Horizon Zero Dawn

>one of the biggest exclusives of the year came out yesterday
>not a single thread about it
what the hell went wrong senpai?

Other urls found in this thread:


nothing to talk about

It's not terrible, it's not great. Not much to talk about unless you wanna shitpost about muh feminism or muh open world zelda killer


Sony only paid viral marketers to hype it pre-release.

there's been multiple threads about it actually

nobody gives a shit about it's shrek space dino plot.


I have been playing for 5 hours now and even though it is incredibly well made I cannot stand the story. It is completely anti-male and moreover anti-white

- Father figure is an outcast
- Kid that hurts you with a rock and is cruel all the way through is white, while the only person in the camp that befriends you is a black female
- I found a newspaper reporting of a UK politician called Nigel and blaming him for 1 Billion dead in the climate change crisis
- Leader of the Nora war troop is black and her brother is of course the coolest ever
- People that kill the father are completely white
- No man EVER makes romantic advances in regard to Aloy. She is completely asexual in the game

It's funny that they are pandering so hard towards Blacks when they will never play the game. I think I've seen no Asian men, Indians or Arabs so far, only a hot Asia chick.

Oh i dunno, maybe we're all busy PLAYING it?

too busy playing it

Awkward voice acting
Kristin Stewart tier protagonist
Unnatural facial animations
Also what even is the story I watched a couple of streams but it was all fetch quests. Is the SJW meme real?


I hate hate hate Ubisoft games

I don't see color

Everybody played it when it was called Far Cry 3

Jesus user, get a grip.

>- I found a newspaper reporting of a UK politician called Nigel and blaming him for 1 Billion dead in the climate change crisis

really? where?

People probably are buys playing it

All the shitposters were just that. No one was actually stupid enough to buy it.

It's the Ubishit and Far Cry formula, yet somehow more dull.

Let me take a picture for you user

it's shit

Marketers are betting everything on dat pre-order hype.
It's released now, so the shills have retreated to their lairs.

western AAA game is trash

They are not even trying to hide it lel

>being this out of touch with reality


doesn't get more sjw vocab than that

I been playing it since yesterday and is not what I expected. Gameplay is repetitive, characters are bland, story is dull. Is not bad, but not great either.

Visuals are great, but it feels uninspired
Aloy is fucking terrible IMHO

Why bother? Every thread gets overflown with typical contrarian 'it's shit' posts by people who don't own the game. But I'll humor you.

It's a solid game, combat is really good and allows for player creativity. You can adjust the amount of handholding, which is great. And the game rewards exploration.
The comparisons with ubishitter open world games is based on very little. It does crafting but there are no real checklists to follow.

The story is alright so far. Characters fit in the universe, worldbuilding is great.
Sjw bullshit is overblown by people who can't handle some color I guess. I'm white all the same but why anyone feels threatened enough to lash out over a fictional matriarchal tribal society and colored characters is beyond me. At least it's something different with some other nuances.

i don't get it, nigel is opposition blaming the government for the die-off not the other way round.

people expecting the zelda killer got btfo

people expecting blunder of the century also got btfo

obvious paid reviews were quickly dismissed, obvious trashing reviews got too.

it's a good game that plays the safest route possible design wise, except the obvious "men are evil! and white man are even more!" undertone.

however, men never really gave a fuck about being painted as good nor evil, and we still don't. That's the kind of shit faggots care about.

Maybe people are actually PLAYING the game instead of talking about it. We all know how this thread plays out already.

>zelda this zelda that
>sony wins

>user wasn't lying
Holy fuck I was thinking of buying a ps4 new but fuck that, I'm just gonna look for a used one. I'd rather give my money to a Gamestop wagecuck.
Fuck this shit

I have always wanted to play a game with Mel in it

Where do they hire their writers? High school dropouts?

Why do you feel the need to lie on the internet?


>Thinking a game in wich you play a female character can even sell for a million.
Name one game like that, that sold for a million+ and that was a new ip, it will bomb hard and all the good reviews out there by faggot journos can't change a thing about it.
30FPS ON THE PRO (is this real life?)


>- No man EVER makes romantic advances in regard to Aloy.

That one is understandable.

Nigel is critical of a museum for refugees and wants to spokesperson to jump in the river and die. They also make the name Sally ambiguous and there's only one UK politican named Nigel I can think off.

