Japan is officially back saving video games!

Japan is officially back saving video games!

Thank you based Japan

I'm mad that Nier Automata won't sell as much as Horizon Zero Dawn.

>nearly 200K
>from the nips that rarely play anything besides mobile shit these days.
>a Yoko Taro game.
What black magic is this?

>Nioh beat sales expectations
>Nier Automata beat sales expectations
>Persona 5 beat sales expectations
>Yakuza 0 sold enough to ensure future localizations
>BOTW likely to hit big
Return of the king baby

Masamune DLC when?
Locked doors DLC when?

the power of ASS

The existence of Nier: Automata singlehandedly justifies the US showing mercy to Japan after WWII

Thank you based god

You shouldn't be. Nier cost probably a tenth of Horizon when factoring in marketing. Those games hit profitable levels at very early levels.

And West will ruin it again

>The East releases good games

>The West releases trash like Horizon Zero and Mass Effect: Return of Shrek

Sales data is out?

What is their excuse not to put their shit game on the switch? Nier launched so close to the switch that they easily could've made it a launch title.

when did they leave

that's her crotch you idiot

it's very hi-cut


>lumping in Nintendo with the other successes

piss off fa m


I wonder what Taro's reaction to finally having a successful game will be

95% of gamers in japan are otaku, cater to one and you have them all.

Not that I have any problem with this at all.

>Spend forever looking for the Virtuous/Cruel weapons
>Bring them all to Masamune

And comes in same month as Zelda in west.

I really liked the game, but they are going have a uphill battle here.

Some sick fuck decided to put this costume on an airheaded gravity queen.

Are people posting Nier spoilers ITT? If so, I should leave.

If its anything but "neat" i'll be disappointed

Apparently Nier Auto sold 200k in Japan, on the first week, making it the first Taro game that's actually making money.

About fucking time. Makes me so glad to see the good guys win for once.

>but they are going have a uphill battle here.


Nier is a ps4 console exclusive

Zelda is only on nintendo shit

Just leave dude and come back in two weeks. A lot of people have already played it and well, next week more english people will be playing it.

"Shit, I didn't plan on people liking it"

Oddly enough this. SE was actually surprised that Nier sold as well as it did in the west. Idk how well it did in Japan but it clearly did well enough that SE didn't outright axe Cavia and Yoko Taro.

Filename should be something like Abe-swan and Trump-chan true Tomodachi 5 lyfe


>Taroshit makes money
>SE jews start making plans to corrupt future entries

Nier is trash

Is this what winning feels like?

Platinum played a pretty big part in making Automata a success IMO, gameplay aside, the revengence team did good work with the music

"this was only 25% of my power time to show them true suffering in the next game"

PC release when? Asking for a friend.

Look. Horizon's budget was around 45 million dolaroos. There's an article about that right now circulating.

How much do you think for Nier: A? I wouldn't even be surprised if it's below 5 million dollars. So them getting 200k in the first week is already pretty fucking good.


mixing platinum gameplay with drakengard level suffering is going to be so good

>Taro you should put more Western elements into your game
>*put Nazi symbol*

One is a well established franchise with a brand new mainline game.

Other is a niche series that barely make a blip of most people radar on top of being a action game.

Also zelda comes with a new console to boot, people isn't going have all this money. For sure I'm glad to see the sales going well on japan.

But I wonder how it going be the performance on west.

Nier 1? Pretty sure they said its sales was 1 million units worldwide.

So yeah, pretty sure they were surprised then.

I don't think people who buy Cavia/Taro games are the same people who buy Zelda games and vice versa.

>vow to not jerk it during lent
>see this shit all over Sup Forums

below 5 mil? I would peg it around 8-10 mil, just because of platinum costs and how SQ likes to throw money at their creators.

This, I also wanna know since some sources say 10th March but it seems too good to be true.


Music? That's not Plat. All Taro games have had god tier soundtracks.

Yeah that's why I said I wouldn't be surprised. But you're most likely right, just because of marketing budget really. But still. Them getting 200k units more after this means it's already a success really.

