How did Iga do it?

How did Iga do it?

How did he create the perfect game?

he didn't

most classicvanias are better than the best of his metroidvanias

That isn't Rondo of Blood.


>not a casual

>That isn't Rondo of Blood.
Actually, it kind of is. SotN is mostly made from bits of Rondo.

not him and if you are a self replying op shame on you but he's right.

If it didn't have such a shit artstyle/final boss, Dawn of Sorrow would have been the best. I love the build variety the soul system gave it.

Not me.

I loved DoS too, but let's be fucking real here, it had some serious issues beyond those.
Soul weapon fusion meant that you had to farm souls to get decent weapons. Sure, you could still buy weapons or find them in the castle, but they were invariably underpowered for the points at which you'd find them.
And the soul drop rate for some of the enemies, including ones needed for the weapon upgrades, were unforgivably bad. I still have dull memories of killing Iron Golems on end just to upgrade my shitty longsword tree.
Also, the stylus input for the magic circles was annoying. It didn't flow well in gameplay, having to fumble around with the stylus the instant you kill a boss to draw the dumb patterns correctly on time just wasn't fun.

by recycling 95% of Rondo of Blood sprites.

I guess were ignoring the empty copypasted levels, a complete lack of difficulty, balancing so bad you have to try not to break the game, mediocre bosses and the inverted castle?

Hey man it's a real good game but it ain't no super metroid.

True, SotN doesn't have anything as awful as the grapple beam.

Do you ever actually need the grapple in SM? Walljumping and shinesparking seems to be enough from what I remember.

Dunno, there's sections that can't be walljumped for sure.

>he doesn't like my game!
>better call him a casual! that will show him

>sprites = gameplay

Give me some examples brah

Post your top 5 Castlevania games, please.

Trying to figure out which ones to get. Only played SotN and Circle of the Moon so far.

Get Portrait of fucking Ruin, son. You're goddamn welcome.

Igavania has one glaring flaw

the level design is boring

Metroid destroys it in this regard

Rondo of blood is the best castlavnia and the second one is dracula x chronicles

prove me wrong.

I don't have the whole of SM's map commited to memory, so no. There's at least one or two grapple sections where either side of the drop is a horizontal overhang or worse. Maybe it's possible to walljump it, but I doubt it.

>How did Iga do it?
>How did he create the perfect game?

Iga didnt create or directed Symphony of The Night. Toru Hagihara was the main director. Iga just took the director duty late on production.

Oh wow one or two sections that require the grapple for like half a second what a drag.

Aria of Sorrow is a good choice if you enjoyed those two. Coming from someone who's first CV was CotM.

Aria and Dawn of Sorrow.

Ignore the shit artstyle in the latter and get the hack to insta-complete the seals if you emulate it and it's a good fun.

There's considerably more than one or two, and having to fumble around with walljumping or awkward shinesparking isn't much better as an alternative.

>Aria and Dawn of Sorrow.
great games.
i wish they play more with the soul sucking powers in games

>I decided to start with cv3 for my entry into the series

Every bit of suffering I feel rn, purely my fault

Bloodstained is using pretty much the same soul system as AoS and DoS.

Aa~ Aria ofu Sorrowu ienai desuka