Nintendo Grieving Thread

By now you've all heard the harsh news, the hard slap to the face of nostalgia. Nothing lasts forever.

This is a thread to celebrate their former glory, to pay your respect, and to grieve. If you're gonna shitpost just go to one of the 100 other threads.

Share a fun memory, say some kind words, and comfort each other.

Thanks for Playing. See you space plumber...


Other urls found in this thread:

F for nintendo

At least they finally were able to make a good 3D Zelda before dying.


The last good things nintendo did were the N64 and gameboy advance SP, they've been in a long, slow slide since then.


I find some strange comfort in knowing that Iwata didn't live to see another troubled launch or the inevitable demise of the company.

Sure, Nintendo isn't going away anytime soon but lets read the writing on the wall: The Nintendo we know and love is dead and gone.

"Don't shitpost in this thread" asks the shitposting thread

I stopped caring for them since the Wii era

It's obvious that they still try to rely on gimmicks

I have lots of fun with Mario, Zelda, etc

But it's time to move on and get a PS4

You had a good run Nintendo

Just get a fucking PC.

This is why you get called Sonyfricanamericans

Generally speaking many of us already own a ps4 or gaming pc, but they just don't capture our hearts the way Nintendo has.

I think you're several years late. Everyone's either moved on at this point or are still deluding themselves that Nintendo is still good.

Which is a bit retarded, really. I have no loyalty to any company; I just call things as I see them. I know I'm not the only person like this.

I would agree since the Wii but 2013-2015 was a Nintendo Renaissance and won me over again.

Sorry but this is not the case for me

You say Zelda I say Horizon
You say Mario Kart I say Gran Turismo
You say Mario I say Ratchet & Clank
You say Splatoon I say Uncharted

>5 games that are exclusive
>U4 on there twice
>game not yet out on the list
Fuck off nintoddler with your bullshit bait image.

What was it about 2013-2015 that won you over? Off the top of my head I only remember ALBW coming out then.

>You say Mario Kart I say Gran Turismo
>You say Splatoon I say Uncharted


It was a good ride.

>different genre entirely
>different genre entirely
There hasn't been a good kart racer for Sony since CTR. I have no idea why they don't pay Insomniac or whoever owns the rights a huge sum of money and just make CTR2 or an HD remaster.

What the fuck are you talking about

Splatoon and mario kart are literal childrens games.

Say what you want about uncharted and grand turismo, at least they're designed for adults.


>mature games for mature gamers such as myself.png

does that make them bad?

Pipes won't get clogged in space tho, no gravity. A space plumber is a terrible career choice.

>By now you've all heard the harsh news
I don't keep up with Nintendo these days, what happen?

>You say Splatoon I say Uncharted
>Not Last of us
Missed opportunity. Also not even a close comparison.

>You say Zelda I say Horizon

>children games for children such as myself

>no png
you could at least try faggot

Switch is dead

Not that user but 2013-2015 had a bunch of great games from Nintendo.
Super Mario 3D World, Pokemon X and Y (I thought it was shit but it's Pokemon), Luigi's Mansion 2, Pikmin 3, WWHD, Smash Bros, Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Dong Country Tropical Freeze, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, MM3D, Xenoblade Chronicles X (one of my personal favourites), Animal Crossing, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Fast Racing Neo, Rhythm Heaven Megamix, the list is pretty long.
Nintendo came out with a fuckton of great games in that period.

Okay, I'll admit, this thread made me laugh


Since when did consoles get reviews, which website is doing this?

This will forever remain the greatest game of all time till the end of time.

R.I.P. good old Nintendo (1889-2006). You will be missed.

holy cringe

In 2013 I bought a 3ds and was surprised by how much fun Super Mario 3D Land was and OoT 3D was a nostalgia trip, Pokemon X, Bravely Default, MK7. Then in 2014 I wanted to quit smoking so I bought a WiiU with my cigarette money. My brand new PS4 collected dust while I spent all my time playing NSMBU, Wind Waker HD, Tropical Dong, Pikmin 3, Earthbound, SM3dW, MK8, and Smash 4.

I hated the Wii so much that I had forgotten how much I loved Nintendo growing up (oldfag born in 87)

For at least 27 years. So, long before you were even born.

Fair enough, I've seen console reviews but I've never seen consoles get ranked/scored out of 10 from major gaming outlets nor have I seen them shitposted on here. Not sure how it slipped by me.


They aren't dying, but the zelda game is basically why the switch will fail.

If only it were actually good.

Bad quality? No, nintendo games are polished.

Bad as in simplistic, handholding, unchallenging, yes. nintendo games do things right, but then intentionally hold the game back in a lot of areas specifically to make the game accessible as possible to an 8 year old.

More bittersweet credits music

Seriously, what the fuck are you guys talking about.

it's a meme you dip, Nintendo is dead

I honestly have no idea, I'm assuming there's some kind of happening but nobody will say anything other than "6.7"

what did i miss?

Lurk more you fucking faggot, or go find out for yourself

Watching that and nostalgiaing is so fucking depressing. It was literally GOAT and now zelda is fucked out retarded bullshit with link as a faggot fuckboy.

Fucking why?

Just googled it

You say you're not a faggot I say you're a faggot



All of them?

Drill dogo