ITT: casual filters

ITT: casual filters

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>Zelda game
>having casual filters

I wonder how far you have to get into the game before they become mooks that you can mow down. I hope the guardians get easier too. I want to have Link steadily progress as a warrior until he can take down an entire armor of them.

>casual filter
Zelda stopped that 30 years ago

you get arrows that do gigantic damage to guardians at some point

nigga BotW is pretty hard

t. Facebook gaymer.

t. some faggot who hasn't played the game

>I haven't played the game

Stream I was watching, the guy was pretty damn good, and even he was getting his shit pushed in.

I saw the stream. I had scepticism but some of the enemies seemed pretty brutal. I'm talking two or three hits to die.

Is there any fps improvements if you transfer it to system memory instead of USB? It dips to literally 4 fps sometimes just walking through tall grass.

You're joking right? The only semblance of """difficulty""" comes from item management and durability. If it weren't for those, you could easily beat the game in half an hour if you aren't a complete casual scrub.

Hey! I'll have you know i have watched some streams and read some threads on Sup Forums so i know what i'm talking about.

nobody on earth could beat this game in half an hour as that's literally impossible - it takes about half an hour to get the paraglider alone, and at least 10 whole minutes to even get to hyrule castle

porn when?

porn when?

Just spam bombs and run away constantly, you have unlimited bombs for a reason.

lynels run away from bombs

the radius alone is enough to compensate.

they do like 1/50th of his health per explosion

nigga have you ever actually fought a lynel or are you just a shitposter?

nu-Sup Forums everybody

We knew things were bad but here's the proof, this board is fucking dead

Guess you're too young to remember Zelda II's Death Mountain, kiddo.

hey another faggot that hasn't touched the game. Most Zelda games are easy as piss, sure, but BotW is the hardest the franchise has been in a long, long time - fighting guardians and lynels is very challenging.

bombs do fuck all in this game

ok nu-Sup Forums

You were probably born after the Wii, you have nothing to say to me


try playing the game before shitposting about it man

Zelda "difficulty" doesn't mean jack shit.

Zelda "difficulty" is still easier than most other games.

just grind it down, you have UNLIMITED

the game is challenging, but the combat is so barebones is mainly why. the game essentially forces you to get more health/better armor just to be able to withstand blows.

>unlimited bombs

absolutely disgusting. they give you unlimited this but weapon degradation? nintendo has no idea what the fuck they're doing. shame a competent dev didn't make the combat.

you know, like platinum.

This is a gear based game, just eventually get a super master sword and talk to the fat fairy to reinforce your armor until you are invincible.

spoiler that shit

Not really


bombs are a power with a cooldown. what's wrong with that?

>casual filter that late into the game
the Bionite assassins were the real casual filters in Xenoblade

Damage sponge that one-hit KO.

I'm not sure if it is casual filter.


literally first trailer ever confirmed this


where's the sense of managing inventory, you know, like a survival game?

you manage your weapons like ammo. how is that not like a survival game?

He exagerated, but the item management would be much smaller and the game would be easier, big part of difficult comes from item management.

>modern game
>no regen health

What do you do with the guardians in the open? How do you duck the laser?

>Running through giant field
>Suddenly guardian
>Laser beam, dead
>Fairy revive
>Laser beam, dead
>Fairy revive
>Laser beam, dead



just kys

You have to be a little way away, but you can juke/strafe it

I'd prefer to collect materials and craft bombs on the fly or something.

having them have a cooldown feels cheap.
also, doesn't really make sense you have to default invincible weapon, so you can't get stuck. that's game design 101 really.

Casual kiddo detected.

You're really contradicting yourself there

You haven't played the game either you retard. Fuck off with your streamer friend simulator bullshit.

