Now that the dust has settled, can we agree this game was garbage?

Now that the dust has settled, can we agree this game was garbage?

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Go home Arin.

yea its pretty shit. the first level is pretty good. then the next couple of stages are slow as shit. marble is fucking slower than whale shit. Any one who disagrees probably is a faggot or hasnt played the game in 20 years.

both faggots, just for different reasons

It's alright, but pales in comparison to 2, 3&K and Advance 1/3 (2 was just running-slopes).

It's by no means a great game, but an overall good one.
It was surpassed in nearly every way imaginable by its sequels.

It was mediocre as fuck

Having played 3&K first I can agree it's probably the weakest. If you added in spin dash and the bosses were a bit better instead of "Eggmobile with BLANK attached" it would be on the same level as Sonic 2.

In all honesty Sonic CD is a better Sonic 1.

yeah. every other mainline 2D sonic title improves on this one in every conceivable way, but also the game in general is pretty shit because its level design was specifically made to force the player to go slow.

only 2D game worse is probably sonic 4 not counting handhelds.

>be born post-1995
>hear my idol Egoraptor totally tear sonic a new one on game grumps LIKE A BOSS
>decide to play it myself since I could probably make a dank reaction vid from it and get that sweet r/gaming karma
>download KEGA fusion and load that shit up
>tape down the right arrow key
>run into spikes and lose all my rings
lmao this game is shit, imma play marryo xD *bing bing in the distance*

it's very clear sonic 1 was sega trying to get their bearings, it seemed to go from fast only levels like green hill/starlight to slow platforming levels like marble/spring yard/labyrinth and it's really apparent that they noticed this as sonic 2 seemed to strike a good balance of speed/platforming and sonic 3 furthered that balance.

Neo/v/ at it again, I see. The original Sonic is still the best game in the series and one of the best platformers ever, imo.

Fucking kek " now that the dust has settled" I was expecting user to say this game was great but died when I read it was garbage.

But that's not the GBA port.

>The original Sonic is still the best game in the series
Let's not get crazy.

They're all cool though.

I don't watch Game Grumps, did he bash it?

Sonic 1 was more of a chore to play after you played 2, simply because there was no spin dash. But it's definitely not a bad platformer. It's a responsive, colorful,m game, with a fantastic soundtrack. SMB 1 isn't as good as SMB 3, but that doesn't mean SMB 1 is bad.

Yo mah nigga, what

I agree, while Sonic 1 is by no means a bad game, it does become a chore to get through the game with slow levels like Marble Zone and Labyrinth Zone. It's the 2D game I revisit the least because of it.

I drop the game when I reach this level, or I'll use the level select code to skip it.