Every patch is trying desperately to fix the ana/tank meta

>Every patch is trying desperately to fix the ana/tank meta
>Every patch fails

lmaoing at blizzard

What did they patch now?

How to fix the tank meta:

>Road Hog
Remove from game
Remove from game

There I fixed it.

>game releases
>everyone shits on Zarya saying shes shit
>people learn how to play her
>suddenly must be removed

>every thread is recycling the same topics
>every thread gets reported

lmaoing at overfags

The fuck you talking about, tank meta is not as viable anymore because Ana can't sustain 3 tanks if they are properly focused. I don't know at what level you play, but it wasn't an issue on high diamond since the patch. It's viable, but you can break through it so much easier right now. This will be even more true with new bastion.

>Almost a year after its release
They're still trying to balance it

Great product you got there, Blizzard

>People bought a Blizzard game
>Surprised that it sucks

>try to remove meta Ana created
>nerf some random heroes, but never Ana


Ana is unnerfable without creating another hero or complete rework of her kit. Yes, they can make her into complete fucking shit, but then nobody will pick her up, and that's not her point. She was supposed to be a good/decent choice to do everything. Instead she's excellent at everything. Same issue Roadhog has: he was supposed to be a crowd control character with large sustain, a tank/support hybrid that is supposed to pick supports/weak characters and punish them for overengaging. Instead he's a fucking 600 hp unkillable assassin, as hard counter as he can get to fucking everything and a god of 1v1s.

Zarya is actually very balanced. Ana, Rein and D.Va on the other hand, their jobs are too strong.

>game releases
>everyone shits on Zarya saying shes shit
>every1 shits on ppl picking her
>suddenly an internet personality tells them shes good
>now Zarya needs nerf

Insert where "Zarya" literally anything.

Sounds like Hearthstone... but the thing in Hearthstone is that they are never actually trying to fix the aggro-decks, they just make new ones that are just as fucking boring to fight like the previous ones.

The same company that gave us Diablo 1 and 2, Starcraft, and raids like Naxxramas, Ahn'Qiraj, Zul'Gurub, Hyjal, Karazhan, and Ulduar also gave us Hearthstone, Overwatch, Diablo 3 and expansions like Cata, MoP, WoD and Burning Crusade 2.

What a cruel, cruel world we live in.

are people ouver reacting to the bastion buff or is he only played super high/low ranks
i've seen pretty few and playing him in diamond he's doesn't feel at stupidly op as people make out.
he's still counter by half the characters in the game ans his turret is dogshit at anything longer thatn close range now

>Zarya is balanced while Rein is too strong

are you stupid or something, mister?

>Ana is excellent at everything
>so lets not nerf her to be decent at everything

>D.Va is too strong

lmao name a more crucial ability in any heavy choke than a fuckin rein shield

I didn't say Rein is too strong, I said his job is too strong. Trying to push or defend in 90% of games without a Rein is silly.

Zarya does great damage, but her job isn't as strong as Rein. There's a reason his pickrate is so high

D.Va makes it pretty easy for your team to shit on bastion, the current flavour of the month. Her matrix buff also makes Roadhog that much worse.

I'll give you ana, that bitch has the ability to be far too strong at everything

>I hate new things
Tell the class what games you think are good now

>people complain about Roadhog
>never fix him, just the obvious glitched hook

The game you're trying to play you little cunt.

>Season 3 finish in Masters
>Season 4
>do placements with a 360 controller and go 0/10
>place 2430
>switch back to m/kb
have the most fun I've ever had in the game

>Zarya is actually very balanced
>400 health
>200 of it regenerates
>Can shield herself
>Can shield others
>Gets stronger when shot
>Laser can reach you if you're in China
>Only character that rewards the player for getting hit, a.k.a being shit
>Absolutely unstoppable if she has a pocket mercy or an ana behind her

>Reinhardt is broken
>Can be killed by a lone tracer
>Can be killed by a lone phara
>Can be kille by a lone sombra
>Can be killed by a lone reaper
>Charging means suicide
>Useless when shield is gone

You are a dumb one, my dude.

D.va is fine in her current state. Rein is also very fine, he's just too important to not pick. That's not because he's OP, that's because there's no other choice for defense. Assuming the leak is real and a new hero will be about deathballing then hopefully we will see Rein being shifted from "essential" to "very good" or even "good".

I meant the intention with her kit, not necessarily the statistics of her abilities. She's the hardest support to play, if you nerf her she would become too useless. She only gets plays because of 3 tank and Rein/Road combo specifically. It's easy for her to sustain bigass targets, but once you go divecomp her usefulness fades away, especially with lack of movement.

