>A glorified trash mob that drops 270 accessories for LITERALLY no effort when you will be run dun scaith for other rewards anyways
What did Yoshi-P mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


yes the relic quest is a waste of time we get it

A lot of people just came back and they are trying to catch them up for the next expansion.

Why do you fucking care? Go play some Korean mmo that makes you grind 200 hours for 1 piece of gear you faggot.

Agree, we are at the end of HW, who vives a shit at this point

>Do a Trial roulette
>Get Final Steps
>Wipe on the final phase
>Fem Lizardshitter and Memefell healers start bitching each other out.
>One intentionally dies on the next attempt to they can protest the other healer.

Jesus Christ, I just want the stupid tomes.

Are other data centers this shit? I'm only on the frogfucker one because my friends refuse to leave.

should i sub to ffxiv? my first month free ran out and i did have a lot of fun with the game, but I'm not sure if I'll get my money's worth since I don't know if I'll play it that often

Is Proto Ultima supposed to be dropping 270 accessories? I ran Dun Scaith yesterday and didn't get shit from him.

He gives you a token you trade in for 270 pieces

That depends on you, the game is great and If you had fun with the first month then you will like the rest

I want them to nerf anima steps to literal cake-walk teir so all the nerds who wasted their time get analy destroyed that latecomers get what they ground out because idiocy

In regards to levelling via dungeons, is it more efficient to do a full clear (all mobs) or speed through each time? (Tank btw if Q times matter)

>2 new emotes
>both on the mogstation for 7 bucks

I don't personally care about the emote crap, but holy fuck are they milking their RP audience.

he doesn't drop anything. the quest you get requires a Diabolos Hollow kill. you can get put into one in progress past ultima and get it anyway.

what i'm most disappointed in is that i never won the blood sword glamour

never seen shit like this in JP





Potd is still faster and more efficient. Dungeons pre-endgame might as well not exist

but potd breeds shitters
i never recommend potd for newcomers

Japanese culture means they're all trying their best and not wasting anyone else's time.

It's the only audience that pays a sub during dead patches

No it's not, retard. Not when the roulette bonus alone gives you nearly an entire level's worth of EXP.

>doing POTD with randoms

enjoy getting a tank who pulls big thinking he's in a level 60 roulette and wiping the group

rpers are usually the most invested in the game

that was the main reason they wasted so much time answering housing questions at fanfest

>I have given up

If he's new he had enough ways to level besides dungeons, and bro. This game breeds shitters.

>The new tomestones and the raids will be released a few weeks after the release of the expansion
>The new tomestones and the raids
>The new tomestones
>new tomestones



It's really good until you finish all the content, and you can just wait until you have more time since it's not going anywhere until the expansion.

shitter detected, you can pull easily even without healers.
t. PLD/DRK, Warrior cucks go die.

Are you somehow surprised?

Once a day, compared to an entire level per floor 50 run all the way up until near level 50. Roulette XP is horrifically overstated

That's only true because the actual video game content that core players want barely lasts a full month of sub time.

this game is built on vertical progression

you don't get off the hamster wheel until you realize you're on it in the first place




So what tomes should I fucking cap then?

Nothing, since there's no point other than getting a minimal advantage on SB release. If you had to cap anything, scripture.

>those weeaboo names
>them races
Why didn't you bail out immediately upon laying your eyes on the pixels that made up the letters of their names?
What were you expecting?

At least they weren't French.

>people shit on Legion
>when FFXIV is 10 times worse and more casual

And yesterday I had a healer who felt horrible because he forgot to turn off Cleric Stance in the Vault. Poor guy even said he would take it off the toolbar.

>Changes to Parry, Accuracy, Blocking, PIE, etc
The dumbing down of this game is getting beyond ridiculous. Why would you change accuracy? Gearing up in this game is boring enough as it is and accuracy is the only thing that makes you think about how you gear up. If they remove accuracy it's just going to be a case of pick the gear with the higher number.

it already is that way. most players don't do anything that requires accuracy anyway

where my cute c@bois @

If your level is close to the mobs level clear it. If you are much higher just speedrun it.


On your containment server.

you gonna cry user?

I'm pretty sure stats are just going to be taken away entirely by 5.0. They'll just base everything on iLvl.

It's great until you finish all the story content then it kind of sucks. The story itself will take a long time though so I'd say it's worth subbing for a few months.

Vertical progression mmos are literally gearing up to higher number.

