I dont want to tell you to go buy expensive peripherals...

i dont want to tell you to go buy expensive peripherals, but i will tell you that pc gaming was missing something before i was able to use my thumbs this much.

Enjoy your de Quervain's

Enjoy being a genetic failure, you pussy.

I a one handed gamer so there a god send to me. I have both.

What exactly does the thumbstick do?

that's not even where i feel my hand developing repetitive motion issues, you butt

I dunno why the fuck anyone would get that thing on the left but the G600 is top tier.

This is not a genetic disease though.

If you're getting strains from something as simple as clicking some buttons on a mouse then you're a genetic failure, pure and simple. Apparently you're a mongoloid as well.

I bought the G600 before realizing what a MMO mouse is.

I have literally disabled every single button on the right since I kept switching weapons on FPS games when I didn't want to.

That's not how genetics or even biology works.

That thing is a waste of money, WASD/ESDF will forever be superior to analog sticks and DPADs.

the thumbstick is actually a click stick, i have them bound for IJKL, but you can have a 4 way binding or an 8 way binding, the 8 way i havent had a use for, but i typically use them for binding menus and inventories in rpgs, or things like fire modes and grenades in fps games. the button above i bind for crouch toggle in fps games which is ten times better than the days when i was straining my pinky to hit ctrl.

It has plenty of WASD/ESDF to go around, what's missing is the damn Ctrl key. The stick is actually an 8-way hat.

>analog sticks

fuck no my man, a good d-pad is essential for platformers, and comfy as fuck

even a nice mechanical keyboard doesn't quite get there

to reiterate, the ctrl key should be bound to the button above the hat, in my opinion.

I like using it as the alt key for ArmA III, but I still feel like there should be a dedicated pinky switch. I was going to mod one in, but I can't be bothered.

It does nothing!

nah analog's better

thats a problem i've been having, i typically use the available keys to their fullest, and most of the time that doesnt leave room for a mode switching key, although i'm not really into mmos so i havent had a game that made me feel like i need to have a mode switch key. i'm tempted to buy an orbweaver, which is the same thing but with 5 more keys at the top, but im hesitant since the tartarus works just fine.

Surprised you just didn't pick up the Naga to go along with your razer shit.

what makes you think that?

More keys, but still not enough, IMO. I use it because it frees up mouse space on the right.

the tartarus was a hand me down from my gamer girl roommate, i never would have bought it on my own, but now if this one ever breaks i feel like i'll have to replace it, i've gotten so used to it.
the g600 i found in the clearance aisle at walmart so i just grabbed it on a whim, i think it was 30 bucks

Why don't you just buy the g13?

>gamer girl roommate
did you fuck her?

i've been looking at that for a bit, but i'm not sure if it will feel as good as the tartarus/orbweaver layout

Pretty sure Amazon lets you buy something to try it out and you can send it back.

no, doesnt matter how attractive a person is, if you live with them long enough to see what their menstrual cycle can do to their laundry you dont find them attractive anymore.

what, put some blood on it?

big fucking deal my dude


>omg girls poop??????? ewwwwwww!!!

listen im not gonna go photograph the panties laying on the floor of the laundry room, just take my word for it, chicks-r-groce


He's talking about a gamer girl user, she was probably very gross