Grim Dawn, Divinity: OS, I played FFXIV for a month and enjoyed that, but all my friends stopped playing so I did as well.

It has nothing to do with being new anyway. Arena Shooters, MOBAs and virtual card games are shit regardless of when they came out. And yeah, so is every casual turd Blizzard has put out after WotLK. Why are you defending this cancer?

oh, so you're telling me zarya actually lacks the ability to be killed by tracer, phara, sombra dn reaper?

wow, I must have missed that part of the patch.

what a stupid fucking arguement

>>>>>hardest support to play

name another heal you have to aim

I hate pretty much all video games, I was just curious why you hated those specifically

>especially with the auto aim on anas healing

see That aside, I am glad we can agree that Ana is too good

>tfw love healing
>fav is Zenyatta
>he doesnt heal enough
>also like mercy
>shes useless outside of her ult
>Ana can protect her self, shut down ults, mark anyone for death, shut down zen ult and keep up three tanks

>Dunt shoot the bubble
>have your whole team tear through her
>have your zen/mercy have enough game sense to know when to prepare their ults for the extremely obvious graviton sruges
>she only has 400 hp

She's very balanced if your team has any awareness

I also never said Rein is broken, I said his job is. Learn to read.
>Not being with your team
>Not telling your hitscans about the Pharah
>Not being with your Ana
>Not being with your team
>Not charging in when your team can easily follow through
>Not using the shield to get close enough to smack them around (or not having dps good enough to abuse your shield)

If you stay with your team and think a little, Rein is amazing. You're just that bad. Furthermore Ana can outheal all the DPS you just mentioned, and Rein can smack around Reaper and Sombra. Literally charging Rein AND Ana's ult by trying to solo a Rein that sticks with his team.

>Road Hog is a must pick and is ridiculously the strongest character by far
>one of the beefiest tanks AND can self heal
>still ridiculously strong because they didn't address the real issue

Jesus fucking christ

>D.va is fine in her current state. Rein is also very fine, he's just too important to not pick. That's not because he's OP, that's because there's no other choice for defense.

That's literally what I said, his JOB is too good. Does this board just not read?

How's D.Va gonna matrix without her mech?
How's D.Va gonna matrix if the enemy can just shoot through it with some coordination?

>wanting to remove Based Big Catch Roadhog

It's time to stop holding mommys hand kiddo

Rein's problem isn't that he's too strong. It's that he's the only one that can do his job.
There needs to be another "main" tank.

reminder that class/hero based gameplay is always unbalanced and only balance is giving every character all weapons

also dont be a faggot and give players all the fucking skins if they paid for your motherfucking game okay? bitchass jews

>being able to remove 80% of the cast every six seconds in a team fight

yes yes, balanced. The D.Va buff at least takes care of it.

>right click and shift into bastion
>team follows through and tears through bastion
>D.Va shoots bastion when he either moves or some of his HP is gone
>D.Va might lose mech, bastion is forced out of position or dies

How the fuck is D.va strong after they took her armor away.

Fuck that, now she's' back to useless shit. Huge health pool means jack shit when you're a literal giant headshot.

Yes, that what the post you're replying to said. His job is too strong


just hook bastion
or snipe him if hes too far away for hook

both options beat out having to drag dva along

No, im was simply stating that a character like Reinhardt, who can be killed easily by lone weak character can't be called broken or overpowered.

You gotta work on your critical thinking, user.

I know what you said, but I don't fully agree with it. The concept of main tanks and off tanks is fine and not too strong at all. There just needs to be another option for main tanks.

She's one of the easiest ways of dealing with Bastion in the Bastion meta. It's not D.Va thats strong, her job.

>hook him
great option if hes close, but most players with a functioning brain know where to stay out of hook range
>Snipe him

Ironclad son. Doesn't work that well with a coordinated team.

>6 man teams
>talking about solo play
You, are, a , dumb, ass

>one of the beefiest tanks AND can self heal
Because unlike the other tanks, he has no shield to mitigate damage. He just facetanks it instead so he takes it instead of his teammates.

Found the silver shitter

>muh 1v1s

Yes, feed the enemy Ana's ult, feed it like no tomorrow.

Ah I understand what you're saying. I hope the new hero has a similar job to Rein, I agree with what you're saying. We're on the same page.

even with ironclad he's forced to move if the snipers too far away
which is kind of the point of a sniper

76, Sombra, McCree, Tracer.

Seriously man.

First reply was meant for obviously.

