Want to complete achievements

>want to complete achievements
>game is boring as fuck

>want to get achievements
>game is too hard

Achievements and trophies do not matter. Read a book.

>want to complete achievements
>there are MP achievements
>the MP is dead

>MP achievement requires you to play with the Devs

>Bored with all your current games so you decide to buy a new one
>It gets boring within 5 minutes

fucking this

every 360 arcade game ever

>buy new game
>play it for a few hours
>go back to CS:GO or Dota

>want to complete achievements
>there are bugged achievements you can't get

>game has six difficulty settings
>completing it on the highest one doesn't also award the achievement for the lower ones

>want to complete achievements

Name 74 (seventy four) games which do this

>playing a game for achievements


>achievement requires you to get an item drop
>drop rate is 0.01%

Why not just use Steam Achievement Manager if it bothers you?

>have account from the year Steam was created

I ain't risking that shit pham

>playing a nu-game with tons of handholding
>want to get achievements
>they are extra bullshittily hard to make up for the lack of difficulty

I mean, if it's VAC protected game I understand you being cautious but what about the ones that are not?

Fucking pure bladestone.

Banning you for cheating achievements has nothing to do with VAC. VAC looks for memory hooks in a process, for games that support it. Valve will ban if you cheat achievements on Steam for any game, all it takes is them finding out
