Yooka-Laylee's looking pretty good


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the more I see of this game the less I'm interested in it

>yooka's head things glow in the dark

Looks awesome.
Is what I would say if this were 2002



I don't like the artstyle, it's got that 'unity look' that I can't quite pinpoint (I think it may be the shaders?), the levels aside from that initial jungle setting they showed also look really bland and oversized/barren, and most of the voiceclips used were really grating.

GoW didn't exist until 2005

This. Now that the gameplay is starting to show itself, the game looks really bare and uninteresting. The visuals, while colorful, are somehow soulless and the sound design is flat and boring.
Not sure if this is just residual Nuts and Bolts skepticism or what, but I'm uncertain.

So basically banjo with unity graphics? Kids seem to love it so far so its a moot point

It all looks so stock if you know what I mean.

>vidya references
>SO GOOOD 10/10




Everything about it just seems like a cheap imitation of Banjo with very little innovation; I will say I do like the rolling mechanic and Yooka's camouflage mechanic to give him temporary power-ups. But everything else just seems like a watered down version of Banjo

>the music
lifeless, I can't believe Grant Kirkhope did this
>the worlds
too large, too empty
>the voice effects
irritating as hell
>the side characters
forgettable and forces

The thing that annoys me most is the lack of cartoonish sluggishness about it; all movements in YL seem too abrupt, whereas in Banjo it was slightly slowed with exaggerated movement, giving it that cutesy, fluid vibe to it.

literally who gives a shit about graphics

Not the person that you're replying to, but yeah. In all fairness, it looks way too much like Unity and isn't trying to make it much different. Everything about the models and the lighting just screams it. I also wish Yooka had like a Hawaiian shirt or something. It'd be a nice standout thing for a chameleon to wear.
That said, I'm still pretty hype for this game. Anything to support the people that made Banjo-Kazooie; My all-time favorite game.

>Hawaiian shirt
Totally agree

Banjo and Kazooie had some material outfit associated with them that makes them so recognizable to anyone, even out of context, in a simplistic description; sounds cheap, but it's true.

Bear in yellow shorts? Banjo.
Bird in a backpack? Kazooie.

Green chameleon with red extremities? Errrmm....
Purple bat with a red nose? Uhh....

It's incredible how much more life there is in that edit. The original is oddly stiff and lifeless much like the rest of the game will be.

I'm actually fine with Laylee's design, it's just Yooka's I have the problem with. I like the big red nose.

Banjo had the shark tooth necklace, the blue backpack, and the yellow pants.
Kazooie was just Kazooie, and made up for it with her personality.

Green and red are complementary colors.
Purple and red are supplementary colors.

the accessories are unnecessary, comes off as heavy handed and fur-mongering

everyone asked for an hawaian shirt when the designs were unveiled. It's kinda sad they didn't do shit about it, but I'm not pissed. Game looks amazing for me as its everything i wanted: a third proper banjo.

Hope they gonna make optional unlockable outfits for the game but I doubt it. I don't know if you can mod unity engine games, but it would be the tits. Imagine an unofficial banjo kazooie mod, fellas.

Fuck does that even mean? I think you're just looking for excuses to complain.

The humour and charm is there, but from what i've seen the movement is not very satisfying

appealing to those that have an affinity for animals with human characteristics

Nostalgia-pandering garbage, no thank you.

Just makes me think of pic related

They already walk and talk, is giving one a shirt to add some aesthetic appeal really that much more of a leap?

Agreed; Laylee's is fine, I'm impartial about the aviation hat but the nose should be like the original

I'd say the backpack is more associated with Kazooie than Banjo cos, yknow, she lives there (do we ever see her out of it? I can't actually remember).

>implying furries aren't already on this shit already

underrated movie

the hat is too much

You are a joyless piece of shit

is this really what people want? an imitation of something they played in the past?

just because something is included doesn't mean it's targeted.

but you're not worried about common, sense, now are you? you got your (you), filth.

yes, and it clashes with the established color scheme

For those who played the toybox, which 3D Plaformer character's movement would you compare to Yooka and Laylee's movement?


