Last year when I said Nintendo would bankrupt in 2017 everyone laugh

who is laughing right now?

Yes, I was in the chess club.

>who is laughing right now?
everyone, still laughing at you

If Nintendo sold their IPs, who would you want them to go to?

I'd rather let them die tbqfh

Disney or Microsoft, they would pay huge money for any of nintendo ips.


why would it go bankrupt?
the only negatives are hardware problems with switch, slightly too thick bezels, and possibly average new zelda

this kind of cruelty has no place here

It would take a lot of effort to go through 30 billion dollars in under a year.

fuck you

Nintendo is only worth 6 billion.

us, at you

I think the best answer is Sony. The only competent company that could make a good Metroid and Starfox game.

getting triggered over the ground in that mario game
that is not what they look like

>possibly average new zelda
this is bait. Fucking obsessed false flags.

> Last year when I said Nintendo would bankrupt in 2017 everyone laugh
Not when their first party games are raping the shit out of Sony's best selling games.

what is smb2j for 500 alex
i'd be more triggered by the fact that they're playing a platformer on a touchscreen

Are you retarded?


Serious question: If Nintendo has such an immense pool of wealth, why do they push out such mediocre hardware?

but nothing will change, win - win situation.

me, I'd do some crazy shit

Uncharted is at 8 million. You knew that though.


Greed, and the need to "innovate".

Not to mention, even when they released powerful hardware (Gamecube, N64) it still didn't sell amazingly.

Its only at 8m because it got bundled.

On top of being the cheapest bundle available, most people end up selling the damn thing.

Nintendo bundles digital games for a damn reason.

>Horizon Zero Dawn will shift as many as 6 million copies by the end of 2017, SuperData said. Total sales could reach 8 million units, which would put it close to the most recent Uncharted and Metal Gear Solid games

Because they're up against multinational conglomerates that can bully smaller companies like Nintendo out of the market.

That chart does not count bundled titles.

this picture is retarded. Numbers out of the ass.
Why First party games is 35$ and third party is 7$?!

Why isn't bloodborne on that list?

>being this cucked


Nintendo might do some fuckups, but they are far from stupid and are on market for more time than microsoft and Sony. They never sell consoles at loss.

And even some fuckups like WiiU did made profit at the end, meanwhile Xbox barely makes money, and PS3 drained all the money from PS2.

Think this for a while.


but they didnt abandoned gimmicks and this one not much of the handheld with fucking 3.5 hours. And with red-hot and sometimes exploding battery power banks wouldnt help.

Mario and Kirby goes to Disney
Zelda and Donkey Kong goes to Microsoft
Metroid and Kid Icarus goes to Sony

>but they didnt abandoned gimmicks

Still pretty spot on in terms of design/innovation choice. They should have abandoned gimmicks, that's what the post is basically saying. Can't deny the highlighted portions aside from the part about gimmicks (which was just wishful thinking).

Because all this market needs is another gimped PC box right?

Switch is really harmless, you can just keep docked and use as normal video games. Graphics can impress people for sure, but they aren't moving nowhere fast as say..PS1 to PS2 era or even to PS3.

We going reach a point that a gimped box and just a controller isn't enough. Nintendo takes more risks than microsoft and sony, sometimes they work sometimes don't, but at least they try.


I don't want Nintendo's IPs to be sold to anyone else, I just want them to drop out of the hardware market.

Because they want to keep having a lot of money, and not risk losing it all.

The dumpster.

I'm not sure regarding the math's details, but he does have a point. 1st party game sales do make a company more money than 3rd party game sales.

>Because all this market needs is another gimped PC box right?

Who are you replying to? When did I say this? I think you're confused. They should have dropped the bullshit tiny controllers and just went with solid hardware with the same design concept. The Switch should be more powerful, and it's possibly going to hurt it.

> Nintendo takes more risks than microsoft and sony

Nintendo has completely squandered their competitive advantage that makes their "gimped PC box" stand out. Intellectual property. If they focused on making good games in their franchises, and less on waggle and a useless fisher price tablet, they would be doing better. I think the Switch is potentially going to be fine, but it could have been less gimmicky and more powerful while still having the core concept (handheld that docks to a TV) intact.

Because Nintendo going third party will make the games magically better right? Oh don't forget reviving old series.

After all they going make more money right.... right?

>release a system more powerful than the PS2
>make it use retarded discs, have a retarded controller and have almost no third party support
They're retards is why

Nobody. You should do some research on just how much fucking money Nintendo has. You could take every single Switch console, game and accessory and burn it and they wouldn't even flinch.

do nintendo still refuse to sell their consoles at a loss?
because if they at least break even on console sales with that god like attach rate for their first party stuff they are probably doing way better off than people think

PS2 was shit to code, most devs hated working with it, they did because it was selling, same for Wii.

Also Microsoft themselves said that most games on OG Xbox didn't even used all the disk space.

>Nintendo is about to repeat the success of Wii
Yeah they're totally going bankrupt

>he doesn't know how much money nintendo made from the Wii

Unless they got a real big marketing campaign running wild, I really doubt.

They going be fine, but not Wii numbers. Wii crazy got there for entire different reasons.

Into the trash for all I care.
Except Xenoblade.

meant for

For the most part Nintendo games are still good.

Capcom can have Zelda. Minish Cap was a near-perfect game.

wrong, pay attention dipshit

I'd honestly be OK with that. Their browser games have been more entertaining than the same, tired stuff Nintendo has been pumping out

Who /waiting for revision 2 with triple battery life and better internals/ here?


Sony, without a doubt.

>that quote
>said by the man responsible for the most weeaboo piece of gaming technology of all time

The garbage where they belong

Sony. Say what you will, but I genuinely think they would handle them well. If not, then be multiplats. I don't trust any 3rd party or MS with them. Shit would be cancelled to oblivion.


No one. IPs don't make good games, developers do that. Giving good IPs to meh developers won't make for good games.