Most maps and positioning don't allow for that kind of sniping. Remember Bastion has max spread now and it's increased, which means he cant be too far. When you're in range on where Bastion is causing problems, he'll fucking kill you or his team will help. The maps really dont compliment long range sniping.

because they refuse to nerf Ana when she's blatantly overpowered. she literally has more utility than any other character in the game. she has the strongest healing, better damage than McCree, she can 1v1 almost the entire cast, she has the smallest hitbox next to Dva out of her mech form and sleep dart allows her to interrupt every single character. no other character is that versatile or powerful. even Roadhog, a favorite target of complaints, really only excels at one thing and when played poorly he ends up being a walking ult generator for his team.

if blizz would nerf Ana as harshly as they nerfed Dva or McCree or Genji, the situation wouldn't be nearly as bad but there is a clear and obvious double standard. Ana appears to be the favorite character of Kaplan or someone else high up in the decision making process as far as balance goes.

Here is how you fix overwatch
>delete reinhardt
>delete all healers but mercy, rework zen into dps
done. Game is suddenly 100x times more dynamic and fun.

>Ana's released
>Everyone complains shes shit without actually using her
>She gets buffed
>She was actually OP all along

This is why developers dont listen to their community

so then hook him, since most maps are built in a way to allow that


Ok, answer me this. Name one scenario where having a Zarya is a bad thing, name a reliable counter to the Zarya bubble, name something that penetrates the zarya bubbles without giving her charge.

They don't exist. Zarya is Overwatch's answer to everything hero, and she doesn't have any sort of counter.

What support is harder than Ana, please tell me

you are an imbecile who looks at heroes in vacuum

this is a 6v6 game, and its overwatch
there is no such thing as "lone [insert_anything]"

>better damage than McCree
>I cant head shot

He can stay out of ranges where he'll be safely be hooked.

>Dunt shoot the bubble
Amidst the chaos that generally unfolds in this broken game, it's hard to avoid shooting Zarya most of the time.

I'll put that argument in the same category as other dumb arguments like "It's easy to win, just don't get shot"

>have your whole team tear through her

Really my dude?
You can't claim that a character is balanced if you yourself say that she's easy to counter if only the *entire* team focuses on her.

>have your zen/mercy have enough game sense to know when to prepare their ults for the extremely obvious graviton sruges

Hurr she's so balanced that the only way to counter her ults is to specifically save your healer's ults just for her

>she only has 400 hp
half of which regenerates

>Reinhardt's job is broken
what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
He's got one job and one job only and if he can't do that job he's utterly useless. You ever play with a Reinhardt that didn't put up his shield? He's just ult fodder.


You've said this in relation to balance and there's nothing you can balance with him without making him into garbage. The issue the game has is not the role of these heroes, but lack of content.

>No, im was simply stating that a character like Reinhardt, who can be killed easily by lone weak character can't be called broken or overpowered.

You might actually be fucking retarded user, or just bronze. Lucio hasn't been the most consistently picked character since release for his solo killing power. The maps in Overwatch are literally designed to funnel the two teams into a giant pile, you have to fucking TRY in this game to be caught alone.

community whining has nothing to do with it, it's a fact that a cancerous meta has sprung up around Ana that has all but ruined the game and blizz refuses to address it, instead nerfing unrelated characters like Dva to the ground instead of the character that ruined balance as soon as she was added.

if McCree is lucky enough to get headshots, yes, he can outdamage her. but Ana doesn't need to get headshots, has no damage drop off, has a scope and has more utility all around.

l2context, shitter

All of them since they can't defend themselves nearly as well when a faggot genji comes along

zen can rape genji if he is lucky with headshots

If he can stay out of range of hook then just snipe him

>name a reliable counter to the Zarya bubble
Fucking shoot the damn bitch, you dumbass faggot. If she's out of position and bubbles - punish her, you retard, she has 600hp with a bubble and no movement or def abilities if her bubble pops. A proper DPS with some support from his team can chew her away in seconds, it doesn't matter if she has the charge or not, she just won't be able to use it properly. Stop being scared of the bubble, you faggots

>it's hard to avoid shooting Zarya most of the time
Her bubbles are giant "DON'T SHOOT HERE" signs m8, if your senses are too overwhelmed to make that reasonable conclusion during a fight, maybe you just need to find a slower paced game.

Yeah, but Zen has to get good with leading his shots.
The only thing Ana has to lead is sleepdart, which is an auto win if it hits.

well her rifle isnt hitscan either when unscoped

>Enemy team has DPS that can aim
>Enemy team works as a team to burn down Zarya
>Enemy team has healers that know when to hide for res or Trans, being able to counter Graviton
>Enemy team is conscious enough to keep track of Zarya CDs.
>McCree, 76, Tracer all outrange her and can headshot, melting her down.

tl;dr learn to aim and communicate.

>You can't claim that a character is balanced if you yourself say that she's easy to counter if only the *entire* team focuses on her.
You cant burn tanks

What? She's a tank, if your team focuses her down she will die, like any other tank.

