I'm going to marry Ikaruga!

I'm going to marry Ikaruga!

Other urls found in this thread:


Delete this.

Even if I wanted to I couldn't.

Is this waifu thread?

She's not real you permavirgin.

silly user , Ikaruga is a country not a person.

Silly user

she looks alright

I like senran kagura threads, but you need to try again when


has died down. You will get a better thread that way.

Asami Imai's voice is perfect.

That's kind of the whole reason why I even made this thread in the first place.

>she'll never whisper sweet nothings into your ear

>mfw Ikaruga thread

Does it bother you she's drawn by old japanese men?

Alright. She's worst Senran anyway.

I'll be over here having children with Yozakura.

Then I'll take this senran!

Fine by me. I'll just bully this bitch.

I wish her alarm clock app was on the American Play Store.

Treat her and her brother well user

At least it's on the jp store.

Ryuoka' hot!

Fuck can't delete


Link to the PBS gameplay livestream that happened early this morning

Am I stupid or can I not watch this?

You'll need an account

>Paying to watch recorded versions of live broadcasts you missed

I already signed in, it's telling me I need a premium account.

I dont approve of it either, i just linked it just in case anybody was curious about it


You seemed to be telling people to do that by linking it

Wasn't my intention

Why couldn't we have gotten playable DxDs in Senran when they did the crossover? All we got was a stupid mobage card game.

Is it really too much to ask for Rias and Akeno running around and battling and getting their clothes shredded by Senrans?

Tsubaki/Izayoi as Ikaruga.

Rias and Akeno a shit anywas, so who cares.

Which Senran do you want to see poop?


Why do we love Senrans so much?

Hikage is the best.

I'm going to marry Yumi!

Something about that left concept just looks.. off

Boobs and Suffering


she looks like a whore

I wish Ikaruga and Yumi were my sisters.

Would you have sex with them if they were?


Would you record it?


DxD is shit

>Ikaruga thread
This isn't gonna go well.

How can one have taste this shit.

Yozakura's hair to face ratio looks so off with her body. Long hair fits senrans better


Why do Crimson have stinky butts?

I can't wait to see Leo and Ikaruga interact and piss off Yomi.

Because they literally live in a hole underground.

It's shit

You will have to clean it with your tongue


That would be fun to see

Rossweiss is great though.

I'd rather Ikaruga get all the same hate and death threats that Yumi gets than endure those shitty memes.

There's a lot of great in DxD

why is haruka so perfect


Soft and happy boobs.


oh wait that's MuraKUMO


>marrying a slut



A slut from a very wealthy family.


I don't care for your shitty memes.

This meme is still being enforced?

I don't think even /skg/ forces it at this point but for all I know they've probably started forcing something else.

The newest forced meme is Leo being a man.

Try it, you little cuck

I'm going to marry this cute girl!

/skg/ tends to latch onto a new thing like a leech. It's really not worth caring about though honestly.

Well I'm going to marry Yozakura.


But it is a man

Is it because of her voice? I honestly almost bursted out laughing when I heard it.

It really isn't, I don't know why I waste my breath on it.


>peach beach has no pool butt battles, no dunk tanks, no quiz games where loser gets soaked, no waterslides, just squirt guns

So much lost potential with this game. It could have been better than DoA Xtreme ever was.


she's perfect

It was never meant to be anything else besides a water gun shooter in the first place.

PBS shouldn't have been a game. It just looks like an extra mode that could have been added onto EV

i want to hug, fug, and marry the snek

Why does Mickey get to fondle and kiss all the Senrans?


What did I miss? Or am missing, apparently.

That's the whole point though, why do the game if you're not going to do it right?

Because you're not good enough to, sorry.

Review score for the switch.

I'll say it again. PBS was never meant to be anything else besides tps with water guns. Additionally you can already blast the loser until their top or bottom comes off in gameplay.

im going to fukk everyone in this thread

DxD is perhaps the worst case of self-insert, wish fulfillment escapism ever made.

>im going to fukk everyone in this thread
Please be gentle with me senpai, it will be my first time.

Shut the fuck up Boco, nobody asked for your fucking opinion.

Now lick your wife's feet, who's also taller than you and shares your birthday.

Hold up man

Well if you're gonna be like that, then no. No sir.

Requesting Kafura and Ryona pics.

Also, what the hell do I do in the game once I've unlocked everything in Estival Versus?