Do you play video games in another language?

Do you play video games in another language?

I will play Zelda BoTW with Spanish subs

Other urls found in this thread:

I want to fuck that dragon

only japanese if no english dub is available

I hate this meme

why the fuck

Metro 2033 and Last Light are only playable in Russian dub with English subs

Any asianese game should be played with the original asianese voice actors because the translated actors are awful.

Real dragon coming through

I play Jap games with Jap sub/dub, everything else Eng sub/dub.

Why does she speak Spanish? She should be speaking Nahuatl or something.



Kanna is superior.

Because Mexicans wish they could ever be as cool as ancient Mesoamerican civilizations

White Spanish or Spic Spanish, OP?

son you are retarded


Spanish is a terrible language and I fucking hate it.

Mexican Spanish is the best dub for Zelda


I honestly can't stand the way latinos pronounce the c/z desu

>not likinig la leyenda de zelda: a todo gas onda vital lobezno

lmao pleb

But its true

Ancient Mexicans thought they had roots in Mesoamerican civs like Mayans, but the ancient Mayans were actually documented as having pale skin, and possibly being of Germanic descent, so it's another case of shitskins trying to steal white inventions/culture

no you



Sorry, not ancient mexicans

Meant to say modern mexicans

>be american
>able to only speak one language. not even that well.

>Ancient Mexicans thought they had roots in Mesoamerican civs like Mayans, but the ancient Mayans were actually documented as having pale skin, and possibly being of Germanic descent
>mayan pale skin



As an American, I disliked Spanish.

Then I went to Paris and met Spaniards. I despise it, now.

The men sound so effeminate and the women seem obnoxious. It's just an ugly way of speaking. Is this normal?

I want to _______ that dragon

Depends on the accent, at least for me.
Spaniard/Argentinan accents sound just fine, the others are just Chinese-tier annoying.


He is right though

You know how people generally like British English more than American English?

With Spanish, it's the opposite.

Spaniards seriously just look like spics to me

Are you implying that those people aren't white?
Some of them are just a bit tanned

Kanna is for protecting.




I'm not a Sup Forums tier retard and I don't care about not being white, but that's just retarded

Next thing you are going to say it's that squidward noses (Argentines) are white

Kanna is fox sex. And ravioli.

I don't get it, do Mexicans really talk like this?

Wow, they took the ugliest of them all.


You clearly haven't seen any Latinos, then.

>have aztec traditions
>have aztec cousine
>people still use nahuatl words
>some cities have nahuatl names

I don't know you tell me.


>Wanting to listen to a bunch of moors speak with a lisp

I'd take the Central & South American dialect everytime.

I live in California, my man. Bay Area.

Guys like the top 4 are a dime a dozen around here, and the women aren't anything out of the ordinary.


Well, whiter.

Lmao, no

I've seen whiter in Mexico's DF, and they aren't White, either.

Sure thing. Pepe vital.


why is Quetzalacotl so popular but no other Aztecians are?


>the voice actor for deku tree in the Mexican dub is the same nigga that voiced Cell.

Hell yea I'm picking this bitch up in Mexican.

Some mexicans are still living like Indians.

I'm a literal retard, how does that explain why they say WE WUZ, wouldn't it make sense to say SOMOS?

Holy shit you might actually be retarded


Fixed that for you

I don't give a fuck if Spain is white, it's their dub that mostly gets the flak

Cell latin spanish voice is amazing

Both Spanish dubs pronounce "Hyrule" incorrectly, so as a fellow LatinAmerican, fuck them.

Also, Zelda having Hinata Hyuga's VA feels weird, not gonna lie.

That meme doesn't apply to Mexico/LatAm though.

That's the way you pronounce Hyrule

Italian and French dub pronounce it as Irule too

if there is a jap audio with english subs then yeah

gee i wonder why

American's sounds like the correct way, "Jairul" basically.


Yeah but everything else in the American VA sounds like shit, I think it's a good tradeoff


stop going to stormfront to learn about history

I wish I could have Spanish dubs with English game text. I've been debating just getting the taco version. It's just that mi espanol no es bonito.

Fafnir best dragon

Goddamn this voice is fucking godly

Cállate animal.

Alguien esta enojado porque su dialecto es una mierda.

Because Q was the only Aztec god that didn't demand human sacrifices, therefore the only one left-wing media will acknowledge ever existed in the noble wonderful natural culture of the peaceful and not the slightest bit bloodthirsty Aztecs

Yes, I'm from Spain but play whenever I can with English audio/subs, since most of the time I get annoyed by translations.

>no sabe diferenciar entre acento y dialecto

T.Alberto Abdul Muhammad

This post is very wrong in several levels.


only Argentina is white, the rest tanned or black basically.


>Argentina is white
Keep deluded yourself spic

Doesn't matter, history will be rewritten as many times as needed to make it true. Only Europeans can be evil in any way.

Guys you're seriusly retarded everytime you say Argentina is not white, Argentina has white and non-white population, white population that is European descent from the XIX century they're as white as Italian and Spanish(mainly Galician) people, while there are people from native descent that are 0% white.

sure you are Maradona

>This is a japanese aztec god
what did japan mean by this?

I'm playing Nier replicant, will get Puyo Puyo Tetris and Zelda in Japanese, maybe Bomberman if there's no JP voice option in the NA release

isnt Argentina literally whiter than America?

shut the fuck up and post more anime tiddies


>falling for the memes
Shhh, let them think we are full of niggers.