Industry saving video games are shitted on for no reason

What is it with this new trend that Sup Forums literally doesn't like video games anymore?

It would seem company fanboys feel so insecure about the other companies that they feel the need to do EVERYTHING in their might to shit on it, even if that entails lying.
And lie they certainly do.

They will blatantly tell you how gameplay feels to play for games they have never played in their life.

They will predict bad scores for a game only to get BTFO later on. Even then, they will continue to say everything else they previously stated "was true" and that the reviewers "were bribed", even though there is no real evidence of this.

Since when did we want games to fail? I thought we wanted this industry to succeed?

Even if the game doesn't have a season pass/cut content/exclusive game content Sup Forums will shit on it no matter how hypocritical it will appear to be.

Their most hyped up game can be ridden with season pass/exclusive blocked off content while the game on the competitors platform is bullet proof to these critiques.

Is it because you are being paid?

Bought and played Horizon on the Pro today. It looks phenomenal. By far the best looking open world game on console. The game is fun so far. The voice acting is pretty gud as well.

>Since when did we want games to fail?

When Shills like you showed up and started pissing everyone off because Publishers know their games cant sell through word of mouth due to it being SHIT.
I wouldn't touch Horizon even if someone paid me to.

Go and be a publisher whore somewhere else.

>What is it with this new trend that Sup Forums literally doesn't like video games anymore?

Go be a shill elsewhere. Better yet, hang yourself you fucking Judas.

I agree, OP

People should be more excited for what Bannerlord will do for gaming

holy fuck what a newfag

>saving anything
>made by "strong womyn" outsourcing almost everything to underpaid Pajeet


>"Haters are ones who are getting paid to shit on a game, not me!"
>Reverse psychology

HAHAHA there is no limit to the shit shills will spew to sell a product.

>industry saving
>SJW horizon
fuck off OP, fucking shills are getting desperate. how about you dont give ubishit 47 millions next time since you gotta sweat online shill tears this much over them sucking ass

On Sup Forums I just think a lot of the games that came out have bad designs. Like Horizon just doesn't look appealing or fun to me. BotW on the other hand.

Jesus Christ, what is happening to this place? Horizon discussion? OP, the title of this board is VIDEO GAMES. Guerilla Games are entertainers of commoners, lay folk. They're perpetrator of crimes against complexity and art. This stuff is meant to be played/seen by adolescents and children, and even then the offspring of human cattle who do not deserve an education or the chance to speak freely in our society. This is for people below the culture barrier, impossible to save, the kind of idiots who think Louis C.K. is funny. These open world games and Sony movies train you to be a mindless moron.

There are so many plebeians, so many proles, so many redditors and tumblr kids on Sup Forums nowadays. I hoped and prayed that they would not infiltrate the precious sanctuary I know to be Sup Forums, but it has happened. There is only one solution: we need a special moderator for this board, someone who is actually intelligent.

OP, this is Sup Forums, not just /toys/ or /movies/, or /aspergiantrash/, but Sup Forums. I have been trying to inform some of you about this, but you are unable to grasp it. I demand help from the owners of this website. Every thread that is not about classical, intelligent, and/or aesthetically superior games have to go. I demand bans. I demand that all movie game threads, Waifu threads, Twitter screencap threads, pseudo intellectual high school philosophy movie threads, and political discussion of ANY kind be deleted on the spot. This is the only way to save this board from the slavering buffoonish virus that is slowly killing it.

This includes your thread, OP. You are an idiot for liking this game. I would suggest you a list of classics that might enrich you, perhaps save your future, but you are probably beyond repair. I have forwarded your disgusting post to Hiroshima. I hope you kill yourself.

Shilling for this game is the lowest fucking quality

Your main problem is your initial assumption; that Sup Forums likes video games.

Sup Forums doesn't like video games.
Sup Forums doesn't like the people who make video games.
Sup Forums doesn't like the companies created to fund and market video games.

