Keep hearing Sup Forums talk about quake

>keep hearing Sup Forums talk about quake
>buy quake live on steam
>start playing
>the game has no air control, you cannot control where you move in the air AT ALL, ZERO, ZILCH
>kills are completely dependent on who has armor and weapons which you have to memorize and time (you start off with a peashooter and have to run to the weapons, and by that time you've already been fragged by some sperg who memorized the armor and weapon timings- makes zero sense that your starting weapon isn't even viable and someone with the red armor will take literally 100 fucking bullets before you kill them, your skill DOES not matter if someone has a better gun, you will lose)
>find out those 'crazy' quake videos and bunnyhopping were from a THIRD PARTY MOD for quake 3 called CPMA - THEY WEREN'T EVEN IN THE ORIGINAL GAME LOL
>get quake 3 and the cpma mod, find the cpma discord
>it's full of 100+ neckbeards jerking about how quake was so much better than anything and posting the same HAL9000 frag movies 100 times over and over
>ask someone to duel me
>nobody will and they tell me to go back to quake live
>ok then
>download quake 1 with a modern client and find some servers
>full of the same 3 aspies that have been playing the game for 20 years that type :) every time they kill you
>start playing and it has the same problem as live in that your starting weapon is a piece of shit, except NO WEAPONS BUT 2 (the rocket launcher and the lightninggun) are even USABLE, except this one admittedly has bunnyhopping

holy fuck quake sucks ass for real lol. no wonder this piece of shit game is dead

MUH BUNNYHOPPING was only in ONE quake game, the first one, and in that game only 2 FUCKING GUNS ARE USABLE and you cannot even TOUCH someone else unless you have them with an abundance of ammo

why do you pretend to like it? To seem cool?

Other urls found in this thread:

kids wouldn't get it

*strafe jumps at 1000ups to the red armor*
*telefrags behind you*
*spams you with lightning gun while you have a weapon that can't even do any damage*

pssh... you wouldn't get the skill of quake... kiiid

you just don't get it OP, it's the bunnyhopping (only in 1 quake game and third party mods) it's the pure skill like sprinting to the red armor, it's he perfect balance where you can only use 2-3 guns

You wouldn't get it unless you were Le hardcore Quaker.... Le sigh... stupid kids and their call of duty

>expecting a 20 year old game and remakes of it that are hardly different to its original to be good

I genuinely think cpma is great but nobody plays it (the weapons are balanced and it has the bunnyhop physics). Still, armor provides too much protection. You shouldn't be able to take 3 rockets or railguns to the face and end up standing.

Quake 1 has terrible weapon balance, absoutely awful. Quake 3 and live don't even have MUH BUNNYHOPPING that quakefags brag about and they're both legitimately terrible, being the same game. Quake live is supposedly 'hardcore' but it has NO air control lel.

The thing is, I legitimately love the bunny hop/strafe jump, the lightning gun, and rocket jumping. If there was a game that didn't have armor that was that powerful, had the LG, had air control physics, had bunny hopping, and had modern features like matchmaking, I'd love to play it. But every incarnation of quake has been terrible besides a mod (CPMA) and nobody will even fucking play me because all they do is beat off to the same videos of their gods HAL and nzr0 in their shitty irc and discord channels while not even playing the game they profess is the pinnacle of the fps genre.

Quake is just the CoD of a different generation. All people who praise it want to do is enter a circle jerk about how great it was.

Chances are the people who still play it avidly were absolute shit at the game in it's hayday. They're more than likely talking shit because no one who would give a fuck is around to call them on it.

Did you honestly think that spergs on Sup Forums actually had taste? Seriously. This board is full of people exploding about censoring a 12-year old's pussy lips and throwing a fit over anti-piracy programs on games they "would never play anyway, but definitely won't because Denuvo". The fuck did you expect?

Quake 3 is super different from 1

It's basically a casualized version with 3000 guns that do the same thing

>Quake is just the CoD of a different generation

Quake has great physics but the only reason it did was because of a glitch (bunny hopping). The weapon balance is fucked and armor makes you invincible.

