Goodbye Windows 10

What will you do when microsoft bans all third-party programs which were not downloaded from the windows store?

This includes:
- pretty much all games you own
- steam and every other game store

This will also make it impossible to pirate shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the news link:

This is from a leaked windows version. Microsoft hasn't announced it yet.


>pic related
>a bunch of baseless paranoid conjecture
Come on, even microsoft is not that dumb. They will give you the option to disable it unless they want to lose a giant portion of their userbase.


don't be stupid

if microsoft actually did this, it would open the floodgates in a race for competitors to enter the home OS market

and microsoft's data collection business is far too valuable for that to ever happen

>no argument except "t-they wouldn't!!"
They can and will.

Normies don't even know what an OS exactly is, they can't install another OS

Install gentoo

Year of the Linux desktop soon

You forgot to read the part after "unless". Also this

Cool ransomware, bro

Pretty much this
MS is literally digging their grave
They will also kill PC gaming by this, how fucking ironic
They make 30% from every sale in their store. That would bring more money than data mining.

Where my Windows 8.1 bros at?

>What will you do
Install another OS. No drama.

>not running dual boot already

dead in 2-3 years because the normies will only use the windows store so you wont get any updated programs

>since you can't disable automatic update in windows 10

But, you can do that.

We are talking about normies here. They ruin everything by being retarded

Fearmongering nonsense. This would be suicide for Microsoft.

mfw ubuntu

yeah i know its entry level but worst linux is better than best windows

Corps know and it's the biggest market Microsoft has.
Imagine what would happen if MS told all those big players they can't run their in house win32 software that cost a fortune to develop.

This won't affect pro users (for now)

simple solution, upgrade your pirated Windows 10 to a pirated Windows 10 pro.

>Windows 10 catches up on Terminal functionality that has been on Mac and Linux distros for years
>Feature designed for IT admins
>Not aimed at power users but at businesses and education

I love how Sup Forums goes full retard and screams "PAJEET" over and over. Makes them look even crazier while they shill a NSA approved Linux distro (Or is letting the NSA look at your computer OK now because Sup Forums is in charge?)

We're still waiting for them to kill DOS in XP when everyone said they would back in 2001.

Just you wait. Microshit will do it. You'll see.

They will remove this feature
And you wont be able to pirate windows when you can't run the pirating program
>no argument
>defending MS this hard
>irrelevant comparison which isn't even real

You're a pathetic shill

What competitors? The assortment of Linux variants already exists and they just aren't popular with normies for a bunch of reasons, macOS requires really expensive proprietary hardware and anything else is more or less just a curiosity. And for what it's worth, making an all-new operating system is a fucking herculean undertaking and the bullshit hardware support issues will eat you alive unless you go for an Apple-style walled garden, and that will get you killed because you're not Apple.

Are you using Intel CPU? You are In the botnet goyim. Better remove it.

"Insecure apps" basically lets them have control over what is and isn't insecure. I imagine Steam would be considered secure but the fact that you have to basically have Microsoft's permission is already incredibly controlling.

>irrelevant bullshit
Come on, you are literally out of arguments now. And probably sweating and being mad while I'm just laughing at your incompetence

Steam isn't secure because it downloads applications which could be insecure.
There, a valid reason why MS doesn't have them let into the store.

This is literally the reason Steam supports Linux now. If Microsoft were stupid enough to do this, the sky still wouldn't be falling.

Exactly. Gaben was right when he showed concerns some years ago, but the shills all said he was "paranoid"

>he fell for the Windows 10 meme

Windows 7 is the best all around Windows they've made and some of you faggots gave it up because you wanted to have the hip new sprinkled covered shit that people were talking about. I bet some of you even "upgrade" because you believed Windows 10 was better for games.

>he's using an intel cpu
nice attempt at dodging though

Pretty much. But hey, now you can download your games through the new and improved Xbox™ store, blocking Steam from running on our systems is just a coincidence and the 30% cut we get on each sale has nothing to do with it, it's just security!

Cool but the burden of proof is on you that they're going to force this on you. You're just giving a lot of "well they could" nothing absolutely concrete.

I wouldn't put it past Microsoft anyways. *shrugs*

If this happens I will just switch to Linux, which is why Microsoft isn't gonna do this.

why would Microsoft destroy the only reason people use Windows for?

just more fake news as always

Win7 will die because developers will focus on making "win10 store apps"
Am I? Does it not allow me to run certain software if it doesn't come from the "Intel Software" store?
We're not discussing the telemetry here.

>mfw cracked win 10

not video games

Why is MS so incompetent and malicious at the same time? Holy shit they've overstayed their welcome.

Sorry fampai, but your cracking program will be blocked when the mandatory upgrade comes.
>OS used by most gamers
>not related to Sup Forums

for what purpose

fucking linux faggots false flagging

Use windows 10 LTSB thanks me later faggots.

Hi lebbit

This is for windows cloud. It's a free version of windows built for tablets and all-in-ones that you'd give to your kids or elders.

