Why the fuck did any of you buy this piece of shit?

Why the fuck did any of you buy this piece of shit?

You'd have to be underage or autistic to think that it was going to be a good console

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because it had games I wanted to play, so I got one, played them, and am enjoying them.

You bought it for Yoshi's Wooly World and kiddy Mario games?

It had nintendo written on it.

I just wanted to play W101 and Splatoon.

>mature games, for mature gamers, like me...

no one bought it
thats the problem

>cheapest console
>most exclusives
>backwards compatible
got what i wanted fampai

I bought it for Bayo, Splatoon, DKTF, MK8, SM3DW, XCX, etc. So...I guess so?

Because it has good games and not glorified movies.

Wii U sold the worst and had the best library of the generation, forever proving that console kids have shit taste.

Nintendo systems are always the best compliment to PC.

>fun, gameplay focused, colorful games
>focus on local multiplayer

I can't believe anyone would buy a PS4 or an Xbone when you could just do the same thing ten times better with a PC.

b-but muh bloodborne!!


Exclusive doesn't mean good, user.

I swear they gave it a 6.7 just to ride on the "nintendo is bad" meme that sprouted from the Wii U's failure

Kotaku, Polygon, and Eurogamer were also very critical of it.

Bayonetta/Bayonetta 2
Smash 4
Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Also liked the convenience of the gamepad.

>Trusting IGN

I only wanted it for smash, so I waited to buy it untill more games came out to justify wasting all that money on 1 game I wanted to play... still dont have a wiiu...


yes, and?
What I said may still apply

I've listed 5 major reviewers all of which are citing a variety of criticism for it.
>nu-no! They just hate Nintendo
Whatever, enjoy your flop machine. If this is what the public is hearing, no one is gonna buy it.

>implying I'm getting a switch, especially at launch
dear god no, I just don't see it as bad as they're ranking it, the flaws they're listing are fairly minor.

>having no games to play, faulty hardware, and being overpriced are minor issues

>Why the fuck did any of you buy this piece of shit?

Because it have some of the greatest exclusives of this generation

>You'd have to be underage or autistic to think that it was going to be a good console

Not all people is a multiplatfag
Also my kids love to play with the gamepad.

I bought it for the ika musume costume in splatoon.

it's the first nintendo console I decided not to buy, turns out I was right in doing so

with this thing hacked you can literaly play any game from previous nintendo generations, except for one or another game for n64.

every console at launch has no games to really play, the hardware issue seems fairly minor to me, and may be patched, the price is a little steep though.

This but mk8 which was a HUGE disappointment. I got some other games like XBX which was great too but I exhausted all the games I wanted to play and that was only a handful. Piracy came out and I struggled to find a game to play for free.

The Wii and U could have been more powerful, but it had some good games.

>mk8 which was a HUGE disappointment.
the fuck? it was one of the best games on the system

To play Smash, MK8, Splatoon, Pokken, and BotW for free

Checkmate, autist

It was trash compared to the other previous mario karts zero grav actually took away from the stage design and all of the base tracks are shit with barely any cool shortcuts or advanced strats. The DLC maps are okay but its behind a paywall. The item balance is fucked and weight is horribly unbalanced even with the patch. The game is a mess.

Its not even good for casual fun because if I play with someone that doesn't play this shit all the time and they are like in 8th and get a coin nobody has fun. The item balance before was great and spawned all of those normalfag blue shell XD memes. Now its bust through the pack with a triple green or banana and drive to the finish uncontested while 2-3 fight 4-10 go nuts and 11-12 pray for a bullet bill while throwing red shells and using single shrooms. Star power doesn't give a speed boost anymore so no cool tricks as well. Its like they put in as much effort to not make the game anything but a casual fest instead of it being a mario kart game.

because i though nintengo were going to release a new metroid game, not trusting nintendo ever again

everything you said is completely wrong, the item balance is the best it's ever been since it was retooled from "balance by player position" to "balance by distance", something they should've done years ago. The antigrav adds a lot to stage design since it allows for far more track in a smaller space, meaning better shortcut designs as well. I'd also argue it has the best track selection of the series, even without the DLC installed.

