Falling for the PS4 Meme

Alright here's the quick rundown.
>Room mate is moving out
>Wants to sell his PS4 and all his games.
>Doesn't know how much he wants for it all
>2 controllers
>Uncharted Collection
>Battlefield 1
>Star Wars Battlefront w/dlc
>Destiny w/dlc
>Wolfenstein the New Order
>Skyrim Special edition
>Dishonored 2
>Shadow of Mordor
>Dark Souls II
>Dark Souls III
>plus a couple of indie shits downloaded to the console already.

How do I art of the deal this nigga? What price should I offer initially without sounding too jewish? What are other must have PS4 titles?

>inb4 get a switch


Let me get my friend who is an expert in video games

Offer him $200 for ps4, controllers, and Bloodborne.
Don't go over $320 for the whole lot.

200-230 bucks

200 for everything, if he objects tell him that he can't realistically expect to make even 75% back on the original price

bout tree fiddy

Suck his dick and rim his asshole for the games, let him dump a hot steamy load into your boipussy for the console.

OP here, Getting a better idea of what to try, thanks anons.

Provided I swing the deal am I missing any must own PS4 games? all this shit will keep me busy for a long ass time, but anything I should keep a look out for on sale?

I've been eyeing titanfall 2, really enjoyed the first one.

The only game i have in my PS4 is StreetFighter V, if you are into competitive games agaisnt another human being and you are not complete garbage get it. I will never use this garbage console for anything else outside netflix and SFV.