Give me one good legitimate reason why didn't pre-order a Nintendo Switch...

Give me one good legitimate reason why didn't pre-order a Nintendo Switch. You had a one good chance to pre-order and you blew it.

So why on Earth did you not pre-order a Switch?

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You really made another thread?

Jesus get a life man.

I live in Finland where there's really no need to pre-order

Also I don't want one


I don't reward a company intentionally creating an artificial shortage.

Way too expensive for something that I'm not going to use to it's full potential. The only person I know who's buying one is literally shaking as he's getting buyers remorse before even buying it.

I already have a Wii U

Because gambling on whether or not an upcoming product will be good or not is a pointless waste of my money when I can just wait a few days for reviews and be guaranteed a good purchase decision.

I don't want one and even if i did there is no Nintendo support in brazil anymore, so the console and the games will be incredibly fucking expensive.

Might as well wait a few years for the homebrew so i can play downloadable games on it.

Because im not a fan of Nintendo or its games any more.

what games you gonna play on it

Figured I'd go to Target on Friday morning... do people still wait out at night for new console releases? I remember doing it for the Wii and TP when I was 14.

I've never preordered any console or handheld. There is absolutely no reason to do so. No games, bugs to work out, eventual price drop. Etc.

my local vidya store is doing a midnight release

Because I wait to upgrade my systems in general, and when I do go next gen it'll be a PS4 this fall for RDR2. I have plenty of games to play on my various systems/emulators in the meantime.

Target is one of the only stores that doesn't do pre-orders, and I'm not sure what the demand is going to be like in my area. Also I have to be at work by 9am and the store opens at 8.

Publications which said the Switch is good:

Eurogamer, Polygon, Gamespot, Wired, New York Magazine, Arstechnicha, Enthusiast, Destructoid, CGM, PC Advisor, CNET, The Verge, Kotaku, Engadget

Publications which said it was just OK:



>giving a rating out of 10 to a console

What can men do against such reckless faggotry? It's even spreading to places like CGM and PCAdvisor


>tfw I live close to a Fred Meyers and I have work off on Saturday

get a life you faggot

>Buying a console at launch when everything gets rushed out the door on release and slowly fixed through patches

>Flimsy joy-cons
>Shit build quality
>1, maybe 2 worthwhile games

I think I'll wait for CEMU to play BotW.

Dumb video, the mechanism either releases when under enough pressure or something breaks.

This is literally successful engineering, I understand that autistic people can't fathom it though.

No compelling games for me to do so. I have a WiiU so BotW isn't an issue. The fuck else is there worth buying a console day 1 for?

>...the new york magazine?

are you trying to make yourself look like a joke