You only have a shotgun and someone else has an LG? dead. You have the gl and someone else has the RL? dead. Someone else has armor? Bye.

Quake 3 had better weapon balance but the movement was so bad, it was worse than call of duty. So stiff.

Quake 2 had the terrible quake 3 physics with terrible weapons and ugly graphics and terrible maps.

Quake 4 was 3 except even worse.

CPMA was the only legitimately good game to come out of the quake series. Their only saving grace, bunnyhoping, was an unintentional mechanic that they removed from every subsequent game (and no, the gimped version in q3/ql where you hold forward and go at retard angles and can't turn doesn't count).


could you be any more mad?

gt gd fgt

Reminder that arena FPS died for the same reason fightan died, steep learning curve that people like OP could not handle because they kept getting their shit pushed in.

Now we have shitposting threads about how games like Q3 and Third Strike are actually shitty games, while literal faggots eat up shit like Overwatch and USFIV.

Face it, Sup Forums is nothing but an edgy reddit these days.

q3 was bad though

no bunnyhopping

I'm literally saying cpma was what quake 3 should have been

quake 3 casualized the movement mechanics of quake 1

also you're deluded if you think USFIV was a bad game

the best in the series was alpha 3, but ultra wasn't bad- it was a hell of a lot better than 5

and I hate to make a third reply but I hate overwatch because it's casual shit

carmack is an engineer aspie, nothing more, he doesn't understand what makes a good game which explains his personal vendetta against bunnyhopping and why he ruined the movement mechanics of q3 and put in zero air control

>>the game has no air control, you cannot control where you move in the air AT ALL, ZERO, ZILCH
Stopped reading

Literally who are you quoting? Go join a bhop_ server in csgo if you think airstrafing is the only thing quake is about.

>kills are completely dependent on who has armor and weapons which you have to memorize and time (you start off with a peashooter and have to run to the weapons, and by that time you've already been fragged by some sperg who memorized the armor and weapon timings- makes zero sense that your starting weapon isn't even viable and someone with the red armor will take literally 100 fucking bullets before you kill them, your skill DOES not matter if someone has a better gun, you will lose)

Stop playing TDM.

Seriously, what world are you living where Quake of all games, is an example of a game with shitty movement. Did I miss out on all the twitch shooters that came out recently?

this just in: old games were fucking garbage and most people have blind nostalgia for the garbage they grew up with

source: grew up playing Doom on a BBS

Into the trash

>armor and weapons which you have to memorize and time
This is a bad thing? Do you enjoy load outs you fucking faggot?

>alpha 3
>best in the series
Nigga please.

You paid for quake live? Kek, I got that shit when it was free. I get you though, you have to memorize the weapons and the spawns, but that's something you get over time, just like in every other game. To me, TF2 and UT are a superior version of the original quakes.

>people actually, unironically think quake is fast-paced

we finally reached that moment when even quake isn't good enough for Sup Forums soon doom and tetris will follow

doom and tetris are shit

quake 3/live are very slow games because of their gimped movement

quakeworld and cpma are very fast because of the bunnyhop mechanic

it's true for quake 3/live. The only quake games that have really any air control at all are the original quake 1, and the cpma mod for quake 3

Not loadouts in the cawadoody sense. but everyone starting with a nerfed lg or a buffed mg, yes. You need a viable weapon to start off with that you can kill others with. You should be able to outskill your opponent.

I played a little ql in the browser days. Same problems but I forgot how lame it was.

And quake is billed as the skill fps. What skill? Moving to armor with crippled movement mechanics, then chokefucking someone that cannot POSSIBLY DEFEAT YOU because they have better armor? The playing field needs to be leveled. I am not opposed to pickups at all. But your starting weapon should be viable and you should start with some kind of armor, or armor as a whole needs to be nerfed. I've fucked people up in qw with 3 direct rockets and they were still standing then fragged me despite me outskilling them. That isn't a skill based game. That's some gay faggot that memorized where the red armor was and ran to it and camped out all the good weapons and armor so that I couldn't get to them.

quakeworld and cpma are slow garbage


>suck shit
>blame the game

Go back to ut its more your speed

What's your rationale? CPMA is extremely fast. It was probably the best game of the arena fps genre. Quakeworld is very fast too, especially on smaller maps, because of how fast you can get around.

