You forgot about me Sup Forums

You forgot about me Sup Forums
You said you wouldn't forget, but you did.
You said we would always be together, that you'd make belive with me, and live in harmony.

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck off mark

>ALWAYS is older than the majority of posters on Sup Forums

>Make a Harmony thread
>Get called a horsefucker by neo-Sup Forums

It's ogre

It's only ogre if you give up.

We must be the ones to bring back HARMONY

>Look at comments
>Phandom sent me here!

More like Phaggots!

Cripplechan pls fuck off

>Harmony never
>Japan time never

fuck off horsefuckers

Cancerous meme since inception

>ywn open your eyes

2017 Normalfag = social justice warriors, fags, women, niggers
2017 Sup Forums = same as above

2008 Normalfag = cool straight white males
2008 Sup Forums = Social outcasts, neonazis, pedos

The definition of Normie has changed, we must become adapt and become Sup Forums. Otherwise we risk becoming the normalfags.

>nobody actually linking the fucking game

It's like you oppose HARMONY or something



Nobody linked it because it is not hard to find at all.

you dont really get the SJW meme, we only support this shit while thereĀ“s money involved and move on. this is capitalism.

I wish there was an "oldchan" that's my secret club


Is he still running that board? I got off that website it was full of angry racist natsocs and crazy people.