Has anyones started shipping yet? Mine hasn't even started preparing and I'm worried

Has anyones started shipping yet? Mine hasn't even started preparing and I'm worried.

Also for some reason Bomberman R is on its way and is probably being delivered today. Wat.

Mine hasn't shipped yet either and it's starting to piss me off since it says it's supposed to ship today and it's already fucking past noon

I'm going to a midnight release for the switch and I'm picking up BotW SE from Walmart whenever it comes in.

All of mine are on "Will be sent out today" right now on Amazon

My wii u version hasn't yet
I message them and they said it should get here by the 4th.

If they are wrong I'm going to bother them that I pay for Prime and that I have consumer expectations so maybe I'll get a free month or year

missesd the switch

Ordered mine from shopto and got a email that it was dispatched yesterday only for today to get a email saying they are only giving the parcels to DPD tomorrow.

Mine changed to arriving fucking march 14-18 so i cancelled. Im going to walmart at opening to hopefully pick one up, i live in a small hick town so i doubt theres gonna be a line whatsoever.

>Sup Forumstendo

Mine haven't shipped, either.

Gamestop called me and told me I wont get a Switch this Friday.
Thats what I get for saving 60€ with a trade in bonus

My order still says "preparing". I ordered from bestbuy, and they charged my account last week. It still tells me on the order page i should expect it March 2nd, but they also sent me an Email in January saying date changed to 3rd.

They'll dispatch it tomorrow. Did you forget how Amazon works or something?

post more of this cutie

>not yet shipped
zelda and pro controller

I went with Amazon so it should go out tomorrow

Yeah, should come tomorrow between 10 AM and 3 PM CET according to the delivery site.

>he fell for the shitch
Nu-Sup Forums, everyone.


Nope. I've got an estimate of early next week from Amazon even though I have prime.

Wii U Zelda changed to no release day estimate so changed to Best Buy a few days ago. Still at preparing. Hope it goes out today.

Mine should arrive on friday but i won't be getting it anyway since no european store ships it to where i live.

>pre-ordered the Wii U version though Amazon Prime
>estimated delivery is this friday
>still hasn't shipped
I'm getting worried guys

Mine shipped today, might have it tomorrow, should be Friday at the latest.

Fucking Gamestop

Amazon waits until the day before for most new products so they don't accidentally break street release.

just fuck my shit up

>been let down by Amazon too many times before to pre-order from them
>use Nintendo's store to pre-order for the third time
>order isn't picked yet

>mfw Amazon would rather upset their customers than risk breaking street date
how fucking pathetic can you be?




Amazon has always gotten games to me on time, except for one time when UPS refused to deliver it to me that day because they had a power outage or some stupid shit. It was literally sitting in a truck but they never sent it out. It obviously wasn't Amazon's fault.

Here's the thing. There's a pretty good chance they'll just ship it next-day tomorrow or something. Then you'll get it on time.


>Buying nintenshit
kys yourself.

Already played up to Kakariko village with ton of extra stuff done on my Wii U Loadiine version.

I stopped preordering from Amazon all together because they would just ship everything on release date.

>because they would just ship everything on release date.
Not sure what you're talking about, user. My games always get shipped next-day and arrive on the release date.

With that said, I use amazon prime. That might make a difference I guess.

i've been buying games on amazon for over a decade at this point and they always get delivered on release day, even if it ships the day before

It's happened to me like once when I ordered a book in November when it was due out in January. I totally forgot about it and when I was looking at my orders, I saw it was still preordered in mid-feb. It's so fucking weird.

I've had a generally pretty good experience with Amazon and pre-ordering but I've stopped recently when they oversold Nioh.
I preordered 4 days before release and it said I was guaranteed to get it the day off. Come release day the game hadn't even shipped.

im scared Sup Forums

and it went from preordered status to not yet shipped status a while back. usually it goes to "preparing for shipping" in a few hours.

I'd also use the Canadian Amazon and maybe they just suck ass.

I got this weird e-mail a few weeks ago telling me my order was "upgraded". Amazon is just fucking weird.

>400 dollarinos for a pokemon/mario/link/bomberman machine with the next link and bomberman rehashes
top fucking kek

>being poor

I was starting to get worried myself, I suppose it's sort of a relief to see a lot of other people's haven't shipped yet either.

Not poor, I just spend my money on a real console, the PS4.

It's not out until Friday, they won't dispatch it until tomorrow.

Oh no, 400 dollars. :)

cop me a few bucks, user.

LOL he thinks that is money

neets really do have no concept of money. one of perils of relying on their parents to buy them everything.

gimme sum of that

Mine still hast shipped either. Hoping it goes through if not im gonna have to try and get a midnight launch one

>buying games

Same, from what I understand it's packed and DPD have the details but aren't gonna send ti untill tomorrow. I'm not too worried because they're sending it from about 10 minutes drive down the road.



Send nudes

but I'm a chubby guy

Bank account just got charged.

Preparing for shipment.

My pro controller from Best Buy was shipped this morning.

It's happening boiz, I'm in the clear!

$400 is about how much I've made in the past couple days watching Zelda streams. You're poor. There's nothing wrong with that per se, just understand that most people don't shit themselves over three figures like you do.

hasn't you fucking ret

"hast" is just the archaic form of "have" tho.

I'm going to the midnight launch after having a Five Guys with a friend. I prepaid everything off yesterday in store, the Switch, Official Carry Case, Zelda and was given a ticket to pick it up. I technically don't have to queue and can grab it and go, but my mate isn't gonna do that, and because i said i would go with him; i gotta wait in line for him to drop his money on it, when i could be at home, playing.

If we're strictly talking about things being delivered though, i have a Gorilla Glass screen protector coming that's not gonna be here until next week... I'm gonna have to be extra careful with it.

Also, when in the store yesterday, i did get to play Zelda on it on their demo unit. It feels super comfy and it's amazing. The right stick isn't as out the way as people say and you can nudge it with the inside of your thumb joint. The Joy-Con grip, however, is smaller than a Gamecube controller, but is really comfortable.
Ask me anything else if you like?

Dumb frogposter

Mine says tuesday now, guess i might as well cancel and buy it at a store

What store has Switch demo units?

I hadn't even heard of that until now.

Stop being a pseudo intellectual fuckwit

I'm in the UK, our version of Gamestop, GAME, has a unit out the box. I dunno if it's just that store though - they're pretty great bros there.

how is the screen?

Ok sorry.

How do you make $400 watching Zelda streams?

My Switch and Hori Screen Protector saying shipping today, while my master edition says preparing to ship

A lot brighter than you think. It's very sharp for 720p and looks detailed and crisp, no ghosting

I havent pre ordered any and plan to trade some shit at gamestop launch day, how fucked am I? I did the math and I'll have enough to buy it, but will gamestop even have any? I live in Louisiana in a area where theres not too many people thatd care about Switch.

I'm good right?

It depends on how much they'll have stocked of course. If you live in a small area, they won't have that many and the ones they do have will probably be preorders.

I could use a good laugh.

Mine still says that it hasn't shipped yet

They're going to end up cancelling mine I can feel it.

I'm attempting to do a midnight release in Colorado Springs with no preorder. See how this goes