Help Sup Forums i'm in love with kinu-chan

help Sup Forums i'm in love with kinu-chan
anyone got any rare mariel?

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I masturbated to her yesterday's stream

Get Out Of Here, Stalker

really? an asian?

stfu i'm havent stalk her yet, there are something that makes this THICC cute made me so hard

Reminder that hapas are mentally ill and subhuman

Shut the FUCK up.

See, this is why hapas are failures. They are created by self hating asian mothers to try and breed the asian out of their bloodline - white is seen as superior by them, so they breed with any white man they can get their hands on, no matter how disgusting, to try and convince themselves they're white, and have "white" kids. But it doesn't fucking work.. Know why? Because any half asian kids looks ONE HUNDRED AND TEN PERCENT FUCKING ASIAN. So you know all those Asian men the mother just rejected? That's what she just gave birth to! An inferior asian male with fucked up abomination genes, with fetish couple parents, that NO GIRL fucking wants

Don't ever talk or post about Mariel on here you fucking retards! How fucking pathetic are you guys? You're lucky you're hiding behind a computer screen.

How chubby is her penis?

does she like videogames?

Just look at how miserable she looks in that picture. Do any of you understand how alone and "other" she must've been feeling then? Surrounded by Asians, real full blooded Asians, when she herself is a mongrel dog that belongs to no one race? She's the product of two mentally ill race traitor outcasts, born into isolation and she remains that way for her entire life. Not quite white, and not quite Asian either. That's why mentally ill self hating xenomorphic asian whores and loser white men create. Fucking abominations, through their own delusions

She was on heavy anti-depressants back then. She's doing much better now.

why did nobody spam furryporn here

If she's a tiny percentage of not Asian then that means she's a tiny percentage human.


Punished Kinu

This. I bet if any of these fuckers had a chance to meet her they would be to fucking scared to even say any of what their saying now to her face.

hmmm not rare enough, i need her in the body fit one flexing her arm

>hapas are mentally ill and subhuman

Yep, a lot of hapas like videogames actually. It's an outsider hobby, perfect for an outsider subhuman mongrel race. Most hapas are doomed to a life of isolation of loneliness, so they hide in their fucking rooms are play videogames for their entire lives

See, this just proves that euraisans are fucking disgusting. Hapas are TWICE AS LIKELY to be mentally ill as other races. Ever wonder why that is? Well why don't you try growing up with a fucking mother that hates her own asian race, while you look TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO PERCENT FUCKING ASIAN. TRY IT AND SEE

That's the thing, all hapas look at least 100% Asian. Everyone, including their own self hating mothers, sees them as subhuman. Yet they don't even have the Asian community to fall back on for a sense of belonging. They are completely alone, which is why all of them are TOTAL FAILURES

she is pretty average

Pretty the guy between the girls is not Asian and only something like a latino.

she is pretty cute

also supa thicc too 100//

Well why don't you try and do ANY research yourself and see. They are OBJECTIVELY, STATISTICALLY TWO TIMES as likely to suffer from MENTAL ILLNESS.

Well he looks THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE PERCENT ASIAN so he may as well be for all it matters!

Didn't she fuck one of the Mega64 guys?

if that doesn't make you drop a girl instantly I don't know what will

How do you know all of this? Do you know a happa personally or something?

tru dat the mix ones usually qt3.14 ones

I thought Asian women wanted to race mix with whites?

>thinking of marrying my korean gf
>am latino
How fucked will our babies be, if it gets to that point?

She's married to a white guy.

No, I have first hand experience of what it means to be a hapa. The problem is so deep I could spend years writing about it.

They do, that's the main reason why hapa kids are fucking subhuman mongrels. It all stems from the asian mother's hatred of her own race.

Wtf is with all the self hating Eurasians online? This sentiment doesn't seem to be nearly as prevalent with black/white mixed people are Asian mothers really that terrible?

perfectly healthy as long as neither of you have any major mental issues you could pass down

depends on how brown you are

they will have slanted eyes and your gf before surgery face and have your HUEs mentality

They'll be rad as fuck as long as you're relatively well off and get them well educated. Being hot is a must. If you're ugly, don't you dare reproduce!

depends on how much you love them and teach them to love themselves for who they are

This honestly. If you're skin isn't somewhat light it's going to be a fucking abomination.

Angry asian manlets getting their women stolen by the BWC lmao

>tfw gonna marry my hawaiin - bengali girlfriend

feels good


>forcing a mediocre shitty half AMERICAN asian

You guys are fucking awful retards, need a real gf. Asians in MURIKKA are worse ones for some reason

Don't marry her. Chances are she will leave you the first time you get laid off from work. Asian women only care bout money.


Mega64 is based though. I'd let them all fuck me

It's because the American ones usually live on the West coast and are indoctrinated with feminist progressive values.

Just as I thought. It was so fucking obvious. Evidently she has learned nothing from her mother's mistakes, I doubt she has the mental capacity to even begin to consider the problem. The capacity to hate ones race must be handed down from mother to daughter.

