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You know they will


rating seems a bit harsh, but I guess the criticisms are fair.

>people giving away bad reviews that get atention

so original

so poor people better wait for the revision?

Why would I? I'm not getting a Shitch until it gets some actual games.

It's a rushed half assume console

>cant charge controllers while playing

Holy fuck Nintendo is a shit company. How can they be so retarded? Amateur hour in nipland

what kind of retarded design doesn't let you charge/use wired for a controller?

Why are sites reviewing it when the online component isn't even live yet?

>Joy con are marvelous
>left joy con doesn't sync
Getting mixed signals here.

Well they seem to judging the hardware itself, which is proven to be trash

Is mommy gonna buy you one?

>can't charge controllers while playing on TV in the comforts of your live if room

This has to be a joke right? Why would they make it this way

no. u


What will a day one patch fix?

>All of a sudden everyone and their fucking brother is having problems with the left joycon that have never surfaced before

Really gets those juices flowing.

That being said it doesn't matter what console it is, I always give every launch a few weeks to let it iron out all the bugs.


>Review unit has no online functionality at all yet.

Well, maybe because...
it's a review unit.

day 1 patch hasnt been applied yet

>can't charge controllers while playing on TV
>can't charge the tablet in kickstand mode
Is nintendo retarded?

>putting lack of online because its a review copy into the fucking review

So is the console


It's shit andy, get over it.

Are they supposed to wait months after the system ships to review it?

I wish she did.

I also wished she showed she loved me more.



>half assume

What a retarded fucking thread.

ALL of those issues will be fixed on release.



This, they'll patch it later

probably not day 1 but it could be fixed eventually

you know what the switch needs?

portable nes/snes/etc games

I assume it has VC?

>reviewing the Switch before the day 1 patch that fixes the signal strength of the joy-cons on US units


The takeaways here:

Buy a large SD Card and a 20,000mAh battery pack. If you want to play in docked mode, pick up the Pro controller. Aside from that, it's actually a pretty nice system.

Either way you have to dump a lot of extra money on the thing to have something serviceable. Awesome.

no, she isn't
realistically, i'll even have a chance to get a switch is when it's hacked

>Getting mixed signals here
I bet most people will have mixed signals playing with the joycons

Do you actually have to stop using the joycons in order for them to charge? There's no cable to attach like with ta PS4 controller?

We can close the thread now

much worse is that the cable for the display goes into the bottom of the thing. Instead like the wii U on top, you can't really play comfy with the switch this way.

No, you can use a charging grip to charge them while playing

It's a non issue either way. Joy-cons last 20 hours on a charge. You will never be playing for more than 20 hours straight.

So you'll be spending $300 for the system, $40 for a battery, and $60(?) for a better controller.

$400 really isn't bad considering the functions. So overall, price is somewhat comparable to current gen consoles. A fully-portable home console is still an awesome idea IMO.

You know that thing you slap the joycons into to make a real controller? You have to buy a special version of that thing if you want to actually charge the things. Otherwise I guess you are stuck swapping the joycons between the controller mount and the switch itself each time you pick up a game / put it down.


just buy procontroller x-D why are u so dumb lel nintendo is best

I don't really share that opinion, but if it's worth it to you then I hope you enjoy the thing.

I avoided buying a vita because having to drop another $50-90 on top of the base price rubbed me the wrong way. For me the switch is even worse. But hey, maybe they will pull a vitaTV and release a model that is basically just the console mode.

how about i'll spend $150 on the system four years from now when SMTV comes out. I think I can live with the prospect having the ending of super mario galaxy spoiled for me.


>portable nes/snes/etc games
Everyone already has a smartphone capable of running those. The only worthwhile VC titles would be Gamecube

>review unit doesn't have online yet
Damn maybe its because its a fucking review unit?

Joycon is a big issue if that persists after release. The other issues are kind of odd to put into the review. All consoles are better a year or two after their release. Giving a numbered score at this point seems pretty silly.

I doubt it, but I would bet money they'll make a version that's more portable with a smaller screen, no detachable joycons, longer battery, and no dock within 18 months

the biggest issue for portables is battery life

whats the max you can get?

6 hours in menus, 3 in the most intensive games. Basically a bit better than the Vita at launch, but worse than the N3DS and Vita 2000

>worse than 3ds
is pretty much the same as the launch 3ds.

>shitty console needs a day 1 patch now to be playable

t. someone who didn't buy a launch 3DS

Those things were abysmal dude. It's a good thing the only thing you could play was a shitty port of street fighter since the battery was gone instantly

I hope you people are not still going to buy the launch versions of the console when you know the damn controllers don't work.

Apparently Nintendo always kept people close to the console/screen. Not sure if they knew about this though.

I am and you can't stop me

You madman!

>lack of online
>when is getting online on launch day
whats the point of making a review and saying a negative that will be fixed in2 days?

>So overall, price is somewhat comparable to current gen consoles.
For $150 cheaper you can have a PS4 or Xbox One plus a video game and a working controller.

Delete this

>Shitch until it gets some actual games.
More games than Xbox and PS4 combined.

Wow you sure showed him. PS4 therefor has over 1000 games, Switch a shit.