This is the first Asari you see in Mass Effect

This is the first Asari you see in Mass Effect.

This is the first fun moment in mass effect


she needed bigger boobers

>This is the first fun moment in mass effect
This is the last fun moment in mass effect

>ass for boobs
>almost looks human but in an ugly, disgusting way
>darkness equal to the amount negative thoughts you have about EA games in 2017
yep its a bioware game. i´d stay in dark closet with no lights on if i were a bioware character as well

Using sex to sell video games? What is this, 1993? Ugh.

Fuck you, now I want to replay mass effect.

How old was she again?

Councilor Troi a shit

How many gallons of acid cum did saren wasted on these titties?

Asari are a shitty concept and the worst species design in Mass Effect. They have the exact same problem as Trek aliens, being just a human with one or two funny features and a one-dimensional culture. Even that one drunken argument about them from ME2 doesn't cut it as a explanation.

The other races are great for the most part.

Kiteo his eyes closed

A shitload. But is k, would have traded liara almost istantly.

+700 years old.

>Good night, Little Wing. I will see you again with the dawn.

Nice to see her tits carried across into the game.

Remember when Bioware wasn't full SJW?

Reapers apart she seems like a good person to have onboard, old asari sage which is not an unsufferable cockluster teenager. Also, outskills and outmatch all liara skills, so yeah would have be a good trade.

That's not even the face of a feminine man.

That episode's pretty good overall but holy fug those aliens made no sense. Most of language is abstract metaphors and idioms of some sort when you look closely at etymology.

Asari are meant to be a Trek alien

delte this

you have a shit taste

Asari are just fanservice, imagine if they were male parthenogetic creatures. Also: why the hell a creature with that reproduction method needs tits and a vagina? Could have done just by membrane skin contact or whatever more fantascientific method. Nope, just a female blue painted.

honestly.. sometimes i feel like i have the plague in the dark ages.. im so sick of it, i feel raped and murdered whenever i try to enjoy a game

God bless the 90s

That doesn't make them less shit. Trek was limited in its time by the lack of good CGI, so they couldn't do anything more than people in cheap makeup for aliens. There's literally no reason that this should be a problem anymore.

>There are people who are so self conscious about their bodies they don't allow others to enjoy beautiful aliens in a Sci-Fi game

I fucking hate this "hobby" now. I wish I had spent more time reading.

They're literally ripped off from farscape tho.

Dude is a fucking blue painted woman, they could have ripped off the smurfs for what is worth. It got absolutely no "alien aspect" just the hairs, horns or whatever they are, which are conviently shaped like normal hairs.
Litterally, no effort.
Star trek classic make ups made better aliens than asari.

Well Farscape was shit so no big loss. Asari are a better implementation of the bald blue telepath woman, even if it's a shitty idea in general.

No, I remember an interview on G4 back in the day where one of the developers specifically namedropped the Asari as being Trek aliens.

Like they mentioned how they had all of these really, well, alien races and they wanted there to be one you could immediately relate to.

That's like hating on literature because of Fifty Shades of Gray. Don't be so dramatic.

>Farscape was shit
Could you have any shittier taste?

>Farscape was shit
u wot