If you want to be efficient with your time, daily leveling roulette and hunting log are the only things you should ever do to level up your character.

>Tanks are probably going to break 150k hp by 4.5
>Fire IV will probably crit for over 100k
It's only been two expansions. How did they let the numbers get so out of hand?

I've never RPed and I've never unsubbed.

maybe you have stuff Sup Forums dont have

XIV has ZERO (0) future proofing

>people who name themselves after characters from other FF's

I liked Proto-Ultima. But that was only because on my first try, I was with a horrifically bad group that mostly tanked the floor and it got to the point where there was maybe 7 of us trying to kill him before Supernova. We legit beat him after the countdown finished and the supernova animation started.

I'm sure in a few weeks when everyone has a handle on it the fight wont seem as spectacular, but it was a good first impression.

Stats should have stopped going up at what they were at in ARR.

HP shouldn't have gone above 9999. Damage shouldn't have gone above 9999.

However, since we've already broken that, I think it would be best to keep things from going past 99999 but I doubt that's going to happen either.

I'm not looking forward to when people have over a million HP and hit for several hundred thousands of damage. It's just stupid and needlessly inflated.

its just ultima hard mode post 50% with bigger adds and no damage splitting

>Saw a Prompto in Bagpipe Land
>He wasn't even a Machinist

Most people are killing him in less than 2 minutes, dude. You just got the mouthbreathers.

random name generator for midlanders spits out FF protag names. it may not be intentional

>some guy actually used lightstick at the idol event
fucking japs

The HP gap between 2.5 and 3.5 is around x3.5~x4 so you can expect the same for the gap between 3.5 and 4.5.

>how did they let the numbers get out of hand?
They didn't. There's only been one expansion and you're just assuming shit that hasn't happened yet.

>all these cringelords wearing the event gear on their female characters in metallic dye

>All the ERP autists that are going to make idol characters and use the ERP emote

Metallic dye was a mistake

>metallic dye

Don't remind me.

Only Parry needs to go or to be completely reworked into something useful.
Accuracy is debatable.

Just turn parry into counter

Is this the most popular holiday outfit ever?

We will never get a counter tank, which SAM could have been

parrying now done with qtes


I hope this doesn't get to retarded levels like in wow.
Numbers so big it has to truncate the scrolling battle text, fucking christ.

Parry procs GCD.

still useless when not taking damage


It's like you haven't been around in these threads for long. also changes not always mean "dumbing down".

The exponential growth factor in stats isn't that big.

I remember when just seeing a comma in the damage number was big enough of a paradigm shift. Now you need 'M' suffixes because you hit for millions and commas aren't enough anymore.

>cutest fucking outfit ever
>it dyes like shit
sasuga yoshi

New player here, should I still get the lvl 50 artifact weapon or wtv it's called? Will it be needed for lvl 60 stuff?

>also changes not always mean "dumbing down".
With this game, that's exactly what it means.

>cutest fucking outfit ever

Nah don't bother unless you want it for glamour

white mages are the absolute worst players.

No, it could also mean "crash and burn it down".

I bet this is Balmung.

>log in
>another maintenance
Holy shit what the FUCK are they doing? They just had like a 12 hour one yesterday.

Do they seriously only have like 1 guy working on the servers or something?

Maybe if you buy more things from the store they can hire more people

nop, Phoenix

Incoming stat crunch

>going to ul'dah for the seasonal event
>faggy catboys' boyband spamming dance while shouting nonsense at stage
thanks balmung

lalafells disgust me on a primal level

They're goofs and decided they wouldn't put the crafting Khloe in game til tomorrow, so they're doing another maintenance for that. No idea why they didn't just add her on Tuesday.

So which Songbird gives the best ending?

nope it's useless and so will the lvl60 one when the next xpack comes out
granted! they will carry you all the way into the very late levels before they become outclassed like the lvl 50 relic carrys you all the way into 58 before it's considered outclassed
but there's the whole stupid grinding for it and dungeons that are non existent because no one plays them anymore unless you're a tank
it's not worth it to me but if you like glamor worthy items you'll definitely want to pick one up in your spare time

>2 exhaustible sources of xp
Maybe if you're playing for an hour, PotD beats the shit out of both. Level per run all the way up to HW, 15-20 minutes tops sometimes 10 with a speedrun group.

Because crafting resets are on Thursdays.

>implying you wouldn't enjoy Krile giving you the succor