Just got a "new" 3ds xl used for 100, that includes charger and Ocarina of time 3d

Just got a "new" 3ds xl used for 100, that includes charger and Ocarina of time 3d

Games are still hella expensive, so what route would I need to go to upload a homebrew to the system? Version is 11.3.0-36U if that matters.

Sorry but you're fucked, 11.3 can't be hacked yet.

sorry mate

Oh dammit. Oh well, 100 bucks for something that is worth 200 to normies is good anyway

It shouldn't take too long before it's hacked, the 3ds hacking scene is pretty fast. It's gonna happen eventually.

just keep it offline and wait for a hack.

when the switch comes out in 2 days, 3DS prices are gonna plummet below $100 on the used market.

I figured they would stay the same because of 3ds not being made anymore, like the wii u

If I have a like new n3DS XL (Red) with all original accessories + a charger, but with a9lh pre-installed, how much could I sell that for?

>hella expensive
>30-40 dollars
Jesus christ.

You can get to the homebrew channel on 11.3, but you can't fully hack it yet. Go check the general for info

Who the fuck said that? Ninty just said the 3ds has a few more years left in it

No you cant
You need hombrew to do the softwere hack and nintendo patched hardmode in the last update

I'm not sure what you're trying to convey with this post. Is it agreement?

30 quid for a 3 year old game is a travesty. Why do 3ds games never go down in price

well, they made a fuck ton of 3ds's
unless you want to wait 2 decades, there will be plenty of them them around for years

>Just got a "new" 3ds xl used for 100
I don't understand
Is it new or is it used?

You'd have to sell it to normies if you want to sell for more than market price. You try selling it on ebay and autists can flag you for selling the software when you arent supposed to

Why would they? Nintendo has a monopoly on the handheld market after Sony fucked up.

The handheld market is virtually extinct
Sony didn't fuck up, they just go the short end of the stick. Both 3DS and PSVita saw a huge decline from the generation (DS and PSP), with Nintendo losing 90 million and Sony losing 70 million

It's used, but it's the "new" 3ds xl model, not the ordinary 3ds xl. Get what I'm saying?

>Sony didn't fuck up

Who's on first?

Hardmod should still work

nigga 3ds prices are dropping like crazy because there's so many of them out there.

wii u at least keeps it's value because there's not much out there and it got discontinued quickly.

In the sense that it's not their fault the handheld market is evaporating. Yes, the Vita had problems, but even if it had no problems, it would still be facing a rapidly vanishing market.

3DS beat the shit out of the Vita because it was fucking garbage. I'm glad Sony lost, they should just fuck off forever or go third party already

>3DS beat the shit out of the Vita
That's your problem in that you only look at things in terms of A vs B. Not everything is a console war. There is an overall picture.

And the overall pictures is that handhelds are going extinct. DS to 3DS saw a decline over over 90 million users. PSP to Vita saw a decline of nearly 70 million users. Together Nintendo and Sony lost nearly 200 million handheld owners. Those people are happily playing on their phone now. It will only get worse.

Did the 3DS "beat" Vita? Well sure. But how relevant is that? Only if you're an idiot fan boy who can't look at the big picture.

People said the 3DS was going to flop and the Vita was going to win. Look at them now. The 3DS is still selling and keeps raking in more cash and now Nintendo created the most powerful handheld of all time with games like botw and smo. Cellphones will never replace handhelds.

So naive