I don't even think you can get coins in 8th place, and last place certainly gets better items than a single shroom.

It was the only console worth buying this gen. Especially once you've hacked it.

You can literally look anywhere online just google "mario kart 8 item balance" and see the salt and see the dissatisfaction from people that take this seriously and the casual players. Its a mess and I rarely see people defend that.

> The antigrav adds a lot to stage design since it allows for far more track in a smaller space, meaning better shortcut designs as well.

Basically bait at this point. Yeah driving off the antigrav section a bit and using a mushroom at the obvious ramp is better than the shit you could do in the older kart games. You hooked me.

>retooled from "balance by player position" to "balance by distance"
>I don't even think you can get coins in 8th place, and last place certainly gets better items than a single shroom.

Don't do this. Also so you don't seem to know about the game you defend read this. mariowiki.com/Mario_Kart_8_item_probability_distributions

Ppl should really stop complaining that the WiiU isn't the PS4 or Xbox One. If you actual have someone to play with, the WiiU has so many options for local multiplayer. The Motion controls on the tablet are great for aiming on Zelda and Splatoon. Also the Virtual Console is great. You can download most games from previous gens you would have a hard time to legally play otherwise.
I didn't want it, got it and really love it now. Sad to see it die now. It's a great console

all I saw were retards that thought fucking MKWii had good item balance.
you know that the page you posted backs up what I said, right? You won't get a coin if you're that far away from 1st place.

how the fuck is that a console? that's a handheld.

No argument as I thought.

>you know that the page you posted backs up what I said, right? You won't get a coin if you're that far away from 1st place.
>he can't read
>he doesn't understand how a simple chart works
>he never had to deal with close races where first is not too far ahead and dealt with the fucking clash of 3-6 place where the probability of attack items go through the roof at that ideal distance from first

Curious have you ever played this game? Because now you have me lost.

nigga if the race is that close together (which is very rare, mind you) then you wouldn't want a player getting a bullet bill or similar as it'd put them in first for doing literally nothing.

Splatoon, MK8, DK TF, 3D World, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, BOTW and some others.

Better than the PS4 and Xbox one.

I just wanted Smash 4 and Kart (and the mainline Mario game that just never fucking happened). Probably the first console I'm going to sell.

I bought one today just to play Zelda. I'll play the fuck out of it and resell this piece of trash afterwards. 2 AC adapters, 3 hour battery life on a fucking controller, can't do anything without the shitpad. Amazing.

Because it has a Fatal Frame game that the other consoles didn't. Also an exclusive Bayonetta, a remaster of my favorite 3D Zelda, and now I don't have to buy a Switch for BotW. But it was mostly the Fatal Frame bit, fucking love that series and 5 is no exception.

Its my last nintendo consle and ive supported since nes. Platinum and dk were only good games. Xenoblade had shitty combat, trash soundtrack and mk8 anti gravity did nothing. All stars did more

With good players its common at the start to be grouped up for a bit. After the first set of boxes whoever gets first after the mayhem of boomerangs and redshells can just keep first. Look at those chances for lighting bolt and blue shell and second and third won't dare throw their items for fear of 4th place which in the common scenario where first is leading by a fair amount is in the IDEAL distance to get constant attack items to pummel third. And second who is just close to first would just try to outrace 1st but with no items save defensive ones (due to distance) to use those "better shortcut designs" or he can get lucky with crazy 8. Its a stale mess and I'll gladly welcome to old frantic system instead of 1st place basically going uncontested without the fear of doing risky lines or secret shortcuts that have you diving off to lower levels of the track (only big blue in mk8 comes to mind) just smooth sailing.