His job is too good to not have 90% of the time, and they still havent released another hero that can do his job. His job is too good. I didnt say broken, ffs

For the bubble, if your team tries to avoid bubbles she wont be at 90+ charge all game. Yes she'll still get charge, but it can be dealt with.


No, it's called l2aim. If you need luck to headshot then you're just a shit DPS

I agree, we need another character that does his job.

it might as well be with how fast the projectile travels.




Every hero is weak to focus fire.

That is not a counter.

She has no movement options and low HP for a tank, even if it can regenerate.
Her range isn't the best and her secondary fire eats ammo like crazy.
Not to mention the bubble can break from too much damage. Concentrated fire can take her down depending on the hero combination.

So if I used the sleepdart on an ulted hero and then gengu killed me like 5 seconds later then it means that Ana is easier to play than Mercy, let's say? The fuck you smoking, faggot?

When you see Zarya bubble just take that chance to reload. Even Winston can beat her if you don't give her charge.

can you put on a tripcode so i can filter your shitposts


Every hero is weak to focus fire, not a counter.

try again.

except its not and is actually just as difficult to hit on medium distance as zens balls, where using a scope just makes you a sitting duck

No, you tap genji 2-3 times with your rifle and he's done. No leading shots needed.

>Big push from the enemy team to capture the last point
>They all group up together
>Here comes this ugly dyke cunt with her bubble up running up the middle with all of them
>Lets all stop shooting since we might hit her

It's alright if you like zarya dude, just don't pretend that she's balanced because she's ot.

That how tanks work, that's their job. If you can reliably solo a tank, that means the tank in question is out of position and away from their team.

>I refuse to admit I'm bad and have no real argument, help me ignore you


heroes of the storm gets a hero every 2-3 weeks and a map every 2-3 months

overwatch team is just a bunch of lazy hacks

That's a bad gengu, let me tell you that

You know you can wait out deflect?

Actually, yes. I'm a shitter so I get grouped in with other shitters during quickplay. If I see somebody pick Ana, that's my cue to go with another healer since nobody EVER gets healed with low level Anas. Faggots literally try to play her as Widowmaker.

This game has a small hero pool and if they added more heroes and maybe maps

it would be more then 5 months of the SAME meta heroes and "Blizzard balance".

This game can't be a Esport and blizzard just can't see why so they won't make more becuase MUH BALANCE!

As a Zarya main this is it pretty much. Without the charge you do so little damage you don’t have much of a chance. Smart people don’t shoot her when she has her bubble. A few shots and hits get in sure. But it isn’t hard to keep her down on low energy if you are smart. Play smart around her or have two people take her on. It isn’t too hard to counter her and if she is alone she is pretty helpless. She relies on her team to throw her bubbles onto, alone she is easy prey.

Or do your best to not shoot the bubble (by doing this thing called aiming) and deal with the charge she will get. Even at 50 charge, if you can stick to your team and work with your healers, she can be dealt with fairly well.

Im shocked people bitch this much about Zarya, when she's really a well balanced hero. Her CDs are long as hell too much like the (new) hook.

If you're with your team Genji can be dealt with, but the moment her flanks you while Ana is even a little out of position a good Genji will kill the Ana

Outside of his shield what else does he really have? He's not OP

only a retard would be killed by a lone sombra

The only issue has ever been Ana but they refuse to gut the hero and fix it.

>make ana's biotic rifle healing scale with target's maximum hp, 100% healing potency stays at 75.
>200-250hp scales to 125%, roughly 93hp or round to 90
>300hp scales to 100%, 75hp
>400-600 hp scales to 75%, roughly 57 or round to 60
>biotic grenade restores 150 hp, but only increases healing by 15%
>tanks take less healing, but focusing just one should work as intended
>biotic grenade is a better spike heal and lets you heal tanks for 100% healing value, similar to normal values now
There, fixed. Give me a job, Blizzard.

And genji would just stay there do fucking nothing against Ana so she can safely sleepdart/grenade combo'd him? Yeah, no, that's a bad gengu. I understand if she caught him off guard with a sleep dart during a fight, but not 1v1. Nor I understand why would he jump around when a sniper is aiming at him, you need to show some respect.

an ult that guarantees a teamwipe

>Oh noes, 1/3 of their team is protected for 2 seconds, what can I do? :(

Rein, Lucio and Ana are a much bigger problem, but somewhat, the first two are ok to everyone.

His recon gun has zero spread for seven shots compared to 76's three. If you nano boost him while he's in tank or turret form he's straight up invincible. He can tank a D.Va ult. He'll easily push 76 out of the meta in favor of him.