Nintendo Switch

Uh oh, Normies are starting to repost this all over Facebook.

Should Nintendo consider becoming a multiplatform developer if the Switch ends up not doing so good like the Wii U?

that´s a good point because i wanna play doom and FFXV instead of these 20 years old series mariopokemonzelda reboots or other childrens games (splatter oon )

Nintendo should go third party. Nobody can give 3 good reasons why they SHOULDN'T at this point.

>Reposting shitpost images from Sup Forums
You expect me to buy that?

Well, this is Sup Forumseddit

Is there any game on that new nintendo that isnt made for children

there's only one reason: they will make less money

I've had no interest in Nintendo since they initially announced the Wii but why do people want to play multiplats on a Nintendo system?

wait whats the argument? If nintendo doesnt get multiplats then they'll start developing for other platforms?

1. Their games would become shit
2. Their jew practices would become even worse to compensate for the lack of no hardware money
3. their mobile shit would become more prevalent

>Should Nintendo consider becoming a multiplatform developer
It's that or bankruptcy

Nintendo was always a god tier software developer. Their hardware has always been ass. Having their games not restricted on a 720p ARM based tablet would be a whole lot better.

nobody else supports gyro aiming except for in uncharted 4

nobody else is doing handhelds anymore

if they went third party they would probably mostly release actual rehashes like Sega does now

>not a single good game at the top
Really makes you think

This happens every time a Nintendo console comes out. Nobody wants to play third party titles on inferior hardware.

>3rd party AAA games
we all know there is no difference anymore
any popular board on Sup Forums may as well be reddit/facebook now

Sonic 06
Sonic Boom
Sonic lost World

How new are you?

>It's that or bankruptcy

Follow the silly AAA-bullcrap path is a sure way into bankruptcy.

You won't see those games for your Shitstation 4. What you will see is them going full mobile. That's where trillions of people are. That's where the monies is.

Didn't Pokémon go generate more profit than any other mobile game ever made?

Normies would totally be okay with Nintendo going third party. The problem is that Nintendo are mega Jews that want to double dip from their consumers while having more money in the bank than Sony.

>re 7

>Nintendo goes third party
>Would rather commit sudoku than throw their weight behind a U.S. company.
>All of their first party games go to Sony.
>Glorious Playstation master race forever.

The golden age is coming!

Only hardcore nintendrones defend against Nintendo not going third party

>Nintendo games sucks
>Nintendo games are for kids.
>But if Nintendo make games to my platform they are going be the best games evah and I will love nintendo.

I don't care about Nintendo games, they're for kids

>RE7/DOOM/Battlefield 1/FINAL FANTASY XV/Overwatch release on switch

>Wow who would want to play old ports lmao, Nintendo is dead again, not the same content, right guys? :^)