It was a great console that enjoyed using to play the games I was looking forward to (and wanted to) play. The software ran smoothly and in HD. The software itself that was available was engaging, full of content and there is nothing about my purchases that I regret.

3D World happened.

>b-but it's not the exact game I wanted

It still happened, user.

Amiibo killed nintendo

You have to be genuinely retarded not to get one.
The games make the console, not its hardware, you fool.

Sometimes I think there are people out there who honestly believe in the masterrace and graphics joke.

>inb4 "but it has no games"
then reconsider if you actually like videogames.
Im just gonna guess and assume you're also a "tired gamer" who thinks modern gaming is all shit

that's why the first set of boxes result in less interesting items, since you're so close together you don't get the wilder items that require you to be farther behind. Again, I don't see the issue here. Honestly I don't think you've played the game at all.

At least the controller works.

Would you not buy a Virtual Boy and its entire library given the chance back when it was commercially available? Or the 64DD and its games?

The Wii U had more to offer than either of those, so why not get it? You're not a console warrior are you? You like video games don't you? You have an income don't you?

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Legend of Zelda: Windwaker HD
Hyrule Warriors
Yoshi's Island: Wooly World
Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Brothers 4 Wii U
Xenoblade Chronicles X

I got good use out of my Black Friday Deal $200 32GB Wii U LoZ Windwaker edition budled with two other games I sold/traded for MH3U. Between MH, Smash and XCX I've easily put nearly 2000 hours into my purchase.

>its ok because i say it is!

post your NNID and I'll race you right now

>wasted my time with an user saying how much I hate the game and listed problems paired with sources and testimonials
>race me now!

Fuck no i'm still trying to see how to get mkwii with mods working and playing nioh. Only use my WiiU is going to get now is pirated BoTW.

hold on, if you hate the game this much then why in all fuck do you allegedly have 240 hours put into it? Just admit it, you're a filthy fucking liar, that's why you won't post a timestamped pic.

>Imma play CoD and ebin GTA with so much adult swearing, blood and sex jokes LMFAO i'm so mature haha and all my ps4 cutscene games.

>Only use my WiiU
>posts a screenshot of MK8 playtime alone of 240+ hours
I can't tell, but are you still telling me the Wii U wasn't a worthwhile purchase for you?

I could say the same thing about the Wii but appearently the majority of Sup Forums had it as their first console.

Not that user but 240 hours isn't a long time
Especially when you count for idle time as well

what, did he idle for 230 hours?
yeah no, it's clear he's just another shitposter.

I doubt he had a Wii U for just those 240 hours of MK 8, though.

Especially when you count for the fact you're an evasive weasel.

I'm a huge mario kart fan. You would have a headache seeing how much time I spent on DS and Wii. Its not the worst game ever but lackluster to the previous titles.

>timestamp nintendrone meme

Now you can fuck off.

>Only use my wiiu NOW

It wasn't because I only played like 5 other games especially splatoon which was the best IMO. MK8 is my first game 240 is pathetic over a couple of years.

Now's the time to start scouring for one under $100 and pirate everything.

>this is what nintenyearolds actually believe

>lying to my face

MK8 is the best kart game.
The only flaw is the battle mode

Now that it can be purchased second-hand and any profits Nintendo or its subsidiaries may have received are eliminated...

...and you can directly steal any and all of the produced content instead of pay for any disc, download or license via years worth of efforts of hacking groups who've detailed "how to" so that anyone can do it...

...now is the time to buy it. You've been wanting to because it has content you want but no way man, support them? Fuck that! There are better things to spend your money on, don't spend it on your interests.

So I could play every game on the system for free before launch date

Monster hunter, smash bros, and promise of new Zelda, then all three of those became available on a different console.

Because it has the only open world game with mecha

Bought it for 150$ on gamestop in 2014, worth it

>expected all sorts of sequels and ports
>no Trauma Team game, no FFCC port, no LoZ:FSA port, no various DS game sequels
Severely disappointed here especially since I got screwed with that first year and no deluxe promotion