Now combine that initial, mindless, rabid hatred for the medium with:

- Platform exclusivity
- Game specifics they don't like
- SJW-like berserk frothing if they see a woman or a person that's not white

And you have current Sup Forums.

Don't project. I love video games.

Too easy ;)

>Responding to pasta
Too easy

They like games that pander to their fetishes, and that's about it

Fuck off anti-shill you're not me. Just because you're a bitter virgin who hates everything doesn't mean the rest of us have to.

The thing is, Sup Forums is dominated by hipster faggots that would rather commit sudoku than agree with mainstream opinion, that is why pretty much every new game that comes out to mainstream critical success is considered shit by Sup Forums. All they do is spout buzzwords, calling everyone who doesn't agree with their 3deep5u opinions a pleb or a shill. I mean, just look at this fag right here Also they endlessly shitpost about muh diversity, tending to blow everything out of proportion.
>a black gut is in a game
Most of that is also the case for Sup Forums, /lit/ and Sup Forums.
You'll do yourself a favor by never visiting those ever again.

selling my console is too easy, how you´re gonna shill out money when people drop this hobby for good bitch

my fetish is good games

I haven't liked video games since the 90s, or the people who make video games since Japanese salarymen who got into the field before there were any such things as game development degrees.

never go full retard

And good games feature crossdressing and panty shots

*Steps on soapbox*
"I hate Sup Forums, everybody here is stupid except for me. Blah blah blah I get very easily triggered" *farts*
*Steps off soapbox*

no, i dont like weeb games

I don't play 30fps experiences and i don't play overly focus tested open world action rpgs with crafting.
Fuck you for making it harder and harder to actually find good games by making shit like this a success.
I hope this bombs

lol projecting what you think


I'm quoting you kid but you knew that already. I can smell the mad from here.

So you have beaten horizon zero dawn i take it?

Only a retard would talk bad about a game they have never played.

Of course.
A shill like you would never know about our epik stream.
Your shilling is even worse thank thi4f btw.

I saw the whole stream. It's terrible and I will not be wasting my money on such trash.

Yeah and i saw the polygon gameplay of Doom. Didn't judge doom based on that shitshow of a playthrough.

Besides did you honestly sit through a 30 hour stream of Horizon? didn't think so. Time to stop posting nintoddler warriors.

The streamer played the game quite well. And I saw 15 hours, more than enough to form a complete opinion. Sorry but I will not be playing...what was it again...ah yes Horizon, the game's so forgettable after all, and will be spending my money elsewhere

>more than enough to form a complete opinion
>I can feel gameplay mechanics with my eyes

It's not my fault you're too stupid to see if a game is good or not based on observation alone. Then again, you actually enjoy Horizon: Zero Dawn so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Hahaha

>for no reason

>I thought we wanted this industry to succeed
No. It shouldn't be an industry. I want the industry to fail. I want your shitty games to fail.

Enjoy shilling horizon while you can , in a month it will never be talked about again.

vala is cute imo

>new trend

Sup Forums will always be a negative place. The precedent is already set for it to be like this. The hot meme on Sup Forums is sorta like "hey welcome to Sup Forums we hate video games!" So that's how everyone acts. Not just that but people will forever love shitposting and baiting, because it's the easiest way to get someone to respond to you.

Not only that but just take into consideration, the people who are having fun with whatever new game has come out, are likely playing that game. The people who hate it, or don't own it, are on Sup Forums shitting on the game. Most people don't like games enough to want to get on Sup Forums and try and make a case for it. You won't convince anyone any game is good because most of them have made up their mind that's either shit or good.

Oh and then there's the posts asking Sup Forums if they should purchase a certain game. Which is also just shitposting most the time as they just want to shit on the game as the majority of Sup Forums will come back and tell them "no the game is shit"

Tl;Dr Sup Forums will never be a place for actual vidya discussion as too many shitposters and trolls Sup Forumslute all the threads here.