Have you played it yet? The bombs do nearly no dmg to enemies. They're nearly exclusively used for shrines

it's not like you get the invincible weapons from the beginning though. the survival elements don't make sense anymore when you get to that point in the game anyway

I went with the omelette because I felt like I needed the extra protein and the carbs could slow me down.
fuck chloe btw

should've given link guns.

if they wanted to try something "different" and pander to the west.
made it more like fallout.

how can carbs slow you down

>I've never played the early Zelda games.
Zelda II was hard as shit.

calm down autist

then why not just have bomb dispensers in shrines.

since there's no more point to a fun staple zelda weapon, because no more fun allowed I guess.

not sure why they had to fuck with the formula of the series and try to "fix" what wasn't broken in the first place. just goes to show nintendo has no idea what even makes the series compelling themselves.
I saw that interview with aonuma and he listed off all those western open world games. kishima probably forced him to play them even though he couldn't care less, and he just cherry picked a bunch of mechanics and plopped them in this even though they make no sense.

You can outrun it if you sprint, you just have to make sure run at an angle so the laser shoots to your side.
You can probably kill a guardian with melee if you commit.

You can upgrade the bombs.

Your weapons break pretty easily early on, the things would still murder you.
No matter what he says, you do have to get all the runes first.

pretty sure he wasn't being 100% serious when he said that

I mean assuming you have enough weapons, we're talking about survivability. You're not completely fucked if you're in an open field with no horse and there's a guardian. Leading it somewhere with trees would probably be ideal though.

I just realized I can post anything I want. I don't need to fit into your Sup Forums meme etiquette. I can like a game and talk about it if I actually like it. I'm not part of some bigger hivemind. Truly, I've lived in a prison of abstractions, but now I feel set free.

aonuma can't even beat the first 2 zeldas, how can he expect to make a game that's even remotely difficult

actually watch the fucking video, nowhere do they say you can actually beat the game in 15 minutes - that's just a clickbaity title.


I never realized they were supposed to be hard because by that point I was maining Dunban so I didn't notice the Monado didn't work on them



most casuals won't switch out shulk

Just parry the laser back ya dip.

what's juke

there's no way he can beat it without end-game gear. When you rush straight to the final boss without end-game gear, or at least doing the other dungeons first.

what are you casual

>Literally what are the first two games?

no, but he'd run out of weapons.


Well this is a good thing for speed runners, just gotta figure out what needs to be done to have the weapons for the fight

well see in a few weeks about that when there are actual speedruns tho. the fact that you can do stuff like in the video is fucking retarded anyway. reminds me of skyrim

>shitposters are this retarded
let me give you a rundown of the Ganon fight in BotW.
When you rush straight to Ganon, you are also forced into a boss rush against all 4 main bosses before him. They have no reduced HP and you can't carry enough sticks to kill all of them + Ganon.
Also, the Master Sword has a heart requirement just like sword upgrades in Zelda 1.

Must be hard to jerk off as a centaur.

>the fact the game is actually non-linear as promised is retarded

The bombs are usable in the game world. Since their main purpose is to solve puzzles, they need to be infinite. You could argue they should be dispensed, but that wouldn't fit into the "lore". The bombs are just 1 of the few powers you can use with the shiekah slate.

I think they're good overall. I've had a load of fun triggering chain explosions with them. The one thing which is completely stupid is the magnetism power, which lets you shove metal blocks into enemies, killing them near instantly. It's stupid and shouldn't happen, but oh well.

can't you do a bomb-only run

>near instantly

sure if you had the patience. Bombs have a cooldown and do next to no damage

I want to fuck Centauru!

>I need handholding

Zelda games are for small children you retard, there are no casual filters

Remember the last game where all the adults playing a game for 7 year olds complained about the long tutorial?

This game is made for literal toddlers

I've been smashing blocks against the standard mobs in the northern field and killing them very quickly. Reminds me of prop pushing from gmod.

It's also easy to kite tougher enemies with the blocks. Luckily the metal blocks aren't too common.

Where is his dick?

It's kind of like jive

You didn't watch the stream then , Josh is admittedly kind of a retard. But he fought a boss that one hit killed him like 15 times.