This isn't standard Windows 10.

That said, it's fucking dumb to do in the first place, unless they are going to offer a sandbox that can run the software that people likely spent money on.

Install Gentoo

>one of the most widely used OSs dying because people were retarded enough to get Windows 10

In your dreams. If Linux can still get support then 7 will have no problems getting some as well, and no developer would risk losing out on the 7 demographic because of how fuckhuge it is.

so then where are the video game discussions in this thread?

>Sorry fampai, but your cracking program will be blocked when the mandatory upgrade comes.
but amigo, i blocked so much shit. that i can't even open windows store or ENABLE updates now

windows 10 is a better version of 7 they said,.,.,

Their new CEO isn't too smart, only wants to make as much profit as possible
They probably also realized normies are mostly only using the web browser to do everything
Linux isn't outdated, win7 is 8 years old and wont be soon supported by hardware makers and MS
Show me an official statement that says the cloud version is a chromebook competitor

this can't be real

>Show me an official statement that says the cloud version is a chromebook competitor
when did he say that?

Microsoft loses nothing from having someone like you switch to Linux though. The software and service sales are where the real money is, someone running a pirated version of Windows with none of the commercial Microsoft offerings isn't going to bring in any money and could just as well be running some flavor of Linux when the bottom line is concerned.

>not pirating Enterprise edition

We're talking about the normies here.

I bought my version of W10 because when I switched it was damn near impossible to crack it. I HAVE bought shit from the store, but this will make me switch. They would be loosing future sales.

Does this mean steam os will be the only viable way to play games in the future

>damn near impossible to crack it.
why crack it when you can just get it for free from microshit?

See ya kiddo.


I'm talking about 2 years ago.



Sorry fampai, you can find great replacement tools in our Windows Store(TM)

You fucking plebs have no idea how awesome this news is. It's about time they made safety rails for casuals. Those of us who aren't incompetent will work around this.

Sure, but you won't be running windows any more.

Holy shit, Valve's fears are coming true.

Make sure you have some form of Linux installed if you want a fallback when this finally goes live. Fucking hell.

this is what people do for fun when they can't play vidyagaems on their system

really now

According to your own links, you can turn that on or off anytime you want.

you do not realise this movement would mean the extinsion or piracity and free knowledge? They could whipe out any competitor and undesired file, program and whatever the want, that is litteraly the dystopical monopoly of the IT

>year of our lord 2017
>using winrar

Just like everyone said you could turn off telemetry/botnet and forced windows updates before the release?

>Is optional

wow, really md me thnk

I also use Linux, if you have an IQ above 50 you should be too.

Hows steam os?
Most of my games are either pirated or on steam, will I be good when using it?

>Windows 10 Professional Insider Preview


Is Windows 8.1 worth the up to date DX11? I don't mind a tablet style desktop as long as I don't have to deal with Microsoft's Spyware.

Dude, Microsoft has been trying to get into the same game as Apple for years. Every single act they've done has been consistent with this. Every move they make limits the options of the average PC user, they never do anything that expands them.

it's a really early version that wasn't customized yet by microsoft. I can give you the ISO link as proof.
It's still rough but I don't think valve will miss the chance to fix and promote it heavily now

>all this bullshit about spying and mandatory updates
>why do you cracked windows when you can get it for free????

Just look at the compatability of the games you want to be playing, it's lackluster in all honesty. If you want a more fully featured Linux desktop OS try Ubuntu, it performs on par with SteamOS and is relatively beginner friendly.

>not using ltsb

>Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro

Holy shit, what the
is wrong with you guys?
Windows 10 Cloud is a different OS, kinda like ChromeOS. It runs its own set of apps since it's a web-based OS. It's obvious you won't be able to run x86 programs on it. Or are you trying to install Chrome from the .exe file on android or ARM-based processors?

Fucking hell.

Google Chrome does the same thing addons and it fucking sucks.

>What will you do
Just like with Google Chrome, stop using it.

I thought 7 and 8 both got updates that added in all the bullshit 10 had.

Haven't had auto-updates on in years and it was a while when all this shit happened.

There are still win emuÄs right? Cant I just use them to play the not supported games?

>wanting to be part of a russian botnet instead of Microsofts botnet

It's an alpha, the text at the bottom right was not fixed yet by MS
>kinda like ChromeOS
> It runs its own set of apps since it's a web-based OS
It is the same as win10 but with the ability to tun exe files removed. Proof:
woafre DOT tk/2017/02/08/windows-cloud-part-3/



If you want to play on Linux, is better to install literally any distro but SteamOS.
SteamOS uses a lot of propetary software and last time i checked you couldn't run Wine on it. Wine is a compatibility layer to run windows-based applications, meaning you can play most of the windows games with some tweaking.
SteamOS won't let you install it, so i wouldn't recommend you to use it unless you plan to go full Linux.



kek, tell yourself that

>tfw too intelligent to fall for this update and install it

7 and 8 only supports DX11 and while 8.1's version is at 11.3, 7 could only go up to a modified version of 11.1