There is an issue if either controller is too heavily obstructed...

>There is an issue if either controller is too heavily obstructed, and the left-side controller definitely appears to have a weaker connection than its sibling. Each Joy-Con loses signal once covered completely with your hands, or put behind your back. Even at two metres, the left Joy-Con's connection starts to break up when held obstructed, leaving a choppier circular movement on the calibration screen. Keeping it in that position, that progresses to a more erratic signal at three metres, and practically no connection at six metres. But pointing the control forward again, it works again immediately.

so pro controller then

>There is an issue if either controller is too heavily obstructed
> Each Joy-Con loses signal once covered completely with your hands, or put behind your back

>connection gets bad at two meters away
>connection is less stable at three
>connection ends at six
damn, I won't be able to stand across the room and play my switch
guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and sit relatively near my console when I play it

>still posting this
Just don't cover the controller fully with your hands, simple. Why you'd put them behind your back is beyond me. I have the same problem with the DS4 if something gets in the way of the lightbar.

Are you fucking kidding me? I can't play with my HANDS BEHIND MY BACK?

The connect gets shotty at more than 8 meters away if the controllers aren't pointed at the screen?

WHAT A FUCKING DISASTER!!!!! Seriously, when will these situations ever be relevant?

why again would I play the game with the controllers behind my back 20 feet away from the screen?

>Console launches with a major hardware flaw


Yeah, thats not how it works.

>Not laying like a shackled prisoner in the corner of the room with the controller behind your back while playing video games

Are you new to video games? I guess the Nintendo Switch really wasn't meant for hardcore gamers like myself.

>2 meters

that's 6.4 feet

>>Console launches with a major hardware flaw

I guess you better send your PS4 back then because the same shit happens when the lightbar is obstructed.

Don't play with the controllers behind your back from 20 feet away and you'll be fine. Seriously guys, media outlets post negative reviews because it eventually becomes impossible to get traffic with positive reviews.

fucking grow apair.

that's 6.4 feet

(( with the controller behind your back pointed away from the screen))

and at 3 meters your hand is enough

I can play my PS4 lying on the couch and have my hand over the armrest with the controller

May be unavoidable issue with controllers so small you can shield them entirely with your body (water is amazing at blocking rf).

Read the OP again. 2 meter unobstructed

oh god, guess I better not try to play the game with my right hand in front of the left joycon. Holy shit you people and your non issues.



Who has 6 meters between themselves and the TV? How big is your living room?

I know you're trying to be sarcastic, but it's a problem.

I can take your average wireless controller, go 20 feet away, have a concrete/brick wall between me and the device and have connection

you gotta hold these controllers with the tips of your fingers

If you slot it into the controller thing, wouldn't it work just fine? Since your hands would naturally not obstruct it.
Or does the joycon holder obstruct it as well? Because that would be terrible.

I mean from their tests, it only seems if you are obstructing the signal does it not work. I'd need to try it for myself, but it seems like it's easy to leave the controller unobstructed.

>go 20 feet away, have a concrete/brick wall between me and the device and have connection

How's your gaming quality at 20 feet? Is your TV 30 feet tall or something? At the worst you're saying Nintendo cut a "feature" that's not actually a feature at all.

I just dismantled your argument about it being expected or something because muh wireless signals can't go past 2 meters

this thing has signal problems after two meters

while other controllers don't have any problems even in extreme conditions

Anybody middle-class and up, actually. I've never seen a living room that wasn't
>pair of couches arranged at a right angle
>table in front of both
>large open floor space
>entertainment center

Not everyone lives in a closet user-kun

>I can take your average wireless controller, go 20 feet away, have a concrete/brick wall between me and the device and have connection

Yea, because those aren't motion controllers retard. Go obstruct your WII motion bar and tell me how well it works.

Holy shit guys, NON ISSUE

Are you implying that those fucksticks attached to the Switch are motion controlled?

You're a funny nigger.

>I just dismantled your argument about it being expected or some

Actually, you made an irrelevant point.

wii controller is like a TV remote in that it relies partially on IR, the controller receives light from the wii sensor bar, it's a tech limitation, light doesn't really pass things

but user, they actually have motion controls

arent the joycons $80

theres no excuse for something so expensive to have bad hardware/wireless

>Are you implying that those fucksticks attached to the Switch are motion controlled?


do you think that joy-cons work through a visual connection?


>Go obstruct your WII motion bar and tell me how well it works.
Even without a sensor bar, Wiimotes will not disconnect. The sensor bar is needed for motion controls only, and even then, only pointer controls.

Having an obstructed sensor bar, or no sensor bar, removes one function from the controller. It does not make it disconnect entirely.

admit your comparison with a standard wireless controller is wrong and stop trying to change the topic kid.

not trying to make this problem sound irrelevant, but why would anyone with a TV that size sit that far back if they're using it alone?
does this man enjoy leaning forward and squinting?

this is a wireless controller that does not rely on IR, it works thought bluetooth like the PS4 controller does

the PS4 controller works just fine at 2 meters even if ocluded


what if this was all intended, to sell more pro controllers?

marketing types are scumbags

how bad is your eyesight? that's like a 50'' telly and he's like 8 feet away

Doesn't look like he's that far... Like, it's a couple meters at most.

Do it again with the switch in shot.

are you retarded? that's a normal distance between your TV and your couch

>those 2D dust clouds
This is my first time seeing this game, but kek

Are you living in a South Korean flat or something?

it's on the right side of the telly, clearly visible

maybe living in shitty college dorms for so long has gotten me used to smaller rooms, but surely you'd want your TV to take up more of your field of view than that

right hand side of the TV you blind nintendrone

Not an issue in handheld mode with the joy-cons attached.

So this isn't actually an issue for anyone since most will use it in handheld mode.

Well thats kind of a bummer, sounds like I won't be able to play with the joycons in each hand while laying on a couch with a blanket

It says obstructed actually.

Nintendo fanboys are sounding more like Apple fanboys every day.

I have a 55' TV at my house and my sofa is like at least 2 meters away from the TV, the distance in that webm is similar to how me and my housemates put down our shitty 30 incher

this is the only post that's actually made me care