The reason arena FPS died was because of the pickups being so unbalanced. That you can make someone eat 3 rockets to the face and they're still alive. That people camp the armor and RL/LG/RG points. That is not skill based gameplay. CPMA was the only step in the right direction for this genre.

People want to be on equal footing in terms of firepower. They don't want to be snapping rubber bands at someone armed to the teeth. Games like CSGO are pieces of shit, but you can outskill your opponent. Some guns might be better than others but you don't start off with a gun so bad that it couldn't hurt a fruit fly. They don't have armor that lets them brush off 10 AWP shots.

This is the fundamental problem with the AFPS genre. The speed of QW and cpma are excellent. The small map design is excellent. Armor letting you tank 3 hits, the gimped movement of Q3 and QL, the terrible weapon balance are what killed the games.

nah it's slow

Nobody takes FFA and TDM seriously and neither should you. Your problem would literally be fixed if you played fucking clan arena or learned how to duel.

>That isn't a skill based game. That's some gay faggot that memorized where the red armor was and ran to it and camped out all the good weapons and armor so that I couldn't get to them.

Map knowledge and timings are apart of the game and what makes a good player. You're like complaining because you didn't want to read frame data in street fighter. You're a typical salty scrub. Fuck off.

>every new arena FPS sells like fucking garbage
>hurrdurr everyone else is stupid, it's the best genre ever made!

fucking dumb cucks in denial kek

This post reminds me why I loved the mr pants excessive mod back in quake 3. Everyone starts with all the weapons, no armor, damage is buffed but there is health regen. Rocket jumps, nade jumps, Bfg jumps really made the game very fast. Sunk a lot of time into that mode, I wish I could play today.

It seems like the meta is to memorise pickups

Map control is a skill

>you're deluded if you think USFIV is a bad game

Today, in the year of our lord 2017, there are people defending DIMPS games as if they are anything but utter trash.

Let me count the ways:
>invincible backdash
>crouch tech
>huge reversal buffer
>focus and FADC
>link-reliant damage output without any sort of input buffer
>huge throw tech window
>cross-ups in the corner
>little pushback from shorts and jabs so you can hit confirm braindead bullshit
>hard knockdowns from almost everything slowing the game down and causing dumb vortex situations
>ultra combos
>fucked up, inconsistent hitboxes
>multi-tiered OSs that cover way too many scenarios
>shit anti-air damage

It might be fun to watch some autistic chinks play at a "high level" on twitch, but that doesn't mean it is a good game by any stretch of the imagination.

Oh, and SFV is also shit for different reasons, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say there.

Don't worry, OP. If you suck that hard at shooters, there is always Overwatch.

nah even old fags like me wouldn't get a liking for that pos

Game was all about timing and golden shots,basically the only skill required was to know your adversary paths,find a way to counter them and you were gold.

I never liked it and the same did applied for UT or Tribes,I was more into a game without borders with maps more bigger than a kitchen sink or a clusterfuck with some choke points and happy campers

Thank god that OFP happened that soon

>oldfags like me
>more bigger

This is what our hobby has become.

You know why people likes and ever liked small maps

>more kills per seconds
>can easily overrun campers
>no snipers
>games are more shorter
>everything plays pretty much the same
>everyone sticks with the eternal fotm

Do you remember when the CoD fags blurted S&D is the competitive mode,everything else plainly sucks and should die in a fire together with big maps and campers.

Is S&D still a thing?I have played a couple of S&D when CoD was just CoD 1 and CoD 2,all you had to do was to watch a couple of exits,throw some nades at start,hope for the best and end the game in two minutes,if game lasted more everyone talked about it like giving a birth

You like small maps or nothing special like DE Dust?

You are part of the problem.