33. DAYS

33. DAYS.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm really excited, and Nier/Zelda means the month will go by fast too.



Preview copies have already been sent out so unless something major fucks up it's releasing on April 4.


Above average tier list Anne is the best


good taste tier: all girls except futaba and photographer

shit taste tier: futaba and photographer

April's GOTM for sure


>a yakuza cum dump
>best girl
WEW lad.

3 years too late. I'm not a depressed kid out of highschool anymore. I'll still play it though, but it won't be the same.


>he doesn't like cum dumps

Post your P5 waifu

Excellent taste.

I've been mostly avoiding threads, can you really date the teacher or is it just a meme?


I'll be excited when I have it in my hands, but for now the hype is gone.
Fuck you, Atlus localisation team.

post best songs in P5 ost youtube.com/watch?v=DAjZ0mJmN9g

Yes and Igor is the final boss.

This was supposed to be released years ago

Is there a collage of the party's Ultimate Personas?

It's cannon we cuck our man Ryuji? That's fucked up


Objective best song coming through.

The game's sheer style has me interested. I've never touched a Persona game and the only type I was interested in an Atlus game was for Nocturne. I never ended up playing it, though.

P5 and Ni No Kuni 2 are the two games I'm most interested in for 2017 so far. It's a strange feeling looking forward to an RPG again.

fuck this game if they dont release the magatsu izanagi dlc

Here's mine

>implying anyone will give a shit about delayedsona 5 once based botw comes out

>implying anyone with a brain won't be playing Breath of the Wild until Persona 5 comes out

Reminder that Rise was the canon girl in the first P4 manga.

>Implying that anyone gives a fuck about your shitty dating sim

Remind me again; what year was BotW originally stated to come out?

What did Atlus mean by this?

You see,that's the thing tho is that if botw was getting delayed people will still be hyped unlike your shitty dating sim

I vehemently disagree but I respect.

Anyone who actually cared about it played it months ago.
Enjoy your dead threads.

The majority of people in the world who care about it have yet to play it, actually. This is a fact.


jesus christ that's probably the worst song in the entire OST.

not only that but it gets even worse as time goes on and you keep hearing this every fucking time you go there

Sup Forums users don't matter.

Well it is only 1:40 long so yeah I can see it getting old fast. Still it isn't terrible. So if it is the worst in the game then the rest must be god tier.

This. The streaming community especially will be tearing into this one. Anyone that isn't streaming Zelda: BotW will be streaming this one.

This shit STILL isn't out in the West?


Japan devs are gay. This whole 'release the game to the west half a year or later after initial release' is so outdated and bullshit. Everyone already knows the entire game

>Everyone already knows the entire game

Yeah, especially with a heavily story-based game, it's pretty outrageous.
Shit should be a month or two at most. The game was finished in like May of last year, why didn't the shitty localisers get to work on it then? Hope this is successful enough in the west that it's the last time Atlus pulls this for Persona.

He posts that in every P5 thread, so I'm convinced he's just baiting. Almost everyone unanimously agrees Mementos is the worst song in the game.

>Still it isn't terrible.
Nice try Meguro.

It's your fault you read everything and opened every image.

Even people who got spoiled on the main twists by others don't "know the entire game" unless they went out of their way to spoil it for themselves.

Yeah but come on now, huge twists are a big part of the appeal in games like this.
They just don't work with such a ridiculous delay.

Just enough time for me to beat BotW, then Yooka-Laylee

What a great year for gaming, still gotta play Sonic Mania and so many others too

>this shit will happen for DRV3

The twists are definitely not as gamechanging as Adachi and MC dying at the end this time. It's way more about the little details.

Anyone kill the reaper yet in mementos? Any tips?

Your chart seems to be missing best girl(s).

Also, no matter who you waifu, she's just as close to Joker as them. All of the twins bullying and malcontent did a full 360 into doki doki after you expose Yabadabadoo.

>the persona 4 dlc for adachi 2.0 wasnt adachis uniform

Why live?

Yeah but it easily could've been, and the game would've taken just as long.

>huge twists are a big part of the appeal in games like this.
They are? I can't remember the last time I went into a JRPG without knowing most of the plot points and if the execution was done well it never hindered my enjoyment.

Nips took their time but she's finally getting art.


Who is the semen demon

Why does everyone hate the fortune teller?


>implying anyone who plays smt games would care about botw

old hags everywhere, shit game

Do you really want to know?

The twins are one being split apart and robbed of their memories by Demiurge posing as Igor. You blow him the fuck out and they return to being Lavenza, sometimes splitting up again because they have the memories of 3 different individuals now. The twins bully Joker for the majority of the game since they're his "jailors", but after the major twist she/they go full dere for Joker. I wouldn't be surprised if she/they got a date in the FES/Golden equivalent for P5.

I do.

This game does have ng+ right?


Pretty good senpai

weebshit, moving on

Should i cancel my collecters edition pre order? Feel like I'm getting mugged for cosmetic garbage when i could just get the steelbook edition

>No one likes the cocker spaniel

She shit or what?

I'm just waiting for Cemu to be able to run it properly, until then I'll just replay Nocturne and then pirate P5.

I like her. She's my wife.

Don't know how she acts but out of costume she's kind of bland.







P3: Mitsuru
P4: Yukiko
P5: Anne

Why is this soundtrack so godlike?


I expect there will be a bigger artbook later, and everything else is not worth it.

I like Haru's costume (how it isn't just a skintight bodysuit like the other 3 girls) but hate her forehead and haircut a lot.

I hope I can use her in battle without needing to spend time with her to unlock skills or something.

Because Atlus didn't give Fatlus the script until the game was finished/released. Fatlus literally knew less than us at E3 during the interviews. Everyone laughed at them.

Both are at fault though. Atlus for not giving a fuck about the western release beforehand. Fatlus for half assing the localization and then Atlus finally realizing that there's money to be made in the west so they come here and delay it even more to fix the issues with the shitty localization.

It's not

I heard she gets the naoto treatment where she is introduced later in the game, like last chunk o something

So what are the difference between versions? Worth buying the ps4?

That's not Digital Devil Saga.


stop saying those things about my wife

yeah, she's the last party member you get

It already happened. Game is ok, ending is absolute shit. Another ZTD. Kodaka is a fucking hack.

The only notable difference is the loading times.

They take a lot on PS3 but are way faster on PS4.

You will be fine playing on PS3.


720p vs 1080p and loading times.
That's it, I think.

You got it right.

Better resolution, better load times, details easier to make out on the characters' faces, and better FPS during spell animations on PS4.

But yeah better find some other PS4 games you want to warrant buying a system for a PS3 title.

This tbfh family

>Sensei tells you to come back when you are older so you two can have an adult relationship