He doesn't create a cute female and play as a girl

>he doesn't create a cute female and play as a girl

Because I play as cute boys instead.

Pic unrelated

Mage=Female unless old wizard
Warrior=Male allways
Assassin=Female allways

Because I like to self insert myself in to games
So I make an 6 foot + Orc amazonian woman who don't not need no man

Shit taste

I do this so mire their curves and see what them in different cute outfits.

i dont identify with wymin

In modern setting
Luck character=Both

You're the type of guy who'd fuck the first female he sees. Aren't you.

I do this in every game. It's never sexualised either, I just make enjoy making cute girls.


Young Maybe >>>>> Current Maeby

Anyone who doesn't play as their own gender is a fag.

if the character creator sucks, I make a guy and make him look as goofy as possible

if the character creator is good, I make a girl

but I do?

Anyone who is afraid of making and playing as a girl because they think they will be fags are fags

Because I'm not a loser faggot like you, just like Cosmo, who enjoyed all that kind of shit and became that freak you see today.

Pretty much this, rogue classes are unisex though imo

> play as girl
> given max power gear from thirsty betas

feels weird man

>game has a curl slider

>game has a thicc slider

Hey look, someone who ain't a retard.

Nice work.

Good taste

Those are the best

>his games has no boy (female) selction

Female beast races are the best.

I never play as a girl in a world if it is likely that rape could happen unless I can play orc.
Tfw only played Skyrim as orc female.

>he doesn't play as a trap/reverse trap

>game has a mommy slider





yah I am just ask ur mom

I create a cute female (male) and play as a girl (boy)

>try to slide mommy slider all the way to the right
>only goes 75%
>"You have have used up all your GBP"

>"o-oh, okay"
>"I need to stop saying that"

>game has a weight slider

>big brown eyes
>full wavy hair
>amazing smile
And a good sense of humor

Alia Shawkat isn't a 10, she has flaws, but she's a good standard of realistic beauty which you'd know if you had social skills

>game needs to be about virtual exact you doing exact same things you´d do
boring, wheres your imagination

>Loses weight
>Breasts stay the same size


Good taste

>MFW trump promised the US that all hard-working mommy's boys will get triple the GBP rate once the illegals are deported
This man's gonna make NEETing great again

looks more like someone sharted on her face.

Wrong. Males are the best.

>you can make TALL THICC girls.

Because I'm not submissive.

Dragon's Dogma let me be a man then create a perfect qt pawn I wanted to protect despite their function.

basic as fuck

dragon's fucking dogma

you can make the tallest thickest girls

While I personally always play as a girl, I will say, I have never seen a normalfag pick a girl. Ever. They always pick guys.

>game has a belly slider

>eating too much will make your character fat

Because I want to play an old wizard instead.

Name one.

They're clearly smaller, they're just much more accentuated because she lost weight. They would look even bigger if she continued to lose weight, even though they would be getting smaller. Also, she's wearing a slimmer outfit.

>implying Trump wont have the government cut back on the budget for social programs

Expect less autismbucks.

Now there's a good idea.

Elder Scrolls Online.

Probably because they don't need to use videogames to get their kicks

sims 4

>not small thicc girls

>BDO has a giant race
fuck this fucking game dude

that's the best when it's done right
nothing better than being a crazy old kook who can shoot lightning and fly
also mage towers, i love those they're so comfy and mysterious

>when you forget to adjust the sliders

BDO in general is true trash

I tried to play the game 'legitimately' and not as fap bait and couldnt do it

no challenge, no endgame, everything so convoluted

>game has ahegao slider

I make whatever the dice tell me but if it rolls female you bet your ass I'm going to make her a qtpie

>this is what wageslaves believe

You better not be right

Tall Thicc is trash tier
short thicc is elder god tier

Because I prefer to play as a man

>also mage towers, i love those they're so comfy and mysterious
>no game ever fucking has them or lets you set up your base in them
I just want to be an ancient and powerful magical hikki


tall thicc is what gets me up in the morning

nice 3/10 slags you've got there

god damnit i love ahegao

why dont you like amazons?
do they intimidate you?

Time a cruel thing.

>*stares at those big bountiful breasts*
"Whoa, those are-a some giant juggies!"
*sticks tongue out*
*eyes staring spinning in those sockets*

>Hey user why do you play with Barbies?
>I like looking at their curves and dressing them in cute outfits

fellow magebro i know this feel all too well
closest i've ever come is oblivion mods but it just doesn't do the trick
nigga just use magic and zap them into 10/10 it solves all problems

These seas certainly are heaving

in defense of playing as male, a lot of these anime girl posters seem to be really fucking gay at Sup Forums

I haven't installed the nude mods yet so why would I

I'm into that



lol no


Not my thing.

>lol no

kys faggot

you're gay and i'm hetero


>not wanting your thicc waifu to lift you off your feet when you kiss and hug

dem titties dough

>jaw drops to the floor. eyes pop out. sound effect of "AWOOGA AWOOOOGA!"

>places eyes and jaw back into place and regains composure

Eh hem, she looks quite lovely

ok manlet

ay man im in the new mass effect, so fuck YOU


Pretty much me.
Strength class, male.
Speed class, female.
Mage class, either.

You have to go back, faggot.


>Large hips
>Thing waist


The males are typically better animated, the armor looks better and I don't deepthroat bananas

Who is this? My dick needs to know