But the most backward tribe is led by females. I think you just want to see a certain view.

>- No man EVER makes romantic advances in regard to Aloy. She is completely asexual in the game
Out of the bad points of the game this is the one I care less about, sicerely

Too much insecurity.

White kiddies are funy putting colors in everything.

Thas why you are the jesters of the world.


well no doubt the games in 2 or 3 years time will all be about an ebil president with whacky hair, leading the world to apocalypse by the name of Drumpf

It's impossible to discuss most Sony exclusives without an excessive amount of shitposting.



>Farcy Primal: Robot Dinosaur eidition(please forget about Blood Dragon)
No shit people aren't talking about it. Its nothing special and nothing we haven't seen before.

The same reason why you don't see threads talking about the latest CoD.

What is that image from

Seriously tho these logs are the cringiest parts of the game. There was one when after the apocalypse thing happened that was about the stronk female scientist saying that she had concerns about raising her clone because it was "creepy".

Where do I find these logs? Are they random? And how do I enter these tech caves? Are they marked blue in the map?

>he dont like the game
>it´s a lie

I know you are here to protect the IP that pay you, is your work, is OK, but allow people to share their experiences with the game instead of censure them.

>No man EVER makes romantic advances in regard to Aloy. She is completely asexual in the game

There was a man earlier in the game that implied she could go and get laid but she didn't understand what he meant. Shes sexually oblivious, i haven't beaten the game yet but it may be because of her origin. Your right that she may be asexual, she might even be a sociopath if it wernt for her bond with that dide. It depends on your dialog choices if you want to make her seem like a sociopath though.

(1/2)Also i would like to point of a few things about their so called matriarchal society. So spoilers for the first 3 hours of the game are follwing.

-The place they live is a valley surrounded by mountains, the only access points are gated and guarded. This is important for a number of reasons. It makes it easy to regulate who gets in and out. It makes it very difficult for an army to invade and even if they did breach its gates its hard to maintain that army with supplies, supplies which are precious because they live in the stone age. Because its hard for people to get in its hard for new values and ideas to get in too. Everyone else outside the valley goes cave diving for tech but in the valley its taboo.

At first i thought the High Matriarchs were very aware of the truth and how to use tech but it turns out they dont and the only reason the population in the valley worships a goddess is because the computer voice in the mountain is female.

The rest is social conditioning that most humans are subject to. You see it in the guy who raised Alloy (whos name escapes me) He is an outcast but still respects the tribes laws and values and actively works to help them despite being shamed and shunned. He kinda reminds me of the guy in 1984 who by the end of the book loves the party that turned his life into hell. Hell even alloy wants to be a part of them despite the same position.

Dunno, I read some of the ones the guy from the stream got in game.
After seeing the game is way off my expectations+swj shit I think I wont touch that shit with a ten feet pole unless I see footage that can interest me. Probably won't be the case.

(2/2)Matriarchal societies can only exist in a bubble. The tribe only exists because they are safe geologically from other tribes and the more dangerous machines. They're society isn't Gynocentric because because femininity offers genuine social values but because a voice on a speaker just happen to female. Its all circumstantial. And the reason its circumstantial is because if this game was actually made to push feminism some sat down and realized the problems i just pointed out.
>Any matriarchal society would be wiped out by non-matriarchal societys.
"i know ill surround them with mountains"
>How do you stop the men from realizing they could get a better deal somewhere else?
"make it and isolationist society thats also highly religous"
>Why would they be worshiping a goddess when the majority of societys were monothiestic?
"make the computer have a female voice, spawning the worship of a goddess and putting emphisis on the virtues on femininity"

If they wanted to push there agenda they did a shitty job.

Likely a magazine. Ad is made by David Lynch

Just wait till later when the game has an anti-border message, that it only comes from fear and misunderstanding.

Sonyggers are more busy shitposting about the Switch than playing/talking about their games

>player is white
I know, I know, you are just pretending.

is it true there a donald trump parody in this game? like something named Donald Trumpet or something

why do their politicians speak like 15 year old white girls?

I played it for a while yesterday and it seemed to me that the leader of that war party that attacked the village was more brown than white. And doesn't aloud get hit on by that fat dude in the big village early on?

I was so hoping to add a new game to my collection.

