When was the least time you fell asleep while playing a video game?

When was the least time you fell asleep while playing a video game?

Happened to me with Street Fighter 5 desu

In bed, playing Yakuza 0.

Was playing Mahjong.

A few days ago with Etrian Odyssey IV. I was all tucked in my bed while playing the game and I just fell asleep. I couldn't resist all the comfyness.

Dead Rising, 7 day challenge, which is 14 hours real time with no saving or checkpoints

Grinding missions in Yugioh Dual Links
It was around 3am and I was only awake due to heart burn.

When I was playing FFXI, years ago, it was the only time I was actively involved in playing and just passed out for a bit. Plenty of times I've paused a game and fell asleep like immediately, but that doesn't count.



I was playing planetside 2 when it was good with my best friend and we ended up playing really late and he fell asleep at his pc
I could hear him sleeping over skype
it was the cutest thing ever, I like him


>couldn't understand how people can fall asleep while doing something
>woke up few times from phone falling on my face

dude that´s so fucking gay can you just shut the fuck up about your faggot fantasies

i'm a girl

Then go tell him you like him already faggot.

>steals mom's pills
That doesn't make you a girl

That's what all the faggots say.

he disappeared a year ago and last I heard from him he's coming back this month, I'm gonna try to tell him then
they're my pills





wrong person senpai

John you literally need to stop sucking dicks right now, you cant even breathe with all the jizz stuck in the throat

third of your whole body weight of random male sperm

stop confusing me with other people pls

i was being funny duh

can i be your friend?

i dont wanna be your boyfriend or anything, just your internet friend. i'm not creepy or anything

however you aren't allowed to have a real bf while i'm your friend because i don't wanna get cucked

and don't you lie to me i will ALWAYS find out

I passed out at 2am in the middle of a battle in Final Fantasy 9, and woke up to a game over screen. This was about 12 years ago.

I dunno, maybe
are you nice?

ass creed black while reading the sticky notes after pulling an all nighter

if he wants to be your friend that means he´s eventually aiming to fuck you

yes i'm friendly and polite
video games

Used to fall asleep playing Animal Crossing in the wee hours of the night back in the gamecube days.

dont worry i haven't fucked anyone for 30 years

tbqh i've never fucked anyone ever. can you please shut up now chen, i'm trying to make friends over here

>dont worry i haven't fucked anyone for 30 years
that´s pretty sad. no wonder you´d try to bond in Sup Forums. why dont you just get a hooker, even month without sex is a pretty long time virgin

well I am lonely, a friend would be nice
how do we be friends

Phoenix Wright 6
I was pretty tired desu and was on the worst case + comfy on bed with 3ds so cut me some slack. No total blackout but eventually decided to just close and resume later when I'm rested.

>want to play games
>too tired after work

you forgot
>every day
i only play on weekends

Happened once during Pokemon Moon. The game is fun though, I was just really tired.

Is this the hourly sissy white boi thread?

i'm not sure i guess we'd have to exchange some sort of info where we can contact each other.

i'm not using any of these normalfag social web things like skype or kik, i only talk to people here.

it's pretty sad youre so desperate

got discord?

Last night on gears 4 multiplayer. Snoozed for a literal second then woke up abruptly at the sound of a gnasher blowing off my head. Freaked me out.

yeah sure its me not you, thats why you havent fucked once in 30 years LMAO

keep jerking off to those anime girls faggot, that´ll get you friends

Oh, look, it's another ERP bait thread.

You fucking homos.

I think it was P4G

>keep jerking off to those anime girls faggot, that´ll get you friends
that's exactly how people make friends here

>fell asleep playing fighting game
is SFV really that boring or were you playing for like 40h straight

>month without sex is a long time
>haven't even gotten close for going on 4 years

League of legends, I only play now with mylon friends, I was playing with slave champ so it sucked and I fall asleep, it became a joke between us now

FFIX I think, Dali village always make me sleepy as fuck

no but i can create an account. are you on irc?

which are gone when you close the browser and then you´re stuck with the same shit again

why cant these desperate fucks just bond IRL over job or hobbies like every other mentally stable individual

>Playing SAO: Hollow Realization
>Having fun fucking around
>Decide to stop after one more boss fight
>Farming some red chests along the way
>Fuck-huge maps lull me to sleep

The game is fun but damn I hate how large those maps are. By this point I'm spending most of my money on speed potions.

Bayonetta motorcycle level. Took a bunch of Klonopin and blacked out. Somehow finished the level without knowing it.

never heard of it senpai

>wanting to bond with normalfags
i don't think it's even possible to find friends with similar interest if you are an adult and not a normie
i'm fucked

ok then what's your discord name?

Silent Hill 3 back in like 2007 or something, also the only time.

sorry I don't really wanna post it here, could I get yours?

Dragon dogma bitterblack isle edition
I was really tired and jacking off to my character and dozed off for a bit.

Literally never. I just can't fall asleep if I'm doing something. Can't even fall asleep if I'm in a vehicle/train. Went ~40 hours without sleep one time because I was traveling the whole time and I wasn't the one driving.

Gabbo worst girl

you can find similar interests but only if you´re willing to be outgoing, social, break out of your shell and not get mad about casuals. casuals are the main audience and they value social life over in depth games intel

also since we are talking adults, you better have a fucking job coz every second question will be leading to how much money you make and what´s the field you work in. also dont sperg out when people are talking girlfriends and marriage, fake it till you make it.

