I'll be dumping some Automata pics I took over my playthrough, will hide spoilers

I'll be dumping some Automata pics I took over my playthrough, will hide spoilers.

You can't really "spoil" this game with a single sentence, the twists are designed to be obvious, so don't worry to much if someone does.

Still use spoiler text, GOTY thread. I'll answer questions if newfriends have any.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is the boss you just fought

Were the "Preview" sequences before the second half of the game a joke at MGS V?

2B using fellow YoRHa member as a stool

I-I want 2B to use me as a stool !

Just finished the game

Why did 2B and 9S get infected if they're disconnected from the server?
What the hell is the Copied City?
Who the hell are all the red little girls?
Why does one archive entry specifically say it has Shadowlord's data?
Why is the tower transmitting whatever the fuck to the moon?
Why is there a recreation of the library in the tower?
Is the Dev and Pop mentioned in Automata's Dev and Pop flashback the ones in the first game?
What did they do wrong?
What is up with the locked doors?
Why can I buy trophies?
Why are all the places from the first game located in all the wrong places?
What the fuck are Adam and Eve?
What's with the Cult symbol?
Why did they even bother mentioning Accord if they're not going to expand on it?
Who the hell came up with Project YoRHa?


the one is MGSV is a giant fuck you

This is what convinced me Kojima is a hack. I am AMAZED at how much this game did what MGSV said it was going to do.

How in the FUCK


The beginning to route C is one of the most hypest moments of any game

2B is 9S's only.


This game is a tragedy/comedy, it plays with your emotion very well.

>help scientist build rocket to the moon
>it accidentally lands on mars
>scientist considers it a failure

Yoko loves his black comedy

I kek'd heartily.


The alien spaceship looked super cool

Taro can pretty much realize every game he wants as long as he gets the budget for it and sneaks in stuff while Kojima was forced to make MGS games for all eternity.

Close your fucking legs 2B holy shit

Also I've realized why most of YoRHa are sexy women

If you design androids to look scary and menacing, the machines will analyze and determine that they are a threat based on how they look. If you design your killer androids as sexy women in lingerie, machines will look at that and assume its a defenseless woman and let their guard down.

I REALLY wanted more of it

Even the circular area that the boss fight takes place in has almost nothing to it.

The fucking music too.

However, it's pretty much confirmed that those doors are gonna be future DLC right? I NEED more of this game.

>He doesn't remember why he off'd Caim and Angelus

Glad to hear it, exactly what I want in a Taro game.

Abandoning thread. Talk to you guys in a couple weeks.

>thirsty YorRHa combat models trying to seduce 9S into ****ing them by offering him drugs

"If I ever remade Drakengard it would probably be completely different and take place in high school or something, you wouldn't like it"

I fucking love this man

Do you even understand how fucking good a Drakengard/Persona game would be? Going to high school with Caim, Furiae, Angelus, etc. while Caim bullies the fuck out of everyone

A Drakengard high school story spin-off was already made wasn't it? There was official drawings of the characters at least.

There's a side character named Jackass who builds you a teleporter.

9S calls her "active in a lot of areas" and she tells him to shut the fuck up.

You slowly realize that instead of being a beta faggot 9S is actually suave as fuck but 2B just makes him lose his spaghetti. Surprisingly good character development.

2B tangled with a bunch of infected machines and had no 9S there to hack into her.
9S attached 2E model arms into his sockets and only managed to hack out some of the corruption
Adam's attempt to mimic humans and find what makes them so special
It's a canon to destroy the human data,
repurposed into an ark because they had a change of heart
Sick references and things they learned about humans
The ones narrating? No. The ones that are mentioned to have fucked up? Yes/
They didn't, they had guilt programmed into them for what the other models did in the first game
Adam and Eve are Biomachine attempts at mimicking humans
Project YoRHa was made by the androids to give them something to live for

I can only imagine it was

Got any good pics of the amusement park?

So street date is broken? Is it easy to get or no?

>I've noticed that the further you get in the story the more YoRHa models become "offline"

At the beginning of the game all of those units were online.

>Close your fucking legs 2B holy shit

9S doesn't want other people to see his waifu's beautiful ass.

Japanese version is out

Make a Japanese account

Buy Japanese PSN cards off of Play-Asia etc.

It will cost slightly more but it is absolutely worth it to play 2 weeks earlier.

However its only like 6 days away so if you can wait just wait.

Also if the PC port turns out well this game will look fantastic in the open world, it has some dips in the open areas.

Fuck, no I don't and that's one of the prettiest areas.

However this is underneath the carnival. You help a robot debug his game as a quest. You literally have to play his game and find out-of-boundaries bugs for him.

