That's a nice meta you have there

That's a nice meta you have there.

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It would be a shame if...

It beats playing tickle fest with Reinhardt every fucking match.

is he actually good now or is he meme good like symmetra when she got overhauled

I was looking forward to his buff but he is too good now. If he couldn't heal through damage, maybe slow him slightly when healing, he'd be perfect.

>Complain about tank meta
>Blizzard buffs tank buster hero into relevance
>Complain still


I main the fuck out of Bastion
>when the shitty soldier76/tracer/genji can't kill the opposite team

>Dun dun dun dun dun duuunnnnnn
>Bastion saves the day and eliminates everybody

Everyone is still playing tanks and ana even when bastion is in game

Its another fail patch

This is how much he's punished for taking a full mag point blank to his weak spot.

>hurr why my weak gun do no dmg to armor???

The irony here is Bastion encourages more tanks. and Rein are required more than ever to soak DPS from the opposing Bastion while protecting your own.

Ana is the cause of the tank meta, not a lack of damage dealing heroes. I thought this was all pretty simple to understand but apparently not.

Side note: Hog is on par or better than his previous patch with the right click changes. More tank usage.

PROTIP: To defeat the Bastiondemon, hack it until it dies.

In addition to the armor there's a 35% damage reduction at all times.

I think that's only in sentry mode and when ulting.


Bastion chews through rein's shield in seconds what are you on about?

Blizzard is worst than the japs with fighters at balancing this mess. Are all moba shit is like this? I only spent my life playing eastern games but a friend wanted to play this with me and I liked it at first but holy fuck the changed make this shit worse and worse. I feel sorry for people that deal with this type of balancing on the regular,

Looks like it. How's recon?

Yes. It's his new passive.

Are you retarded? A few seconds >>>> none. Especially when talking about the DPS that Bastion can put on a point.

Plus you have matrix to flicker on while the shield recharges.

Literally re-read the patch notes
>Bastion has a new passive: Ironclad
>Bastion takes 35% less damage while in Sentry or Tank configuration

Recon has less spread, bigger magazine size and bastion can heal while moving (and taking damage doesn't interrupt healing anymore)

They gave his fun 5 extra bullets and reduced its spread. Pretty much on par with Soldier's.

You are making the mistake in thinking that Blizzard are actively trying to "Balance" anything. If you have not noticed in recent times its no longer about balancing everything in an attempt to make a level playing field, its about creating a "meta" for people to pour over spreadsheets and argue about. It makes people angry which keeps them involved. You have people exploiting anything thats even slightly over powered and the people deliberately doing the opposite.

Its all about generating drama within your audience and driving shit-talking.

it should honestly just be simple. make healing interruptible again. it's literally that simple.

>last meta was nice

youre not fooling anyone

>A few seconds >>>> none.
And it is still trash. "A few seconds" is not enough for reindhart to do his job, which is to cover his team's advance on attack or to create a chokepoint in defense

The counter to bastion is the same as it has always been disabling him out of his turret form or having someone sneak on him. If you think Rein remotely constitutes a "counter" to bastion you are simply so fucking retarded you shouldn't be allowed to use a computer without supervision

No, it's fine the way it is because using it when you're already under fire just makes you an ult battery. It's like defense matrix where it's not good on its own, only good when you only use it sparingly.

nope. The whole point of Bastion being immovable solo is number one to make Roadhog useful and his job more obvious (HOOK THAT FUCKNG BASTION), and to put a massive threat in the way of retarded shit like solo-nano-tacvisoring a whole back line for free.

>mercy cant die when rezzing her entire team

they fucked things up even more tbqh

But it also makes her more of a target.

She's a squishy as fuck medic who has a giant as fuck laser beam between her and her healing target ambling across the map(or in the sky when with Pharah), how the fuck can she be anything less than one of the highest profile targets on the field?

>beep boop buffed

Fuck yeah I cant wait to get home from work

>And it is still trash. "A few seconds" is not enough for reindhart to do his job, which is to cover his team's advance on attack or to create a chokepoint in defense
Yeah, that slow plodding Reinhardt can't do his job at all right now. If only there was a hero that could boost his team's speed. That character would be incredibly useful in this situation.

ditto :3

This last patch was a fucking disaster, specially for this:

I'm not sure what those fucking monkeys do during PTRs. I think it's just an advertising scheme for the next changes, more than analyzing and solving what's actually broken.

>tanks are a problem

>turn the turret hero into a tank

10/10 blizzard

Actually I believe the armor is gone completely, and it's just the passive 35% damage reduction, which is better than armor, certainly, but not as OP as having both.

>playing blizzard games - post starcraft 2
no one to blame but yourself.

The armor that Bastion has normally is still there, what they got rid of was the extra armor that tank mode gets.

Reminder that his recon mode gun takes 7 consecutive shots before any spread takes effect.
Reminder that a nano boosted bastion is literally unkillable. D.Va ult only takes away half his health.
Blizzard isn't even trying to balance this game. It's only gotten worse with every patch. I'd drop it if my friends weren't still playing it.

Use the Sombra

>This is his health
>too far away
>shooting armor and thinking it would be enough time

Good job.

There are annual FPSs like COD or games with still-frequent releases like Battlefield where the idea of "balancing" is trivial because you just have to make it through four big DLC releases until the new game comes out next year.

For TF2, you can balance variables, but you can also tweak classes by adding new weapons. Implementation is almost trivial. Likewise for Counter-Strike. These are not games that come out frequently. There were 9 fucking years between TF2 and TFC. We are coming up on TF2's 10th anniversary.

For Overwatch, adding new weapons almost always means adding a new character, which takes work. You have to make a new model, design their function, and record flavor dialogue, and also bring in other cast members to record their flavor dialogue. Not to mention a whole media blitz. Ana had her comics and shit, and Sombra had a whole animated short. Whoever's coming up, whether it be Doomfist or little African girl's robot or whomever, is also gearing up for one.

So to keep people engaged, they "balance" the game by tweaking what's overpowered. Blizzard does not have experience making FPSs(despite having cousins over at Activision), and their history at patching has been questionable at best, and it shows(e.g. Roadhog), but as long as they have people complaining, that's still people playing the game.

Remember a multiplayer game is only as valuable as the population of people playing it, and even if Blizzard is being a bit coy with the numbers, this is a strategy that has worked before.

What's this trying to prove?

If Tracer wants to kill a bastion then throw your ult on him. Don't run at his face and stay immobile.

>claims to know the meta
>calling hog a tank
o i am laffin

Wowwww, that's pretty unbelievable

>Targets are now pulled to a location 3.5 meters away, up from 2 meters
>Cooldown increased from 6 to 8
good thats pretty good start...
>Spread decreased by 20%
why does bliz have a boner for Roadhog?

>huge rant

Over in programmer land, C++ gets a lot of hate. It's also one of the most popular languages in the world.

As Bjarne Stroustrup said, "There are languages people complain about, and there are languages no one uses. That's it."

Same applies to vidya. More complaints doesn't mean the game is bad or blizzard is doing something wrong

What's going on here?