What are some video games that do gay relationships well and aren't just pandering to fags?

What are some video games that do gay relationships well and aren't just pandering to fags?

The only appropriate way is not at all.

None, go jump off of a building

Thanks for the source

>artist arrested for drawing these
Fucking Korea.

those 50 visual novels based on OP´s life


more like based Korea

>he doesn't like /y/

>FE Fates has several cute girls (male)
>doesn't allow same sex relationships
Why are we still here?

Didn't he specifically release something saying that was just a rumour and life caught up with him and he had to take a break?

>draws a female
>slaps a dick on it and calls it male

It ain't gay, it's just a drawing.

Well if that's true, that's good to hear. South Korea's legal system seems all kinds of fucked, so it seemed believable.

>The guy from the op just showed his dick to like 15 dudes

Why are gays so slutty?

dont they have some shit about fictional characters having rights?

wouldn't you be a slut if you could?

>It ain't gay
Only one way to test that.

I wish it was easier to find a boyfriend with similar interests.

Mass Effect Androgina

Traps and gayboys are all hypersexual maniacs.

>gets spit on
>opens mouth and challenges bully to spit in her (his) mouth

I like this girl (guy).

Degenerates of all types tend to be promiscuous.


Would that in turn make promiscuous behaviour a degenerate trait in itself?

Same as the OP.

I'm a trap and I have no sex drive, I just wanna cuddle...

They let you have best boy Niles fuck the numale out of Corrin instead.


>Korean Comic
>Calls the guy his "onii-chan"

Is the artist a fucking weeb or do people in Korea call their siblings that?

We all know cuddling will just lead to his dick in your mouth within 5 minutes.

You are of no use to anyone then, you stupid gay bastard.

Not necessarily, cuddling and kissing can be done without further escalation!

There's a Korean equivalent to onii-chan, IIRC.
Also there's no way the artist isn't a weeb.

you seem to talk from experience.

Night in the woods.

Being a weeb in Korea seems like betrayal of the highest caliber though.

is Sup Forums gay?

MUH DICK (male)

None. It's always pandering when less than 3% of the population is represented so much.

I am Sup Forums, and yes.

Men do not look like that. It's just a bunch of bullshit.

why do they always want to be humiliated

You poor fool

He (she) goes more dominant in the second chapter.
Pity it's all a dream or something. Fucking chapter isn't finished.

>tfw even the girliest 3dpd traps are nothing but a sad joke compared to the likes of Shimakaze or Z1
Life is suffering

keep telling yourself that. one day you'll have to accept that being attracted to twinks is gay too.

>Stopping the blowjob short to blueball the bully into being a good person

Why does that give me such a fucking hardon?

>it´s a korean artist wishes he´d get to suck westmale cocks on public episode and humiliated as a sissy boy slut
well thats gay and submissive

Some Thai ladyboys are cute and feminine

Sorry dudes, he's right. Even the girliest of irl twinks won't ever look that good. 2D is simply always superior, no matter what the gender.

But they look like thai ladyboys and that kills it

Not only that, 2d doesn't spoil.
How long until fembois start looking gross IRL? They can stay that way until MAYBE their late 20's or early 30's, then age catches up with them and they go to shit FAST

Take it from me, fellow gamer, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim does a fantastic job of handling gay relationships. Go buy it today and see for yourself!

desu only blowjobs and fucking yourself + cuddle feel good in gay sex, other than that it´s pretty bad compared to fucking a real girl. it just feels better when you´re with a hoe (female)


>fucking yourself
i meant that like as being top not bottom not fapping


Looks south east asian, pass.

Femboys only work if weab or caucasian.

>what are some games that pander to fags and don't pander to fags
really got me thinking

>They can stay that way until MAYBE their late 20's or early 30's
that's very generous if they don't take hrt. more like they start to man up in their early 20s. with hrt they'll never man up though.

Shhh, don't tell Sup Forums that. I'm just waiting for the time, where everyone who fell for the trap and tranny meme kills himself out of desperation because their childlike brains couldn't predict such an obvious outcome.

Stay salty.

By Asian standards, which are low. It also helps that the actual women lack curves, tits and an ass, so it's much easier for men to crossdress.

Who says you gotta get hitched?

There is an insane surge of teens taking hrt or just becoming femboys thanks to the liberal propaganda media



It's the same as the OP.

trans women age like women thanks to hrt. some femboys start taking hrt with boob blockers too so age is quite generous to them too.

>being a fag enabler


Will you stop fucking saying that? No one gave the source to that either.

2017 Normalfag = social justice warriors, fags, women, niggers
2017 Sup Forums = same as above

2008 Normalfag = cool straight white males
2008 Sup Forums = Social outcasts, neonazis, pedos

The definition of Normie has changed, we must become adapt and become Sup Forums. Otherwise we risk becoming the normalfags.

Once something is widely accepted and promoted it therefore becomes normalfag. Once something is repressed and hated it becomes chan. Right now the white male is repressed and hated. We must become the white male. We must become Sup Forums, a symbol of hate and bigotry.

Come on user, no need to have such angst, or y

What's it called please!

What are some games where you get tricked?

is it me or is Sup Forums getting more and more gay and retarded? how hard is it to look at the file name?

they can't think when all the blood is in their dick

>tfw I became best friends with my former bully and he protects me from bad men and we cuddle together when I stay over

Wow what a surprise its like the two correlate.

Fuck me I'm retarded.

You're doing this on purpose, right?

>trans women age like women thanks to hrt
I almost wanted to actually engage in a debate, because the part with the boobblocker is somewhat accurate, but your premise is just too stupid so i'm just calling you a retard instead.

>tfw you'll never have a qt trap bf
>tfw you'll never be someone's qt trap bf

God damn you're fucking retarded


i'm fine with not debating because explaining basic biology to you would be kinda annoying.

Fucking what? That is the dumbest shit I have ever read in my goddamn life.

Undertale. Nier.

tales of zestiria

tfw no bf

SaGa Frontier

Maybe word your shit better.

hehehe i get it, it's ebcause it's a girl and has a penis XD

Is Sup Forums gay yet?

Does Sup Forums play gay games?

tfw no gf (male)

none fuck off fag


What does that have to do with their fucked up mental health?
Also, only jap women age well.

No, faggots are disgusting fuck ups that need to kill themselves.

>basic biology
With that kind of mindset you shouldn't even be allowed to take that word into your mouth.

tfw no bf

I'll take something else in my mouth then, faggot.