Breath of the Wild Famitsu

Japanese publication Famitsu has published its scores for a handful of long-awaited games with Zelda: Breath Of The Wild being one of them

Zelda: Breath of the Wild (NSW / Wii U) – 10 / 10 / 10 / 10

No one cares about Japanese IGN

I'd say Japanese EDGE.

It's going to be an amazing game, and only sonyggers hate on it.

Oh, great, it will be as good as Nintendogs

Did they go into any detail about version differences?

How badly the wiiu runs in comparison is the difference between a pirate and a purchase.

Why. Because of the waifusuuuus?
Kill your self.

What is it with Nintendo and fuckeable fishes?

>you will never save her

Fuck you nintendo

Japaneses love fishes.

JJBA All Star Battle for a 40 too and outside of fan service that game was fucking garbage. Literally no reason to care about Famitsu.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact they live on a glorified island.


Fucking Nintendogs got a 40.

Look, I like everything I saw so far from the game, including the recent streams, but


I'm playing the game and while I agree it's fucking great, it's no 10/10.
Easy 9/10 though, at least the WiiU

What does Famitsu judge games by? They gave Yakuza 6 a 10/10/9/10 and it was the worst Yakuza game we've gotten in years.

Well said, friend. Unless you were being ironic, in which case shut up.


It's going to be yet another incredibly overhyped game that is only decent at best, isn't it?

I'm tired of this meme. I already fell for this once.

what point are you making? nintendogs might just be the perfect of its type

no, everyone realizes it's an archipelago

s-s-so horizon is better?
p-p-pls tell me horizon is better

Don't we all, technically, live on glorified islands?

more like japanese people in general
that's what happens when you live in a island all your fucking life

Depends on how aligned your taste is with the general critique media.
What was the reception for the couple of last truly amazing games you've played?

>If a reviwer gives it a good score: LOL shills gtfo who trusts reviewers btfo.
>If a reviewer gives it a bad score: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA SHIT GAME BLUNDER BTFO good reviewer HAHAHAHAA.

They're giving a perfect score to practically any Japanese game, user. Nier Automata got 39/40 and while it's a good game, it's nowhere near perfection.


Famitsu never give bad score unless it is the perfect hopeless trash

wait does BoTW have waifus or not?

This is important

Yes, you need to go back there.

From what I saw of the stream Horizon looked boring and easy, so I doubt it.
I might pirate it once PS4 gets hacked like WiiU.

>Nips give a nip game good scores

Stop the presses!

It does but they're all dead already.

Edge and Famitsu are both famous for tough reviews, and only given out a handful of perfect scores in there LONG LONG history.

This game got perfect from both.
Only other review out there is a 94.
PCucks still think it will be bad

>Edge and Famitsu are both famous for tough reviews
Stopped reading there.

famitsu aren't famous for tough reviews dumbass

Reminder that Famitsu gave MW3 a 39/40 and fucking NINTENDOGS a 40/40. Their opinions don't matter.

It's probably more of an Aonuma thing.

what's wrong with giving nintendogs 40/40 if it's the best of its type

Famitsu has been around for over 30 fucking years. Is older then most people on here.
And only given out 24 perfect scores in 30 years plus worth of reviewing games.

So yea, there not exactly tossing those around willy nilly

>goes to reddit
>posts a screencap from there


Do what this person said

Whoa. Another perfect score from Famitsu. Seems like any game that comes out gets 40/40 now. In all seriousness this is actually good. At this point if famistu scores a game 39/40 I just assume its shit.

Being the best of its type doesn't mean shit if "its type" doesn't make for a good game.

It was a good game.

37/40 is what people to be the cutoff point I think.

Nah, my girl Paya is well alive, only the King and the Champions are dead

sure it does

>check the 40/40s list
>MGSV is in it
>that shit JoJo PS3 fighting game is in it
>tough reviews
Yeah seems legit.

no it really doesn't

You only have less than a day left for shit posting.

Really made me think

Wait, are you implying those are 40/40?

yeah it does

I'm implying other games do not affect BOTW.

Hmmm novel idea I know.

Don't forget that Skyrim also got a perfect score.
Does this mean Sup Forums will finally stop shitting on it and accept it as the masterpiece it truly is now that our nip overlords have officially approve of it?


>I already fell for this once.
name the game so I can either confirm you might be right or laugh at you for ever thinking that game was going to be good

>they gave a 36/40 to Ninja Gaiden 3
>VANILLA Ninja Gaiden 3
Do they have mentally disabled personnel reviewing games?

>pretty good taste

>suddenly nintendogs and everything is shit forever afterwards

really makes you think

What's wrong with Nintendogs?

How the hell did Skyward Sword achieve perfect scores all around?

All according to keikaku

just tryhards trying hard to act hardcore on here

Nintendogs its fucking dope. Its the best virtual pet ever made. I am not even being ironic, but its really the best of its kind.

i didnt say anything was wrong with nintendogs

i said everything afterwards was shit

learn to read

you mean everything after vagrant story

Oh good, the pay cheque cleared.

Are nintendrones serious? Nintendogs is fucking garbage.

you wish

in what way is it garbage

I didn't say that you said there was something wrong with it, but of course that was implied in my question. As much as it was implied in your remark that you had something wrong with it.

I can read just dine. Can you?

It's literaly perfect for what it was at the time it came out.
The ony downside I can think of is how they jewd the hell out of it by releasin dozens of iterations when everything could easily fit in one single game, but it's not clear as how such a thing would affect a "critique" kind of review as opposed to a "buyer's guide" one.

you are fucking retarded, famitsu is corrupted as fuck and all fucking nips knew it

Are you serious? The game is just all minigames.

It's fucking worse than tamagotchi because in tamagotchi you can see your virtual pet at least grow up and die. In Nintendogs your dogs never die no matter how much you abuse them because nintendo is a bunch of cucks.

or Maybe it's for kids, and not sociopaths. You are a bad person.

So I'm a sociopath because I'm expecting virtual pet standards that were there 30 years ago.

This is how far nintencucks are going to take it.

No one on Sup Forums would ever fucking argue that nintendogs is a good game, except for fucking nintenbabys and their favorite company who can do no wrong.

stop turning everything into console wars, why are you such a faggot

Because you want to sell me on nintendogs being a good game. It's a shitty pet simulator. Other games have the same aspect of having a virtual pet but that's just one aspect of the game, one gameplay element of something much bigger.

And you especially wanted to argue that nintendogs deserves the perfect score to make Famitsu reviews look legit, how fucking hilarious. No one ever took Famitsu serious on here except of course for nintenfaggots.

If you nintenfags would shit on the shitty nintendo games like this instead of celebrating everything nintendo shits out then maybe people would believe you if you said BoTW is a 10/10 game.


Because outside of the way too long tutorial, it was a great game.

calm down, i don't only play nintendo and i certainly don't think it deserves 40/40. im not trying to sell you anything you insane person. stop posting like this


I'm gonna have to copy and paste the second half of your post to any post I make about Zelda in the next 2 days.

God forbid shitposting console wars faggots allow us to talk about games

Famitsu used to be famed for it's nigh-impossible perfect score but they started cashing in on that around PS3 gen. It means exactly as much as IGN, today.