Horizon is now outselling Zelda on Amazon. This not even taking in account PSstore sales.
I remember when 3+ threads were made per day saying Horizon would bomb. Guess Sup Forums got BTFO again.
Horizon is now outselling Zelda on Amazon. This not even taking in account PSstore sales.
I remember when 3+ threads were made per day saying Horizon would bomb. Guess Sup Forums got BTFO again.
>game on a new console literally nobody owns or on an old console figuratively nobody owns
>vs a game on a console mostly everyone owns
that list is based on current trending sales, not total sales. Also, BotW already sold out.
BOTW has been sold out for more than a week now
Are you literally illiterate?
It would sell even more if they also put it on PC.
I guess Nintendo knew it was shit and didn't want to print too many.
>Game outselling a game that's sold out everywhere
Color me surprised
>2M systems are sold out worldwide
>somehow expect to sell 5M
Pretty impressive for a new IP being pitted against Zelda. Still, it's pretty stupid to compare both when BotW isn't even out yet. Not only that, but it's Zelda; this isn't even a competition. The game can consist of Link taking a shit and it'll sell better because "us gaymers! xD" will buy anything Zelda.
make the accumulatie comaprision not just the by hour one
>horizon outsells a game that been sold out for 2 weeks
Yeah but Zelda is getting better reviews from the mainstream gaming press showing that it's of higher quality.
Fucking sony NIGGERS.
what part of "zelda sold out" do you not understand?
Just how upset are you now, on a scale of 1 to 6.7?
The Wii U AND Switch is not sold out in Canada, Germany and France.
0. The same amount of worthwhile games the gaystation 4 has. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
is this the same guy from last night? Hurrr durrr horizon sales than zelderr
stop it faggot
Anyone with a brain knew this game would sell. It's not an amazing game by any means but it's good enough to get normies to buy it. It will definitely have a sequel
The real surprise is someone bought that 1 2 switch crap.
It's no surprise Horizon sold well to normies.
Sony just pumps tons of money into marketing like they always do.
Considering that 90% of Germans are beta faggots who lack testosterone and love to be raped by arabs I'd say it's not a surprise.
that's barely 180 millions people that doesn't count
nintencucks btfo
Stock of Zelda is completely drained, to the point where people are salty over losing their pre-orders and some getting delayed until after launch, and it's no longer for sale. It's hard to find ANY retailer with copies of it.
So yeah, a game with stock can out sell a game with literally zero stock.
i can still buy it on amazon though
>Stock of Zelda is completely drained
Not in Germany, France, Italy and Canada.
They have copies ready to ship on march 3
Sales are split between the two versions, how come nobody has pointed this out?
Why does Nintendo keep underproducing products though? Is the illusion of high demand through scarcity one of their main marketing strategies or something? It's kinda dumb.
Nintendo leaving money on the table as usual
it worked for the wii
>Why does Nintendo keep underproducing products though
these bait articles give them the impression the game is a success.
Nope, Switch has more preorders than PS4 had.
Racist Sup Forumstards, in MY Sup Forums?
It's more likely than I thought, apparently.
Meanwhile the ps3 outlived the wii u and the xbone sold more than the wii u
>Nintendo is underproducing
>Switch has significantly more preorders than PS4 had
>Comparing preorders for a game that isn't out yet on a console that isn't out yet to day 2 sales for a game on a console that's 3 years old which lots of people own
>being that much of a fucking moron
Switch is available everywhere. They shipped units in fucking Peru and Nicaragua. It's only sold out in NY, Boston, Chicago, etc.(cities with huge black population).
You can find Switch in stock even in South Africa
>Switch is only popular with areas that have a large black population, that's why it's popular in NYC
>Plenty of Switches available in South Africa
Are you retarded? Or racist? Or both?
Switch is sold out in most places and sold more preorders than PS4
It's almost as If It hasn't relesse yet.
>Switch is sold out in most places
>Zelda being beat by a new IP
I like this timeline
>bringing up the wiiU when no one else mentioned it and it isn't relevant to how the Switch is getting more preorders than PS4
... ok?
BotW is literally sold out, they can't sell more copies.
Japan, USA, Australia, Europe (excluding Scandinavia because it's too cold to go outside with a handheld).
For what I could find the Switch only had more pre orders than PS4 in cuck countries: Sweden and Germany
Do you have any other source?
What was racist about that? He was only stating facts. Literally nothing he said was racist. Rape in europe is an enormous problem right now because of immigrants and refugees from middle eastern countries
No, it's really not. That's racist right wing propaganda.
Only ultra fascists websites such as Breitbart and WND are reporting these things.
>using the term "cuck" outside of referring to that specific sexual fetish
Sure sign of a moron.
t. rapist
Absolutely nobody in Europe other than the very loud minority want them there, and now that they're causing more issues than ever even more people are against them
ceci n'est pas un argument
can anyone tell me why the fuck PlayStation cards are always #1?
Because PSN is totally safe and isn't going hacked again right, go ahead put your cred card info there.
>always #1?
maybe the little fact that PSN gets hacked all the fucking time, so no one wants to have it CC info attached to it
>Anti-semitic pic
Neither is "in only cuck" countries. 2/10
Because your console is worthless if you don't pay to use your own connection
kek and it's just a blue board
>horizon is actually selling
Sometimes I think that the western gaming industry cannot sink any lower.
Because consumers are sheep that always buy on marketing and cgi trailers.
It going do well, but no fucking way that it going out do Zelda in lifetime sales.
Nintendo games have legs, something that most AAA games don't have.
Because ''people'' like this, praise that shit
its going to sell, and be forgotten by the next week
I hope so, I heard it needs to sell 2m copies to break even. Hopefully we won't get more of this crap if it does poorly.
yeah nope, out of marketing and nothing else in the time frame, its gonna sell. just wont be memorable
Meanwhile Nintendo said that they need 2m to make money back on Zelda.
Its a hell of contrast, where the fuck all this money go?
Horizon already outsold Zelda the last couple of days, no new news.
Paying hundreds of people to work for several years.
What did you expect?
Horizon is already out for 2 days. Zelda is not out yet (but preorders are sold out in tons of places).
Horizon is on a console which lots of people own. Zelda is on a console which literally no one owns, and another (dead) console which only 13 million people own.
Wii u is still current gen and it has that one game everyone wants.
Preorders might be a big deal, but most people end up buying games on first weeks.
>Its a hell of contrast, where the fuck all this money go?
>Zelda is made by a 300 Team of well paid people in Japan
>HZD is outsource 90% of the work to code sweatshops in india
that why you can enjoy the wonders of invisible walls. damage clipping and falling tru the ground in HZD
WiiU is dead. No longer in production. No more games coming for it after Zelda.
WiiU is only owned by 13 million people. Many of those are hardcore nintendo fans who would be getting a Switch anyway.
China, it was actually China they outsourced the code to according to the devs.
is still
>local labor vs Sweatshops