I'm the opposite.
My cousin likes keeping me awake because she says I look funny when I fall asleep mid-sentence.

Gabbo is at her best when she's a blob.

what are your numbers senpai
there should be 4 numbers with your name

>outgoing, social
where do i go to be >social?
bars? beer makes me sleepy as fuck, other alcohol doesn't make me act differently at all
and yes i have a job

Why is the show so bad?
It has tons of cute girls and the OP / ED is good.

It's so boring though. They should've just donated all their money into producing S2 of Sweaty Ping Pong Girls

first off the gym coz you´re low energy as fuck, after that any social gatherings where people talk shit and you´ve made it

Then why didn't you fuck him? Are you fat?

>any social gatherings
like concerts?
it doesn't work
also i don't want to force myself, those >social gatherings will always be full of normalfags

no I have terminal autism

Fire Emblem Heroes when I was waking up in the middle of the night to use up my stamina, haven't done that since grinding units in Tactics Advance in my bed

>muh comfort zone
you´ll be in exact same position next year too, congrats for the beta choice

i know

Post measurements then.

>Gabbo is at her best when she's a blob.

>They should've just donated all their money into producing S2 of Sweaty Ping Pong Girls


unironic comment here

I think you need to try and meet some "normalfags" to get over your apparent fears or disdain for them. "Normalfag" for the most part is memeterminology that got out of hand, where suddenly every not total no-life autist weeb was somehow "not one of us" or stupid. Most cool people are somewhere in the middle of of the normalfag to weird outcast spectrum.
I'm personally lucky to know some friends via my highschool buddy who are down for nerdy shit but also somewhat capable in the "normals" world. I'd reccomend finding some groups or clubs for whatever hobby you have and just try and meet people with an open mind and just try to listen and talk to them, give everybody the benefit of doubt. As an autist i think doing some sort of activity usually eases the social part, just randomly meeting people is somethign i do not understand. I was thinking of joining a Lego club gathering somewhere near my city from time to time, the age median is relatively high there.

i was living with normies in dorm
those were completely different people than the friends i had earlier
literally all they were doing was playing LoL, CSGO and watching twitch


i'm trying to befriend this girl from Sup Forums who's into some dude who gonna come back in a month. until then she feels lonely so she needs a sensitive, nice user like me to give her attention

i'm literally begging to be cucked how did i not see this

sorry gal, nothing personal, removed you from discord

Guild wars 2 after an 10-12 hours session.
Got backed, was wating for some world boss or shit to spawn. Fell asleep. Cant remember the rest doesnt happen as often anymore.

Hey friends, what's going on in this thread?

> girl from Sup Forums

Never did that, but I fell asleep masturbating once.

i don't believe (you)

>but I fell asleep masturbating once.
>mfw happened to me once at night
>woke up the next day laying there thinking "holy shit, did my mom saw me laying there with or without blanket?

I fell asleep playing Pokemon S&M a couple days ago.
How can I not when Gamefreak has created the comfiest pokemon to date?
The MC and Lillie are so cute together, holy shit.

tbqh around 5 years ago i actually met a real "girl" on Sup Forums. i was roleplaying in a thread about /ss/ and some hambeast took the bait. i was pretending i was 14 and she went on webcam for me. she was a disgusting around 300 pound 30 year old murrican pedo, and i did the hanson thing on her. she talked about what sexual stuff she'd do to me, thinking i was 14 instead of 23. i disconnected after a couple of hours, i probably should have reported her to the authorities but i was too lazy

now you know how real girls on Sup Forums are

>That story
Jesus fucking christ user

>i probably should have reported her to the authorities but i was too lazy
Yes, yes you should've

>I'm 26 years old
>Talking to some girl online
>No even sexual just dude games dude films
>We meet up at the mall I work at
>She's 14
>haha OK
>She's actually an amazing person and more well-rounded in life than me
>Really makes me think
>Her dad shows up aboobloo people like you muh daughter
>Calls police
>"Did you know she was 14?"
>I never really asked her age
"What was your plan today?"
>Idk man whatever man hamburgers and Soul Calibur

fell asleep playing

Baldurs Gate 1
Alan Wake

then again, I was tired

Oh is this the blogshit thread?

I once fell asleep on my keyboard after fapping.
Let me tell you, keyboards are not comfortable pillow. But the much bigger problem is how much my fucking neck hurt afterwards. Holy fucking shit I didn't know a neck could actually be this fucking stiff. I went to bed dead tired after I woke up and I couldn't sleep for at least another 20 minutes because of how much my fucking neck hurt.

nice story / 10, if true.

how can you fall asleep without cleaning yourself up

There have been so many times where I just wanted to fall asleep after cumming on my tummy but I've never actually done it because its fucking gross. I have no idea how someone can ever do that.

Why would I? If you let it dry you can just rub it off really easily like sand. If you try to rub it off while its still fresh its all sticky and hard to remove.

Also I often shower anyways in the next morning so I don't need to clean it up immediately.

should have run man, kept the secret and wait until legality

Tried playing Final Fantasy 2, or whatever the real title is. I watched a guy angst to the king, then angst to his wife, and then a text scroll came up to talk about how he angsted to the king and his wife. I fell asleep sometime during that text scroll.