It seems like sony is holding them just like they did with SFV.

They have the marketing rights after all.


>practicing gay ass religious customs

nopfap-ing is the most leddit thing to grace the internet

>I don't think people who buy Cavia/Taro games are the same people who buy Zelda games and vice versa.

Can confirm; have purchased all of Taro's previous Nier/Drakengard games, have not purchased a Zelda game since roughly 1994.

"Oh no, now SE will force me to do a new Nier each year"

I meant platinum's music integration you autistic nigger, the music is godly on its own but platinum did a good job merging it seamlessly with the gameplay

Did people not know when the PC version of SFV was gonna be released ?
Untill how much before release ?

The one that does Nier/Drakengard music is a FREELANCE studio. It's Monaca.

The OST is from Okabe, not the Platinium team.

Just finished Ending E

Pretty disappointing, the first game and Drakengard 3 had better endings desu

Game is fantastic though, best game of all time

>play Nier for ASS
>get depression instead
T-thanks, Taro.

He has new BLACKMAIL material against SE now.

It still blows my mind that Taro is such a respected guy in the JP gaming development industry.

So instead of commission people to write LNs that will never be translated he can actually make games and DLC for it

>forgetting MGR:R's bridging for the soundtrack on certain boss attacks
That's what he was getting at lads.

2B9S are qt!


nothing but happy endings outside of the occasional children-murderings and massacring small peaceful villages

Can you faggots stop with the marketing of this shit? You're almost as bad as the Nintendo marketers. Have a bit of fucking decency.

Those are not The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild characters.

It's a bittersweet somewhat-happy-ending though.

I don't really plan on buying near a tomato since I've got Nioh to sink my teeth into but I'm glad you guys are enjoying it

>Caring about the sales of single player games
How does this affect you in any way?

I figured it's something most people wouldn't understand.

I'll just say that regardless of the religious aspects, it's good to develop self control. It gives inner strength.

I feel less bad knowing some of Horizon's success will transfer over to Death Stranding's

now we just need a new armored core that isnt bad...

M8 you could easily platinum Nioh in the time before Nier releases.

Game trends
If people buy generic open world AAA a lot more than actual good games, then more generic open world AAAs will be made

toobie wears a fundoshi!

except it was like the most awkard meeting/handshake of all times

>practicising self-control
>on Sup Forums

the act of browsing this site itself is to satisfy your need for instant gratification

(You)s are a deadly drug, take another hit my man

and they are all shit...

Thanks man, glad you're enjoying Nioh. I'm planning on checking it out once I finish with Automata, check out Automata when you're done with Nioh as well!


Well I can always get it for ps4 but I'd rather buy pc version 3 times. Goddamn sony.

A couple reasons:

1. It has a nice demo

2. 2B's ass.

Lel, very true. But I think it's best if we take things one step at a time.

You have reminded me I need to study for midterms though. Time to leave for a while I guess.

>trophy for looking up 2B's skirt ten times


They went too far!

>trophy for taking off 9's pants for an hour
God bless Taro.

Is this a thinly veiled NieR thread? If so how do I unlock those doors? I'm almost 60 hours in and just finished Emil's second battle. God that was so good.
Also Nier threads are pretty good again, shitposters all left for zelda threads now.

>V and Verdict Day
I respect that they tried something completely different but those were the only AC games that I just outright quit.

Just finished ending E for Nier A.

I'm pretty sure all those that played through that sequence would have at least have had their eyes go moist on it. Especially that final gameplay segment. I'll never believe someone who says it didn't affect them.



What are some goat Jap-games to get into japcore.
I want neat escapism.

I admit I teared up when the chorus started up, especially after the barrage of 'DO YOU THINK GAMES ARE SILLY LITTLE THINGS' messages

My wallets getting fucking killed this year and I love it

you know what they say, l he never made the same game

this time he did a good one

Cute neps.

Whats the deal with gravity rush? If im not into it exclusively for the jap factor is it still actually decent?

Not marketing, just people who actually like games.

Persona 4

How was that Fate game anyway? I heard nothing about it.