So is the worse 3D Sonic game?

So is the worse 3D Sonic game?

And have there ever been a actual good 3D Sonic game?

generations 3d parts were good

Knuckles Chaotix

>And have there ever been any actual good 3D Sonic game?
Not really.

Idk I stopped playing sonic after sonic heroes

>worst 3D Sonic game


>has there ever been

Adventure, Colors, Generations

[SPOILER] Sanic Heroes [/SPOILER]

Yeah no. Even a few years with the rerelease on GC people were already talking about how much of a mess it was. 2 maybe even more so.

Sonic was never good, Sega used the faster processing unit of the Genesis to market Sonic as a fast character, fast is a gimmick.

Boom is worse and there have been plenty of good 3D sonic games. Adventure 1 & 2, Shadow, Riders, Secret Rings, and Black Knight were all good.

Adventure 1 still had the Classic feel to it, and the Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles portions are still loads of fun. Adventure 2 was when it started going downhill.

>Big the Cat

You'll notice I didn't say his section was loads of fun. Neither is Amy's. Gamma is debatable.

>Neither is Amy's

Amy IS the bird

Boom is worse because it's terrible bland generic shit that doesn't even play like a Sonic game.
And yes, Colors and Generations.

>Good: Sonic
>Okay: Tails, Knuckles, Gamma
>Bad: Amy
>Why: Big

Boom is worse because it's less broken.
You can at least laugh at 06.

Boom is a great Jak & Daxter/Ratcher & Clank game.

But it's a horrible Sonic game.

>Fixed the one bug everyone was having fun with

Sonic Colors is the best Sonic 3D game, sad sonyggers and pc master race will never play it.

>And have there ever been a actual good 3D Sonic game?
Day Unleashed and Generations.
Colours is a 2D game.
The sonic/shadow stages of the adventure games are alright.

You've clearly not played Adventure since you were a kid, it's absolute dogshit.

Played a couple days ago, it's not perfect but the Sonic and Tails and Final sections are still tons of fun, the soundtrack is still awesome, and the voice-acting is hilarious-bad instead of awful-bad.

>Boom is a great Jak & Daxter/Ratchet & Clank game.


Boom is just boring. 06 is wrecked in almost every level.

>And have there ever been a actual good 3D Sonic game?