually has a severe negative impact on long-term health.

For once, the dumb ass Swedes are right.

>responding to somebody even affirming they're from Sweden with Sweden Yes shit
teenager who is in his first week browsing Sup Forums detected


Nah fuck that kid. Ratings exist for a reason.

Sick of parents being like "GAMES DEEZ DAYZ R B SO VIOLUNT" when they buy 18+ games for their kids and cashiers fucking let them.

>isn't even legally enforceable
it should be, i don't want screaming kids in multiplayer games

You are the worst kind of person
You need 3 things to function in society
>social security
>drivers liscense
>state id
I worked at a go kart track when I was younger and it always fuckkng baffled me that people didn't have their liscence to drive a double kart then they get pissed at me for not letting them on.

>Years ago when I was still a consolefag
>Go to gamestop during the busy part of the day because I'm a retard
>Six mile long line of people with one cashier working
>Said cashier takes the time to ask every. single. solitary. customer. If they want to sign up for power up rewards or get insurance or whatever

You do know that it isn't a real law right?
The ESRB rating isn't a goverment regulated body. It's not illegal to sell an M rated game to a minor. Retailers enforce it to give parents a feeling of "family freindliness".

are there people over the age of 18 who still drink energy drinks? that shit is way to sweet IMO

>catholic cuckold upbringing detected

There was a big controversy in the early 2000s where mainstream media networks gave game stores massive shit for selling m rated games to kids. So stores put a practice in place.

>anything that doesn't have health benefits should be banned for under-18s
what a retarded fucking attitude, fuck off

>drivers liscense
>state Id

Why do you need both? Isn't your driver's license basically your state ID?

>be like 12
>Mom always takes me to GameStop
>Pick whatever M rated game I want
>GTA, Mortal Kombat, Super Columbine Massacre
>Employee always tries to convince her not to buy them
>She says "he can play what he wants"
>They tell her the games have drugs and nudity
>She says "its just a video game"
>Get to play all the violent games
>Meanwhile my cousin's went even allowed to own the Gameboy because my aunt thought games were evil

t. Prottie

For alcohol it's 400,000

Did you not hear about the Circle of Life metrics at Gamestop?
Literally get fired if you don't sell enough PReorders/Used Product/Trade-Ins/Power-Up Cards.

Or, you know, she thought the clerk realizes the game is for the son and not for the 40 something soccer mom and he was just telling her that so the child doesn't play a game he isn't supposed to.

user, a retarded woman was more intelligent than you.

>be murrican kid
>can't buy a game where you kill pixellated people
>can however easily get a real gun to shoot real people
Really makes you think.

>be like 14 when GTA CW came out
>at GS with mom to buy it
>smug bastard at the counter lists off everything the game is rated M for
>mom says "I don't really care, my son is mature enough to handle it"
>buys me the game
>go home and enjoy the fuck out of it

must suck to have shitty parents

My old man bough most of my games for me when I was a kid, or I played some of his games like Doom and such.

Also watched the Alien movies with him, I was scared shitless by the first one, second one was kinda cool as an action movie, 3rd and 4th movies were quite boring. They were just violent and had a lot of blood and disgusting scenes, but weren't that terrifying like the first movie.
Also this one time at school, each day a kid from the class could bring over a movie for the whole class to watch during recess due to shitty weather and such. I brought Terminator 2 and then wondered why I got detention and a letter sent home.

I know vidya isn't the same shit as smokes or beer but I work a shitty retail job and it always impresses me how many people don't have their ID on them when they try to buy those things, like they think they won't get fucking carded when I have to do it or lose my job.

Sausage Party. Donald Trump. $6 a gallon for gas. Legalize drugs and cause a massive amount of fatalities with "mistakes" in production.

Push the envelope so goddamn hard that the entire goddamn American system gets reevaluated.

But there are dangerous things such as the overpopulated deer, we need guns to protect ourselves!

I have a normal life and a job, you retard.
The age restriction is a fucking meme.

I maintain that parents are the dumbest , most gullible, and easiest to sell to people in the world.
>This ordinary hen's egg will make your kid leave you alone for a while
>record breaking sales

You're willing to consider alcohol in the context of moderation but will only consider energy drinks in the context of excess using them to stay up all night playing video games.

400,000 deaths a year from alcohol related issues. 20,000 of which are OD

That's a lie retard alcohol in moderation has no benefits and in fact still has negatives.

did you also get angry when you saw that sonic's arm's color?