Kill your self

>he doesn't like bad games, therefore he has no joy in his heart.

There's that move in Tooie where you can play Banjo or Kazooie solo.

That's all it's ever claimed to be. What the fuck did you expect?

People wanted a third banjo kazooie and were cucked by nuts and bolts so probably.

Except it doesn't, not even remotely.


It was a harmless pun you joyless piece of shit.

On the contrary, I'm filled with plenty of joy. In fact, I still remember the joy I felt playing Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie. Which is why I don't need to relive it.

I'll never pick something old over something new, sorry. Innovation will always beat this kind of safe pandering. Even if it's bad at least it's new.

Speaking of which the game just doesn't look that good to begin with, sorry.

>calling him a joyless piece of shit is a pun.


Well gee, I sure got told, huh


Well, alright. I don't think so. Furries would be interested in this because it features walking and talking animals anyway, I don't think a shirt is suddenly gonna tip the scales.

>and it clashes with the established color scheme

If you mean it contrasts with Yooka's color scheme then yes, that's the point. It stands out for a reason, to add visual flair. If he was wearing a green and red shirt it would look awful.

This is important

the red extremities clash with the blue shirt

The shirt looks like shit first of all

I'm calling the game nostalgia-pandering, not the fucking God of War pun, you retard.

Well duh, it's a Hawaiian shirt

Not really, famicom

Im it's not just the graphics but everything else too.
referring to the game itself. Not gow.

>muh color theory
i hate you retards the most
this shit has zero relevance to anything at all ever
a purple and yellow flower is beautiful, but a purple and yellow dress is hideous
color theory is the dumbest most useless shit ever concocted and mindlessly parroted by people who looked at a color wheel once in 4th grade art class

Seriously, though, what is this pose supposed to be.

understand that it's supposed to match or be close to the color of the iris but the yellow abdomen in essence takes the place of a shirt

Crazy obvious samefag

You joyless piece of shit.

No, but alright.

Literally kill yourself.

Stay mad you wasted 3 years in art college, NEET

>people ITT cannot distinguish the difference between red and orange
>people ITT, don't know what clashing colors are
>people, in this very thread, still in the year 2017, use the RYB color model


RYB is a model from hundreds of years ago from when we didn't understand this shit. It is now a living relic that won't die because people don't give enough of a shit. STOP USING IT



>people not realizing that these colours are just different wavelengths of light
>not ascending and colouring everything ultraviolet


The giant nose on the bat will always piss me off. Such a horrible design choice.

>any negative opinion is a false flag

cosmic > gamma > x-ray > ultraviolet > infrared > micro/radar > tv/radio

Whitelightfags need not apply.

They need to change the fucking voice of the chameleon.
whoever did the casting / voiceacting for the chameleon did a bad job.

>not infrared at bottom

>he watches tv and radio

>watching the radio

I mean I guess you could do that. Not sure why anyone would willingly want to, but whatever floats your boat.

>he doesnt watch the radio

I backed it, and I still think it'll be great, but I do agree with some of the sentiment that something feels...off. It may be the physics or the kinda plastic look that comes with Unreal, but I dunno.

Still enthusiastic about it at least. I'm sure it'll scratch that exploratory 3D collectathon itch i've had for the longest time.

i got the toybix from preordering on steam.

it controls flawlessly. my only gripe is the swimming mechanics. A to swim up and B to swim down. instead of banjo kazooie where they used the analog stick to control directions

But how do they control?
Like Banjo?
Like Mario in 64?
Like Sonic or Knuckles in SA2?
Like Rayman?

I need a comparison

explain user

I am curious

more like banjo kazooie than anything. just more polish. at the very least this will be just a "good" 3d platformer. it has everything there to make it enjoyable. whether it holds up to banjo kazooie will be a different story

Fpbp. Fuck this bad game. Never back shit on Kickstarter kids.

If you stop to think about it, it's the same deal with Sonic and Crash

>hedgehog in shoes? sonic
>bandicoot in jeans? crash