Do you remember when Sup Forums thought this game was good?
Do you remember when Sup Forums thought this game was good?
>I dont really enjoy games that challange me partially and take me out of my safe zone
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Why it isn't good?
You could argue that the game is not good, but the soundtrack is pretty gud.
it's not Japanese
Maybe it was just me but I occasionally had like a full second's input lag.
It's my top game of 2016. Really good, wish more games took a stance similar to this game. Not a copy of the same game mechanics but the focus on a certain experience and break of from the casual mainstream experience.
it is good
I 100% S rank hard mode'd everything and it's my favorite game from last year
I'm anticipating whatever else this studio makes
this game was fucking great. I only wish there was more.
2hard, it was shite
I think this game is good.
>such ebin dashing
>grorious katana
>tryhard self-importance
>muddy graphics
I haven't played it, but the trailer on steam sure didn't make me want to
isn't the illustrator japanese tho?
>I haven't played it
>but I'll shitpost about it
kill yourself faggot.
criticizing how the game's marketers present the content is valid. if something looks like shit and smells like shit you don't need to taste it to call it shit.
DSP please go.
>food analogy
this board has become what it mocked for so long.
You can charge the doge button, so it has a slight delay, I tink the game dosenĀ“t tell you so you can think it is a bug or something
>thinks shit is food
explains your taste in video games, senpai
yeah but it doesn't look or smell like shit, so your analogy is invalid, and you should probably refrain from judging the quality of a game you've never played
Guy says nothing about actual gameplay, which is the core of the game.
He instead says
>hahah weeb katana, I am too much of an adult to fall for such childish things
>ebin dashing
>tryhard self-importance
>ironic coming form the guy
>muddy graphics
>valid concern
Wow, such objective review of the game, I am sure he surely knows if it's a good game or not.
Honestly people like you need to hang yourself
game is really good
Still havent beaten the last/secret boss on furier and probably never will,shit's just infuriating and not really intuitive. But otherwise a very well made game with a walking simulator in one package, so dear jester and gone homo fans can rejoice too.
>looks smells tastes
fucking retard.
literally everything tangible can be perceived with these senses
>game requires precise movement
>dash button can be held
>so dash comes out on release, instead of on press
Trash game design
Wow just looked it up and it's actually the guy from afro samurai. So there really is no reason for Sup Forums to hate this game.
>game requires precise movement
>dash button can be held to have a dash travel exactly as far as you want it to
>it can also be taped to dash a small fixed distance
>I am too retarded to use basic controls and get really upset when I die like a shitter
>blame game
why the fuck would you taste it if it isn't about food?
>so dash comes out on release, instead of on press
I'll teach you an age old secret, user.
press button, then release button
I don't understand how anyone would have any problem with this.
Holy shit you people really are bad at video games.
>bought the game few weeks after launch
>ran perfectly fine solid 60 fps
>all of a sudden now getting random framerate drops everywhere
Anyone else having this issue?
Please enlighten me how you would charge a dash without activating buttons on release
I've seen him post it in a lot of furi threads and I've never gotten it either. I just assume he gets mad the game won't let him immediately chain one dash after another, but that doesn't have anything to do with holding the button for longer dashes.
nope never had it drop below 60 once, and the last time I played was earlier in the month. is your build outdated?
It's above average, they could've used a better animator, the bosses were decent but repetitive and samey, the secret boss was shit, the soundtrack was pretty good.
Overall, it could've benefitted from a higher budget and more polish.
Turn off v sync
Amazing soundtrack, challenging bosses but you still get enough attempts to make it seem fair, annoying unskippable walking sections on later playthroughs.
Questionable part is last phases like The Burst's where that's literally the only hard part of the fight and takes ~7min to get to it, although it felt amazing to master it on Furier.
Still in my top ten list from 2016.
Yeah this about covers what I really like about the game and I TRULY wish more game developers take this approach.
Furi felt like a real videogame to me, the kind I have been missing for many years. I can only hope more of such type game in the coming years.
>The Burst on Furier
I love this game, but these bugs are infuriating.
>Move past an obstacle while she's aiming and instead of hitting the obstacle she instakills you
>End up standing on the walls she erects, still get hit by some projectiles or are stuck in a 'falling' loop until you dash away
>Fall into a hole, once you're back the aiming counter didn't reset and you get one-shotted immediately
Apart from that stuff it's incredible. Still need to beat the last boss
>the enemy does his move that you need to block
>you block
>now the enemy is stunned which allows you to do exactly 2 attacks
>then the enemy becomes invulnerable so you don't get 3 strikes in
>trying a 3rd strike staggers you instead
>now he does his move where you need to run around to dodge
>now the enemy does his move that you need to block
>repeat infinitely
It feels so static. Almost scripted even. I couldn't really get into it.
Furi was great though, especially Furier difficulty.
Kill yourself.
There are two buttons for dash in Furi
Hmmm I wonder how it could be done?
Or they could make good controls, I don't know man that seems better
If you were able to just spam an instant dodge the game would be a total joke
Longer input latency is objectively bad game design, there is zero arguments supporting it
Great game, but could use a lot of refinements.
Dodging to avoid big sweep attacks in melee mode felt like a crap shoot due to the camera angle. The Edge on Furier was a pain due to this.
The camera angles could get really bad in general when in shooter mode.
The forced walking sections can get fucked.
No fight against The Voice.
Where is the DLC battle for the PC/PS4 version?
>Where is the DLC battle for the PC/PS4 version?
It's coming this month.
>Dodging to avoid big sweep attacks in melee mode felt like a crap shoot due to the camera angle. The Edge on Furier was a pain due to this.
What if I told you that you can literally interrupt every single sweeping attacks by attacking the boss. Makes the Edge on Furier a fucking cakewalk. Not like that's better, but constant attacking and counter parrying his parries makes the first two phases of the fight ez.
>The forced walking sections can get fucked.
They had good music, though. Just stand up drink a glass of water
>No fight against The Voice.
You think they had one planned? Would've been great
Meh, I didn't like it that much. Combat isn't really that fluid. And the color palette makes me vomit.
>No fight against The Voice
Why do you even want one? He's literally just a nerd in a rabbit mask, he probably can't even fight.
You dont NEED to do any of that though. If you play it again you will notice that you can have a different approach to many fights, often more difficult, but way faster.
Not that guy, but why wouldn't I? There are many great reasons:
A fight against him might tell us why he was trapped there in the first place. Also, it would be fun as hell to see his teleporting bullshit happening during the fight, if that's even canon.
Also, more content, so why not?
I bought this game and the first tutorial boss was easy as fuck but had a ton of health so I got bored, played it the next day and the second boss was a little different, but I still got bored.
The only steam game I refunded
The Burst is the only good boss in the game
everyone else is from mediocre to trash
there's gonna be an additional boss released for the xbone version that is a timed exclusive
only if the dash lagged after release it would be input latency, you literal retard
>It feels so static.
>Almost scripted even.
No moreso than any other CUHRAYZEE game, I'd argue.