I was told the map in BoTW was pretty huge

I was told the map in BoTW was pretty huge

It's barely bigger than Skyrim

I don't think that qualifies as huge

Other urls found in this thread:


Well that indeed is bigger than skyrim

>THIS is the "huge" map hyped up for months

holy shit, is it even bigger than GTA 5?


This is a Wii U game from 2015

>holy shit, is it even bigger than GTA 5?
If pic related is accurate, it isn't

1/10 made my reply
So in your mind 5.4 * 6.8 rougly equals 9 * 6.8.

that looks to be about twice the size of skyrim

Which means it's still small by 2017 standards

Everyone in this thread is fucking retarded

show me one game released in 2017 that has a bigger map than botw

I think Zelda looks like shit but map size is irrelevent to how good a game is.

Do you really want empty fields of fucking nothing in your games? Oh wait you all praised OoT for having a big fucking empty field so of course you do.

Nintendo should have just created a fucking 900kmx900km box and filled it with nothing, not even textures or geometry and just released it like that and you shitters would have praised it as the greatest thing every because it was so big.

muh quantity over quality

>>is it even bigger than GTA 5
>implying that's ever a good thing

I heard that the island in the south east is koholint from LA, can anyone confirm?

>it's not even huge
Thank you Jesus
Nobody wanted an unnecessarily large map

I wonder how it would look compared to wind waker's ocean?

ironic as BotW is nothing but empty fields

Looks big enough to me. I mean I know you like them huge but come on.

>not even textures
Well BoTW has no textures so they kinda did that

>soniggers have reverted to map size to try and make it seem worse than their SJW exclusive


>being a size queen

You have to go back

OOT's hyrule field was so huge that it literally took you an entire 4 minutes to walk from one end to the other, and like 2 minutes on horse

How is that comparable at all to the "big" maps we see today?


Choose 1

I know you're trying to exagerate on purpose to bait but that's like saying the game has no 3d models. It just doesn't work. Please try posting something less retarded next time.

Large map = bigger than the current largest map

If its smaller than the largest, it isnt large at all

>4 straight minutes of holding forwards while doing nothing else is okay

Jesus fucking christ just gas yourself. I don't know why you faggots accept so much padding shit in games.

>while doing nothing else
you could kill the occasional poe or skeleton kid!

It's for immersion you retard. It would be dumb if Hyrule's fucking castle was right next to the shit forest village. It's not like you need to navigate it often anyway.

I hope your retarded ass realize this sort of reaction is what he wanted. That comment upset you, else you wouldn't have responded.

It broke my fucking immersion every time I entered it as I knew it was gonna be a 4 minute fucking hold forward fest, I barely paid attention to the game after I while I just held forwards while doing other things. Fuck that field. Fuck open world games.

It's huge

For you

The name Koholint was found in the game files, no-one can really confirm yet outside of that m8

By your logic you're also upset by my message.

and /asp/

Hahaha you sound like that youtuber faggot complaining about games making him walk.
You and him sound the same, what a fucking pedantic point of view.

>falling for the 'barren fields' meme
It's actually the opposite, the game's overworld has been so damn dense with so much to do that I've spent multiple hours stopping at villages, shrines or just exploring while on the way to dungeons. It's so easy to get sidetracked in this game and I love it.

What the fuck is with Zelda fags and being triggered by youtubers.

Travel isn't fun you fucking retard.

TP's map was so comfy.
the perfect size.

I'm a Zelda fan but your point of view is shit, honestly. Travel is fun in BotW imo because of the sheer variety in scenery and ways to travel and interact with the world on the way to your destination, but OoT, nostalgia aside is literally just walking from place to place. No real fun there. The fun is in the dungeons/combat.

so are you