My mother hated her own asianness, so she rejected asian men and tried to breed the asian out of her kids by fucking some white loser. Then I came out, an innocent eurasian male that looked FOUR HUNDRED AND FOURTY FOUR PERCENT ASIAN. You know how that feels? MY OWN MOTHER THINKS I AM FUCKING INFERIOR AND SUBHUMAN. OUR ENTIRE CULTURE IS CENTERED AROUND THE DOMINANCE OF THE WHITE MALE

Yes, asian women are stolen. And you know what that lucky BWC haver gets? A "beautiful" eurasian child that wants to kill him in his sleep for creating him! Wow, what a steal!

..... This is your crush.... C'mon man you can do better.

Didn't expect Chris to be in a picture with other people.

>wanting to nut into nutcases

Pretty pale, actually

did a family tree and not a lot of indio ancestry, which explains why I have close set eyes and other features rarely seen in mestizos

I sure hope they have slanted, wide set eyes. My close set eyes are subhuman.


this seems accurate or at least she'll fight with you a fucking lot.

My friend has a asian girlfriend, she broke up with him like 5 times and they keep getting back together but always fight because her school and work is more of a priority. Marrying an asian girl unless you're rich is dumb

The Asian women are the ones stealing white genetics, retard. They are literally a dime a dozen, but idiots think they're cucking someone else when they raise a non-white child.

>the thigh highs on the right girl

I've met plenty of hapas that dont really look Asian unless you really get a good look at them. The fact that many of them are completely white washed also doesnt help.

Is that Chris-chan?

It depends on how your asian whore feels about asian men. Does she value whiteness above all else? Will she hate the child as soon as it is born for being asian? Is she ashamed of her race?

Don't turn into another /lit/, please.

Yeah but it works out pretty well for us. If I wasn't a perma/v/irgin loser I'd totally fetish Asian grills.

They want husbands who are in top executive positions in business, doctors, or some kind of lawyer type. If you make $50,000 or less chances are she will divorce you within a couple years.

You seem upset

Don't listen to these other anons, I'm a doctor.

They'll have super autism at least, possibly mega autism. They're quite likely to die during birth but that will be a blessing compared to what they'd have to endure in life.

Fucking gross she is most likely some 300 lbs shit skinned land whale....

Not gonna lie, I've been worried about this, but I've been with her for almost 3 years, and haven't had that many fights.

She's an autistic math grad student, who is rather clingy, so she seems better than the typical gold diggers.

This is very true if you are a foreigner. If you were Korean like her she would still give you a chance. But they expect white guys to be successful and handsome.


Try 5'2 100lbs you virgin shitposter

HAHAHAHA If you say so nigger keep dreaming is her name Sakura-Chan and do you take said hug pillow everywhere.

Show us yours then faggot

friend is jobless, failing college, smokes pot and looks like a discount Macklemore. They won't last.

t. virgin

For real her face looks busted as fuck.... This is not attractive at all looks like she had a botched plastic surgery.

>hawiin-bengali women having names like Sakura-Chan

are you good

Because they try to look as white as possible. Being called asian would destory them, because everyone in western society knows that asian men are the lowest demographic there is. Do they cut their hair short to bring out its brown colour? Do they stay out of the sun to get a pale complexion? Try calling one of your hapa friends asian and see how they react. Don't be too surprised if they kill themselves after realising that they are cursed to be lesser than the dominant white man though

That's the thing, virgin losers are forced to pursue asian women because that's all they can get. Asian women will fuck any white guy who moves on them, because all they want is a white man, any white man. The white man is a status symbol, a way to convince themselves that they aren't asian, a way to have "superior" eurasian babies. Any will do, it doesn't matter if you're the biggest sperg on the planet, just so long as you're white.

Yes, I'm upset that I was born subhuman to two mentally ill fetish couple parents. That's pretty reasonable, isn't it? What's your point?

Isn't she SJW despite the fact she makes sexy characters?


>mega autism

They talk about hapas there?

what the fuck is this /r9k/ pathetic thread

seriously Sup Forums has reached a new low

can we keep this shit to /r9k/ please


tfw my gf is short af and i'm scared our kids will be manlets

They obsess over girls they see on the internet to the point of scaring them off the internet.

Jesus, look at how manufactured that fake reaction is. It was a calculation, what can I do that would best fit this current atmosphere and convince everyone that I am aactually human beep boop. Hapas have no souls. It's sad really

They'll be manlets because you don't understand viriculture, not because of her genetics.

get some therapy jesus.

oh fuck i never thought of that. Unless we have girls i won't care.

>mental issues

I'm that latino guy with the korean gf. I'm 5'6" and my gf is 5'7".

I'm worried about this, too.


You mean like that girl that deleted her youtube after she read some guy wanted to be her little tampon boy?

le supreme gentleman

Not him, but therapy won't fix hapa issues.

you sound like you are on the verge of shooting shit up

>Try calling one of your hapa friends asian and see how they react
Most of them consider themselves "asian" because its cool to be different. Although they know little to nothing about the cultures they come from and just act completely white washed. I'm hapa and I'm proud as fuck to be Japanese. I wish the other part wasnt German because its embarrassing how cucked the country is now.



>its another half-breed thinks he's both of his parents' ethnicities instead of an utter abomination episode

Cut it out dude.