>no reason

I've seen people on Sup Forums shitting on Horizon because it's not "historically accurate".

Just think about that for a second.

You just realized this now? Man Sup Forums is retarded. I can't believe you actually think this is some huge revelation

No one has ever fucking done this. It has nothing to do with history.

I never said I've just realized this. I've known this shit for years. But when you see posts like OPs, I just feel like I need to remind him that this is just how Sup Forums is. And by extension, most the internet. You only ever log onto any forum to complain about something, rarely does anyone get on to sing praise.

Does it seriously have fucking sandniggers with a headscarf in it?
Jesus Christ who wants to see that shit?

I wouldn't go as far as saying horizon is industry saving. But the fact that it was able to introduce a new successful IP, running on a new engine, with a female lead that isn't obnoxiously sjw pandering. It sets a good example.

I think more than anything I'm just happy a new creative IP released and is good and is successful. The game itself isn't very revolutionary as its just a higher quality version of most of ubisoft type games.

Sequelitis is getting to me, so horizon is a good shot in the arm and sets a good example. But it isn't revolutionary or industry saving.

Yeah, it also has fucking spics, gooks, niggers, and honkies in it. The horror, good thing it's safe indoors where the ethnics can't get me.

>People should be more excited for what Bannerlord will do for gaming
Providing a For Honor Lite experience?

Same old shit, different coat of paint.
I'm keeping my money.

There's a womens in it tho

>Sup Forums will always be a negative place
No it wasn't you young retard. It only became negative when fuckers like you learned about "Sup Forums meymeys" and started coming here, you fuckers always want "vidyageyms are srs bizness" and shun any humor. You fucks are the cancer that killed this place.

I love how liberals are so out of touch with reality that they've honestly convinced themselves that female oppression by Islam is somehow a good thing

Gee I wonder why only women are forced to cover themselves in muslim cultures you stupid fucks.

The game is trash.
Why do I have to pretend it's good?
Because you're a shill that's why.

How many times we gotta see the same bait and shitposts and have them still be funny? I'm all for shitting on games, but it's the same shit everytime, jokes get old man. It's more fun when the game is actually shit like stillborn or tortanic or hey andromeda looks like shit.

The only thing hzd or Zelda threads are is just console war shit. Most of it isn't even people trying to be funny.

I think this post is by a (functioning?) psychopath who can't fathom the idea that other people have different opinions besides their own.

Now, I never say this, but here goes:
Kill yourself so that you don't kill anyone else when you grow up to be a serial killer.

I'd guess 80% of opinions presented on Sup Forums are not honest and people behind them are just shitposting for the sake of it.

There is usually one or two threads with civil discussion where people are not memeing about Final Fantasy X, MGS 2, TLoU, SOMA and many more games that are picked often by shitposters. However those threads tend to be buried under all that repeating shitstorm about Andromeda, Horizon, Zelda or console and PC wars.

The current state of Sup Forums is quite boring to read.


>living in white neighborhood
>r-r-r-racist! REEEEEEEE ethnics are great human beings!
>all libtards

Like you new fucks ever managed to get a tortanic going. If this place is getting stale for you then go do something else in life.

Agreed. But if you dig enough you can find a good thread every now and then or just a shit thread with a few intelligent anons talking in between shitposts. If less people felt the need to call out bait and shitposts and could just like contain themselves from calling someone out on being retarded, there'd be alot more actual discussion. But the trolls will always get their 3 course meal here, so that's why it's gotta be like this.

Too many games aren't dumpster fires these days. But stillborn was a good shitfest, andromeda looks like it'll be one too. Problem is that too much of the community hates the game so there's no one to defend it. That or the devs clean up their act (or try to). Or worse, the game is just such trash that it isn't worth shitting on it.

And Sup Forums isn't even that boring to me. I come on here and post while I'm at work because there is still enough anons here who actually talk about games or are actually funny. There's just a lot more shitposting to dig through to find it.