Is he right?

Is he right?

Horizon review thread.


He didn't even play it did he? He's just parroting bullshit.
The game is actually surprisingly good and the sjw stuff is completely overblown as usual.

He's pretty much the most right


Sure, whatever you say.

Did you play it user?

reviews parroting shit and debasing a game for the sake of fanboyism are just as bad as paid reviews

It was fine until the "buy Zelda instead"
Lost all credibility and is clearly a nintedrone

Lmao he didn't even play the fucking game

Notice he never describes the reason it's shit. Just says it is and expects you to ride his cock.

>If a reviewer gives it a good score its clickbait

>if a reviewer gives it a bad score its clickbait

Newsflash all reviews are clickbait.

Literally just parroting other 0 reviews with his own attempt at being quirky.

>reviewing a game, then shill for another game in that review

>Average User Score 7.2
But it's 8.7

Dunno if he's right. Didn't play the game and don't plan to in the near future.

Sony shills spammed the score with 10's to raise it.

I have heard bad things about it, but when one of the things you dislike about the game is its "bigoted" I tend not to believe you


He's just parroting what everyone already knows about most triple A games released now. You know going into a triple A they will be like that. If you don't like it, don't even bother with them. They are designed for dudebros.

>I feel as if I have to put in a review to counter all the clearly biased posts from 'fans'
>I am a far bigger Final Fantasy fan than most critics

Holy shit, is this Sup Forums?

He gave Metroid Prime: Federation Force a good score. Maybe I should give the game a chance.

And Nintoddlers spammed it with 0 to decrease it, so fags have no influence in the end.

>literally who


it was good then he turned into a nintendo marketer at the end

A 0 score is typically the sign of severe bias. A game to get zero pretty much has to be broken. Unplayable via bugs, bad optimization, and potentially even not delivering on promised features or content.

Few games should ever see 0.


True, I'd believe him more if he gave it like a 6 or 7 but a 0 just shows extreme hatred toward the product

Jesus Christ that's some shit writing. Is it all like this

Let's be honest here. Anyone giving the game a 10 is a shill. Anyone giving the game a 0 is an anti-shill. Both of them are crazy and retarded and neither deserves to be given credence.

You should! The game is genuinely fun.

It is.

No such thing. It's still a shill.

Welcome to Metacritic. Enjoy your stay.

That's just utterly disgusting.

Why do people actually let leftists write for entertainment and media? It's like they have a deadly loathing of success.

I'd bet at least 300 bucks botw gets mentioned.
>new zelda instead
Yep, i was right.

>Read publication review that scored the game a 6 or lower out of 10
>Take all the negative aspects in said review and exaggerate the shit out of them.
>Fluff up your article with drivel to make it seem longer than it is.
>Watch about 5 minutes of gameplay footage as an excuse to talk about graphics and animation

Wow it's like he just took bullshit that other people said and didn't play the game at all!

Honestly, I just watch some guy play a game on youtube and decide if I want to be doing those things.

>Is he right?
No. Don't get me wrong, Horizon is a shitty game and doesn't deserve the praise it gets, but he's just parroting buzzwords instead of actually discussing in depth the things that are legitimately wrong with the game. The final bit about Zelda also exposes him as a shill with a clear pro-Nintendo bias.

If you want unbiased reviews you should stay away from Metacritic, "professional" reviews are pretty much just paid shills and user reviews are fanboys fighting each other.

Is this review by the Worth a Buy guy?

>buy the new zelda
>there is no zelda on PS4

Really gets you painting the ol' canvas, doesn't it?

The game doesn't really go out and say that whites destroyed the world, does it? Realistically it probably would be whites (or chinks) to destroy the world because they built it after all...but still.

Of course the game was made by a whole bunch of white dudes so it's just more obnoxious liberal guilt, not outright hatred.

I would have been fine with it, but why do they always mention "Buy X instead".

especially when he's harping about "those of us who AREN'T paid to review this", then immediately goes and shills something else.

come on man.

horizon is a mediocre game, but by no means is it a 0. It's a 5, maybe a 6. It's playable, it doesn't have any gamebreaking bugs.

>actual sensible review
Ya blew it

Ayyy, this shit right here.

>Hurf and turf, Watchdogs 2 made a literal SJW pig dyke one of the main protagonists
>dis shit literally unplayable senpai!

Mother fucker is one of the antagonists.


played it for a few minutes at a friends house

The conversations and voice acting were noticeably bad, and the accompanying animations looked like still images with moving lips.

the combat and premise was not engaging. You have xray vision, lock-on targeting, so you can you hunt robotic versions of herbivores. AI was non-existent, and enemy LOS was short range, a turkey shoot. I didn't really question why robotic enemies would be vulnerable to fire, but whatever, video games.

graphics were par.

platforming felt rough. There were some climbing options, ala AC, but running/jumping on solid ground felt more like flat surfaces, walls were either obvious platforms, or flat and un-usable. Just kind of generic.

I played for 5 minutes, didn't care if I never played again.

howw fucking ass blasted do you have to be to give something a 0?
i dont even like zero dawn but it shouldnt get less than 5. 0 is not a game.

reviews were a mistake