Japan wins

Japan wins.

#4thegamers win

Say it with me

fails without exclusives?

Reminder that Horizon had a 7.0 user score yesterday and that the meta kikes purged all the 0's.
>implying all the 10's aren't sony/guerilla shills


horizon is better

Nioh is just button mashy action game with weeaboo story. A single arrow shot in horizon takes more game knowledge and skill than the entire game of Nioh

Point the thing at the green goo and shit dies.

Nier is gonna be over 90

Trying to hard with that last sentence.


mash light attack mid stance with 1kat

found armor chink etc

Yeah, I genuinely think Sony caught on to people pointing out how unreliable critic scores are and to rely on user scores instead, and adjusted themselves accordingly.

Metacritic as a whole is kind of a shitshow right now. Why is Laura Kate Dale's shitty blog allowed on there?

Idk I didn't play it, I'm sick as shit of Horizon's gameplay, I'm afraid if I beat it, I'll fucking hate the ever loving shit out of breath of the wild for being farcry zelda.

Unless persona 5 was just a bowl of garbage when it came to my door, it's probably gonna be my game of the year.

How much SJW pandering does Nioh have?

How much SJW pandering is just anti-SJW panderrs making issues out of things that aren't.

they lost at life in 45

>Team Ninja
You tell me.

Japan built their economy around pandering to customers. They're a nation of whores. Even their culture is like a mutated offshoot of western capitalism. You want video games made just for you? They're the pushers. Best in the world.

You can never be sure in today's industry.

Okay cucklord. Go fight some more evil white men.

>White man
>Not evil

Small pox

Call them whores and pushers if you like, I'll happily take top notch gear over snorting baking powder any day.

>You can never be sure in today's industry.
I said it's KT and Team Ninja. TN was founded on ass and tits. Stop being so fucking paranoid.

> TN was founded on ass and tits
Yeah, because of Itagaki.

Wait, you actually think 0's should be a legitimate score for this, or any game?

You don't think that shit is just spam trolling?

For fucks sake Sup Forums

One guy didn't invent DoA and modern NG, man. Itagaki did some stuff but he wasn't alone. And say what you like about what they've done without him, but NG and DoA aren't exactly running short on it.