The game shamelessly changed the camera angle in the 2D section to show the skybox lol

>feeble cursed one!

That's cute. So Taro.


4th wall breaking in this game is intense

After I got ending A there were several times where I had to throw my headset off and pace around the room for a couple minutes to comprehend the amount of shit coming at me at once.

Pic related is for NieR1 fags

I know the actual location is probably different but I think its funny that Kaine locked the shade in an open room with a giant exit and elevator inside

I realize its probably magic bullshit and isn't the actual location, but I'm sure someone else thought the same thing after that part.

Well, 9S mentions that he has a lot of friends and they like him so much they gave him a nickname, so it doesn't surprise me that he's pretty smooth with women, he's a pretty personable guy.

>tfw 9S is probably not a virgin

Watching him lose his spaghetti when 2B compliments him or calls him 'Nines' is pretty cute

Androids don't have genitals

The location looks more like One's church in DoD3 than anywhere else I feel like

I'm not sure if this quest is over yet, but this part is absolutely fucked

Friendly reminder not to rush through the main story, it's not short but at the same time its not super long. Pad out every main quest with a couple side quests inbetween.

Every side quest is great.

>Androids don't have genitals

Yeah, I know, but they have a concept of 'fucking' so what I mean when I say that '9S probably isn't a virgin' is that he's engaged in whatever androids consider to be 'having sex' before.


yeah I guess I forgot about when Adam calls you out for wanting to fuck 2B


2B pls that doesn't go there

I really liked the Chiptunes versions of all the songs, I hope they release them some way


I hope I wasn't the only one who chortled at this.

They've released like 3 remix albums of the original NieR, its inevitable.

And yeah, I would grin like a motherfucker every time the music switched over.

"Don't you wish they had survived?"

I can't believe there is a Yoko Taro game with an uplifting ending. Maybe...maybe there is still hope?

That's it for pics right now, I'll try to make some webms if I can find some interesting footage

>I'll try to make some webms if I can find some interesting footage

Hey, thanks.


What adventures will the three androids get up to when they wake up I wonder?


Glad you're enjoying the game, OP.

I know what 2B and 9S will be doing

For sure

>tfw you will never take a damaged S series from the battlefield and keep him prisoner in your disaster bunker
>you will never lovingly care for your S series while his damaged programming keeps him from objecting or running away
>you will never jealously protect your S series from harm


Is there any reason why YoRHa members are wearing blindfolds?

It reminded me a lot of Emil

Honk Honk
Beep Beep
Government Gridlock

>You slowly realize that instead of being a beta faggot 9S is actually suave as fuck but 2B just makes him lose his spaghetti. Surprisingly good character development.

The conversations of 9S and his operator already shown this


Am I mistaken or is the song of Emil's shop a really upbeat / cheerful version of Emil Sacrifice?


Because it was inspired by the events of 9/11?

I really like the version of the overworld theme playing late in the game:


He had sex with Toobie after ending B.

>she walks off looking at him while she carries him


Yes. Let the horror of that sink in


>C route 9S
>gets super protective of her
>gives her items
>tries to stand in front of her to protect her

I can see this

Dont worry, I'm already dead inside :^)


>Caring about 2B when better girl A2 is in the game

>tfw you realize this scene is directly after the 'You're thinking about how much you want to **** 2B' scene and you realize he was trying desperately to act normal while hiding all his lust while 2B fussed over him and cuddled him

>i'm stealing your game 2B and you can't do anything about it

What is the Accord mention in the game anyways?



She's the one who owns the weapon shop and she helps you with the Adam fight by dropping of her suitcase.

>Caim flipping 2B off
>Zero making the dick stroking hand motion

There's the protagonists I know and love

Emil has been alive during the original incident in the early 2000s and all the way to the year 11,000

>9S in the tower
>Find a dead android and repair it
>It gets infected by the virus and attacks you


>no shota beta faggot
I'm slightly disappointed.


just post me one of 9S going nuclear

That's my headcanon and that's why 2B says her memories of him are like a pure light.


Is that the only place in the game that can happen? Freaked me out.

never EVER


Image of the suitcase please?

That's fucking depressing, holy shit.

That would explain so much.

They're "visors". Jap logic is when you need a cool excuse to make a character cover their eyes you say that it's so they can actually see better.

They had android-sex anyway.


>game has prude female MC and near zero fanservice
>"Predictable. Horrible story/writing what were they thinking"-Sup Forums
>game has multitudes of ass and sexual themes
>"the twist are designed to be obvious, its not meant to be written well 11/10 GOTY"


I meant in NieR Automata


None of the Emils in Automata are the original.

>No boar drifting

Litteraly unplayable.