I fixed up the request

I doubt that user is still around, but here they go.

Did you check the last thread you were in? There was a link to a DA gallery full of different Lara models

>jesus i didnt know you had mexican food today

go back to deviant art you fucking autists

Will you put all your stuff on your tumblr? Also, ever thought of Resident Evil girls like Jill?

I love SFM and drawn porn but dude this is just terrible, apply yourself

Why are her shoes so big?

Still less weird than Bayo's legs

cause she's a big slut

Ah, yes I did, actually! Quite the array to choose from.

I really should archive all my work on my blog. I have wanted to try out an RE character.

I meant to edit them, like I did here.

This too.

Can you do Tifa amd Garnet from Final Fantasy?

If you ever do Lara, use a model that resembles the old one (but in HD )with stuff like ponytail hair and big tits

Do you usually keep notes of requests people send to you?

Sort of like this one?

I try, but I think I always end up missing some.

Yeah that Lara seems alright

This guy isn't banned yet?

What's the appeal of girl on girl? Give non-SJW answers please

m-more please?

>Fetishea and political beliefs have to be connected

This one user has a lot to choose from, so I might try a few.

Doesn't look like it.


h-haha! Hey this is fun!


Are you fucking assholes really going to humor this sperg and his shitty fetish art?

Personally, my favorite thing is making a woman cum. So watching two women make each other cum drives me crazy, also it feels weird to me watching some other dude get to pound and get off with some hot bitch. I don't like jerking off to straight porn and then getting some sweaty guy shoved in my face when I'm cumming, ruins the orgasm so I just watch girl on girl because it is never not hot. Sometimes it gets retarded but that's why you have to find girls that are actually lesbians and not just pretending.

Wow. I never thought I read someone who felt almost the EXACT same way I do.