Japanese voiceover kiryu: stop

>japanese voiceover kiryu: stop
>american pig dubbing kiryu: wait a second you fucking retard
whats wrong with americans?
why do they have to destroy everything with their stupid faggot aggressive hamburger language?
beautiful calm japanese language doesnt deserve such shitty treatment!
OG jap voice or dont bother porting games at all you fucking gaijins!

Haha. Oh this board.

Take it easy man

Excuse you? NO FUCK YOU


I agree with you fellow nihon lover

Fucking yakuza!





it's just the way that it is

>Playing Yakuza 1 on the PS2

"I suggest you listen to me."
"I suggest you blow me."
Was this the best line in the game?


Could just be my unpopular opinion here, but I enjoyed that dub very much.

This. Its so bad its just magical.

This dub was hilariously bad
Except mark hammill,he wasn't to bad as majima

Because the Japanese word for stop has like three thousand syllables, and if the american dub just said "stop" the character would be flapping his mouth for like thirty seconds without saying anything.

You need to learn how dubbing works klid, especially in the earl 2000's. Nobody edited lip siyncing, they had to make a phrase that mathced the length of the lip sync, See: Sonic Adventure 2,

>Stop this
So hard

americlaps are always compensating for something

I hate weeaboos. I don't conisder myself a weeaboo, I'm actually Japanese for real, well almost. I will be when I live in Japan though. Right now I'm studying japanese, japanese history and I'm following Bushido, the way of the warrior. This is why I hate weeaboos that know 5 words in japanese and use them all the time, kawaai baka DESU NE MOTHERFUCKER. I'm actually trying to become Japanese for real unlike all these faker wees. FUCK YOU WEEABOOS!

So my question is, how good are my chances of becoming Japanese for real?

Dub is charming and entertaining because the gameplay is shit in Yak 1.

Sounds like you're already there user-kun

>gameplay is shit
>graphics are shit
>dub is shit
>there are barely any mini-games
>the story is soap opera tier
>game is still infinitely entertaining
How do nips always pull this off?

Man, I play in jap just to hear the 'NANI!?!'s.

It makes it all worthwhile.

This is actually 100% true

Think about this:
Ebonics could not exist in any other language

English is a bad language neither elegant nor logical
All it can claim is pointless variety because there really needs to be 10 different ways to communicate the same thing

>Gameplay is shit
>He doesn't enjoy grabbing an angry looking Yakuza only to slam and destroy a bike over his head

I enjoy it a lot, but you can't deny that Yakuza 1 controls like complete garbage even compared to Yakuza 2, let alone the PS3 or 4 games.

>shitposting and falseflagging about "muh japanese"
>using english as the medium for shit posting

You're retarded

Controls aren't as garbage as the fucking camera. The camera angles during fights are your worst god damn enemy.

>he doesn't like vulgarity laden dubs

Why is it noone is hipster enough to play, say, Witcher 3 with polish VO and subtitles but fucking weebs think that it's a totally cool thing to do?


I'm a non-weeb who doesn't give a fuck about Japan or Japanese culture, but I love weed stuff like Hyperdimension Neptunia and JRPGs are the only video games I play.

What does that make me?

Because Witchers 4-9 aren't English-sub only and only use the original Polish names and Witcher 3's VA wasn't made with a budget of like $5+Mark Hamil for some reason.

Witcher 3 english VO is actually very good for one thing


>whats wrong with americans?



>i love weed stuff
mah nigga

I actually meant weeb stuff like Neptunia, but that works, too.

It's exactly like those low budget dubs of asian movies from the 70s and 80s.

You weebs are like faggots or transfags. Aspiring so hard to be something you will never be, always alien to the culture you adore, always laughed at, forever insignificant.