Sooo.. Whats the point in fighting/crafting/cooking/taming?

Sooo.. Whats the point in fighting/crafting/cooking/taming?
Its not like its giving you levels or exp or anything.


It's not a RPG

There is no crafting, as for cooking it's various buffs and HP restore
Faster travel

fighting gives you more weapons and loot, crafting lets you make gear that cannot normally be looted, cooking gives you food to heal with or add temporary effects, taming gives you mountable animals and/or animals to hunt alongside you

The EXP mechanic from the Adventure of Link is probably the only thing the series truly misses.
You've always just been able to speedrun otherwise, even without being a speedrunner. Always able to run past like 90% of encounter if not for mini-bosses/bosses in dungeons.

Putting a lot of "extra" stuff in the world to do only goes so far when there's no practical reason to doing it other than "lel cause i can".

It's hard to design the game they want to design if they put it in though. EXP would have been better on all the zelda games up til this one, but this one tries to emulate Loz1's world design in letting you go anywhere and even try to fight the final boss.

idk.. game coulda been designed better.

lets stop talking about it.

If enemies happen to be in your way/blocking treasure/have a weapon you really want.
You mean dyes?
That's the only crafting I know of.
A lot of the food in the game is borderline useless unless cooked, for example, some things like the different types of shrooms won't have any of their special effects unless they're cooked.
Also kind of self-explanatory, the map's pretty big and your stamina drains pretty quickly from sprinting, so taming a horse is pretty beneficial.

please stop fucking responding like this. learn to read dudes. learn to respond.

It helps towards your end goal.

What do you think the point of leveling up is in other games?

some areas require certain potions to reach in order to reach shrine to collect spirit orbs so that you can increase stamina meter

>levels or exp

Modern gaming in a nutshell. You only play the game for an arbitrary numerical increase as a reward.

What's the point in living it's not like you aren't just gonna die like maybes real soon

It doesn't even have achievements! High five, OP!


At this point most of it just comes off as padding. Waste of time and feels like grinding chore in the game.


Variety and convenient fast travel. It's incredibly stupid that we can only domesticate horses, wolves and dogs though.


Now this is a dumb question to ask. Gameplay progression and entertainment of course. Better question to ask is "what's the point in fighting these open world bokoblin hordes?" or "why is their such little enemy variety?"

isn't gaming an arbitrary numerical sensation of an actual job that you could have been doing?

No it's a source of entertainment. There's nothing else to gain. Playing video games strictly for a numerical value within the game's confines is pretty stupid.

>Sooo.. Whats the point in fighting/crafting/cooking/taming?
Its not like its giving you levels or exp or anything

pfft ikr?

>an actual job that you could have been doing
But I can't be a space marine in real life
or a jet fighter pilot
or a medieval warrior
or a wizard

kind of, yeah. ultimately you're playing for hits of dopamine, and you typically get a pretty big one from completing work.

reminder that MH games sell like shit outside of japan and are historically extremely poorly designed games.

MH4U sold more in japan than the rest of the world combined.

>implying zelda is any of these things
>implying BotW specifically isn't just a "run around and explore" game
>implying you can't run around and explore in real life

>he doesn't leave the house in full plate and begin to hew down his neighbors
Look at this scrub

But that style addresses every point.

>be new to Sup Forums

>I suck at it so it's poorly designed!

is there treasure in real life
i wouldnt know ive never been outside

MH has superior enemy variety, actual loot/crafting, mp, superior world. I'd rather have no story than having been rehashed the same story for almost fourty years now.

More proof that the average nip has better taste in video games than the average shitposter on Sup Forums


>it's not poorly designed it's just hard and i'm a hardcore gamer!!!!!
yeah kinda like it's hard to fit a fucking square peg through a round hole half the size.

no wonder atheism and trannies and fags exist with fucked up thinking like yours.

>he can't even into monster hunter, a game casual enough that the japanese buy it for their kids
tip top kek

I was watching a zelda stream yesterday and someone tried to stick the square bomb into a round tube in one of the shrines.