Its extremely boring
walking around looking at the nice scenery is pretty entertaining for a hour or two
but the rest of the game is abysmally bad

He should have said anti-white male, because white females are considered oppressed by sjws, have to be given how many of them are just that.
Straight white male is the oppressor and everyone else is the oppressed, so diversity to sjws means anybody who is oppressed which includes all women even white.

sells fine here in germany :V
Yes 1 2 Switch is outselling Breath of the wild

Too busy playing Automata OP



fucking figures

>About to head to the store to pick it up

Convince me not to do this Sup Forums

Have you played any of the Farcry series or the recent tomb raiders? If so, you've already played Horizon.

go ahead. If you dont people will shitpost how PS4 exclusives dont sell

It's gonna leave your soul empty and make you regret having a ps4 to begin with ;^) You'll probably get more out of your money's worth if you just go and eat out in a fancy place or something.

Horizon is only hated on Sup Forums the rest of the world loves it

I played Farcry primal and hated it.
I dont care about console wars. Im an idort.
I've already had this sensation when I purchased Final Fantasy. I dont want to feel it again

Same here in Belgium. I went to pick up Horizon, and there were people standing in line outside the shop (!) to pick up their pre-order.

Seems you have about 60-70 bucks to spare
Treat yourself, go to a neat restaurant or buy some expensive liquor for bragging rights

is there fanservice?

Danm, now you cant even see a niple in a videogame magazine.

>I played Primal and hated it
I have very bad news for you.

>Zelda #19
What did they mean by this?

It's your money, do whatever you want with it, but I'm sure if you wait a month or two you'll probably be able to get it at a discount.
It doesn't look like a game that will have lasting power.

>>not a single thread about it

You know that's a lie. There were tons. And you also made this thread yesterday as well.

I'll wait for some reviewers who didn't post reviews literally weeks in advance and make my decision then.
Seriously, that is some shady shit.

the people of Sup Forums are not WOKE enough for this game

Only if you bought the collectors edition.

is that supposed to be sarcastic?

No, this game is too replete with its own lore and too steeped in its fantastic world building to need to go into anything from contemporary life. This game has quite possibly the best cast of characters I've ever met in a game, without a doubt the richest world, both regarding interactivity with the world and the lore which shapes it, of any game I've played, and a narrative so engaging it has advanced the video game medium 10 years. The only thing the anti-shills have to say about this game is their own projected short comings and insecurities, finding 3 second footage, which itself was captured from a disingenuous streamer who did everything in his power to make the game look bad, to prove broad, inaccurate, generalizations. What is even more sad is they are doing this about a game they have never even played.

No PC release.

So what other robits can be mounts?
I like the broadhorn more than the strider.

Honestly from what I've played so far, I don't get a Zelda vibe from it at all. It honestly just feels exactly like Rise of the Tomb Raider, and really it doesn't look much better than that game either, so I'm not sure where all the "BEST LOOKING GAME EBAR" praise is coming from. Granted I'm playing at 1080 but I am playing on a Pro, and as far as I can tell the two games look about the same.

>Litany of characters across the game. NPCs, traders, warrior tribes hell even the father figure who trained you are all white
>Likewise there are plenty of colored folk who are raiders, thieves and general assholes. Hell one of the main antagonist is brown

A sybian.

>walk into gamestop
>some cisgendered MAN holds the door for me
>explain to him how sexist and ableist this is of him, I don't need help from the fucking patriarchy
>he scoffs and leaves, obviously my argument was too calculated and logical for his small male mind
>grab a copy of horizon zero dawn, heard good things about its views on sexism and racism
>bring it up to counter
>another fucking cisgendered MAN is working the register
>pay for the game begrudgingly, I shouldn't have to after all, all the suffering I've endured from his kind I should just be able to take it
>go home, and have sex with my bull Tyrone
>my boyfriend slurps up all the leftover cum, and cooks me dinner while I play horizon
How is everyone else enjoying Horizon?

Don't listen to the anti-shills. It is incomparable to anything else honestly. It's narrative, it's world and the way you can interact with it, it's combat, it's replay value. Everything is so good that as a cohesive whole there is no game I can think to compare it with

So who is genuinely enjoying it? What do you like about it?

Has it lived up to your expectations?

us sonybros actually play games instead of just posting about them