Daily reminder to NOT BUY cd keys from g2a

daily reminder to NOT BUY cd keys from g2a

most of them are stolen,and because of this they hurt developers

use steam and official retailers to buy your games

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no you dumbass, they sell CD keys brought from third party countries, that's why it's so cheap

some of them are stolen tho,there are many articles about stolen and resell keys all over the internet

daily reminder that DENUVO™ is your friend

it exists only to help gamers and developers

please report CPY to your local authorities




not only todd,ubisoft got also hurted by this

This desu senpai

What the fuck is a third party country?

Countries that didn't vote for either Democrats or Republicans, duh.

Ubisoft can go fuck itself.

Consumer doesn't care where the keys come from, we do not buy things because of loyalty (most of the time.) Why you shouldn't buy from them is their numerous, scummy practices that you have to avoid if you buy a key from them.

daily reminder to support g2a because they are amazing at triggering redditors

>check mw3 on steam

sure bro

buying keys on g2a is same as pirating.

You forget the part were they are expensive as fuck. Just wait for the steam sales or any other online store deals

>but this indie developer and TB said G2A was evil!

The gaming industry doesn't like companies that legally do business at their expense, what else is new?


I don't get the point. If you want to support the game's developers , buy it. If you don't, pirate it. G2A would only be for retail multiplayer only/always online bullshit, and those games are rarely good to begin with.

How do you "steal" a key? I thought keys only worked if the developer gave their OK?

Bought with stolen credit cards then charged back.

daily reminder to always pre-order your games and ignore reviews

it's for your own good

what did g2a answer to that

all my keys work

>They also claim that they have a good layer of security to verify the keys, despite this.
>Things then escalated when one user seemingly proved that these verification steps are ineffective.
>The G2A user claims they sell keys constantly and they’re never verified by anyone. Allegedly, you can bypass the verification process with a few clicks and, after you’ve done it once, you’re verified indefinitely. Even when the system doesn’t accept a key, he claims he just waits a few hours and tries again - at this point the system accepts it.
>G2A respond by saying that the user doesn’t know his keys haven’t been checked, as they try make the experience as seamless as possible. At this point, the user shares a screen that seems to show the key goes on sale as soon as it’s listed, before it’s even verified. He found this out when someone bought a key as soon as he put it on the system. He even goes as far as adding a fake listing, which passes the verification process, to prove his point.
>Following that, G2A promptly respond by tracking his account down and blocking it, freezing any funds he had in his wallet and making them inaccessible.

>not buying from cjs and cdkeys when they're much cheaper

How the fuck does one (((steal))) a cd key?

I want to see this industry crash and burn, so I can be free at last.

i cant give a single fuck
bethesda literally sells games for 80 dollars in my country, while i can find the same games for like 30 dollars on g2a
if they are actually stolen i cant be any more happy

only developer i would care if theyve got my money wouldve been cdprojekt
>inb4 muh shitty witcher 3
dont care if keys are stolen as long as they work

Sup Forums tell me you're not this brain-dead

Bought over 30 keys from them, only 2 were recalled by Steam. I've then initiated a dispute using their resolution center system and got my money back in both cases. G2A has been 100% reliable for me, even when the sellers were not, so I trust them.