TitanFall 2 on sale for 20 bucks


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trust me


is it an improvement over the first?
also, origin

>mfw I cant play T2 in glorious 60fps on my shitty pc

>is it an improvement over the first?
Yes. Very much so. There's a lot more tech.

origin isnt too bad, you can play your games while updating them

How's the single player? Don't have much time for multiplayer but still want to give it a shot.

Good albeit short campaign
Better multiplayer
Free content
-The occasional aimbot hack
-Small community

Also origin is miles ahead of fucking Uplay. EA is starting to get their shit together.

One of the best SP campaigns released in the last few years.
4-6 hours though, so it's a bit short.

think modern warfare 2 but with quake 3 movement and giant mechs

is PC playerbase even alive?

It's a decent cod-sized campaign, the game is all about the multiplayer. If you're not willing to give away $20 for 5-6 hours of gameplay - don't.

It's nearly dead, jim. Sure, you will be able to find games in second across multiple gamemodes, but it's a very fragile community.

Singleplayer was surprisingly good, some real effort went into it, some fantastic setpieces.

Requires to download Origin which spies on my PC. I'll pass. I will say the aesthetics of the game looks good.

campaign was good, multiplayer was fun for about 3 hours, worth the 25$ from a key shop tho

It's literally only worth getting on PS4 or Xbone and that's being completely serious. It's almost dead on PC, you'll be playing against the same group of people the entire time you're playing.
The game is fantastic, but I'd get it on a console if I were you.

Its a goddamn shame that this never caught on.

why is that so?
i only heard good thing about this game, its because Origin and EA?

>somebody is going to ruin my life by stealing my secret folders on my pc

People don't want to play actual good games.


no its because

>no marketing
>60€ pricetag at launch
>launched at the same time as BF1
>no demo

>made a sequel to a shit game
>is now cheap because no one wants to pay to play a shit game
>so shit has to shill on Sup Forums because is shit game
sounds pretty shit 2bh

the average WoW drone, everybody

Currently running an i3-6320, 16 GB of RAM, and a GeForce GTX 1050 Ti. Would I be able to run Titanfall 2? inb4 "system requirements", I don't trust those anymore

I stopped playing because I didn't have a "goal" and I don't usally have fun in multiplayer games unless im playing to get somewhere. servers are good, but the playerbase is so dead because they released it between battlefield 1 and cod

its a VRAM dependent game, 2gb+ and you're good


Get hot babes on your Scorch. There's your goal.

Titanfall 2 is very well optimized, I ran it with an FX-6100, an R7 260x, and 8gb of RAM at 1080p medium-low settings at 60FPS.

wow drones probably come here complaining about having no friends or sex life expecting video games to fix their shitty life lmfao
losers should fuck off to r9k


someone buy it for me ;')

sent ;)

>a 260x can run the game with in 60fps
>an OCd 670 barely can hold 60 with drops at Angel City and during mecha fights with lots of particles on sub-lowest settings, which makes the game unplayable during those moments
What the fuck Nvidia, I ain't buying your shit anymore

Fuck you marketer. I will NEVER install origin. Literally nothing will change my mind. You made your bed EA kill yourself.

Please stop posting my wife.

This is your at least second post in the thread, go away, we got your point.

>my wife
Your wife has sex with old men for money

I am so sorry

Everyone's wife does that

If you played TF1 then you are in the right place
If you didn't then:
>You start playing the game like it's a CoD with some wallruns and crouchslides, you have fun
>You learn that the game can be fast, so you learn some basic movement skills to "be like Frothy xd". But since you suck at this shit, your general performance drops, because you focus too much on parkour
>You learn how the game is actually played and slow down. You are not fast anymore, but you don't do dumb plays either. You're able to perform parkour instinctively, but you won't the dream of fast get in your way and lose you 1v1s
>You've ascended and now you are able to be both fast and good at the game.

It was my first post you shitty shill. Mad that everyone rejects your awful spyware?

No, install it right now

>literally frothing at the mouth over something so asinine
haha man i love this place.

Origin is fucking nothing now, just a stupid window you dont mind most of the time.

TF2 is a bit different from TF1 and more suited to mouse and keyboard now.

>Everyone's a shill/marketer
I fucking hate this retarded Sup Forums logic.

Its alive, tiny but alive.

marketer confirmed

She retired because I asked her nicely.

Spoken like a true valvetard, nice try shill.


Origin is legitimately better than steam now

>PC gamers brag about being able to play hundreds of thousands of games
>Refuse to play the actual good ones and only play shit like Dota 2, CSGO, etc.

No but it might be on par.

EA straight up shot themselves in the foot with both games. THEY don't want the game to catch on.

OI !

yes because they don't own the rights to it

I might get it on the xbox if the price is the same

dead game

Slower than the first game, a lot of the maps are shittier

I've heard it's dead in Australia, with only Attrition being populated, but in Europe I've had no difficulty finding matches around the clock, in almost all modes. Not sure about America.
You do occasionally run into familiar faces, but queue times are still pretty low.

So, it's Tribes meets kawadooty meets mechs? I guess i'd buy it.

buy it. 100% worth it

>female """"""""""""""""soldiers""""""""""""""""
I am not going to play this shit even if you payed me

It's got less lasting appeal than Tribes

Its not on sale of their good will. Game tanked and only nu-males praising their 60 dollar regret.

Viper's got you in the pipe, five by five.


It's no Tribes or Quake but it sure as hell beats every single other FPS game on the market right now.
CoD, Battlefield, R6, CS, Insurgency, RO, Team Fortress, Overwatch... All slow, boring dogshit next to Titanfall 2.
The game just needs more maps and we're set.

I'd play it but I hear it's dead.

It's still in the thousands of players.

I wish this game had coop. I'm not big into PvP but the Titan's and the movement looks a lot of fun.

Good game.
But other than the addition of an actual campaign, anyone who thinks tf2 is an improvement to tf1 is a fucking idiot.

That's a pretty apt description, but I don't think it does any of of those things very well. Especially the mechs. They're just tall humans.

Is there a way to verify that? By region maybe?

>shilling for origin


>queue times

please tell me that the game has a fucking server browser

Could go over to /tfg/ and ask. The game gives you an exact number.

Kind of related.
Is Battlefront worth $9.99?

If only it didn't feel exactly like Call of Duty.

It does not. it's all matchmaking.

well thanks for saving me 20€ m8

>little babby doesn't know about projectile weapons, slide hopping, titans and air control

Yes, it really is CoD

Fuck me, i actually miss an arcade shooter atm but i don't have any money until monday.
How long does the sale last?

Did they nerf the laser LMG thingy that overheated if you held down the trigger but had infinite ammo?
That shit was my crutch during the free weekend i played

But you're limited to what server region you're on so that ends up being barely in the hundred for each person

>le every game that isn't popular is dead
Fuck off Blizzardshill

Those were the things that sold me on it, but the mechs and maps are painfully boring. Even though the movement system is neat, you need an interesting environment for interacting with it to be any fun.

It would be a better game if the maps were more like arenas, because that's really what the mechanics seem to be suited to. Instead there's just a lot of empty space, empty buildings and empty corridors because there's never enough players to fill out the map, and positioning yourself doesn't really matter because nobody's in the same spot for more than a second.

Bounty mode is more fun because it has bots in it. Something is wrong when bots improve the flow of a MP shooter.


WE 2001 NOW

>just bought it this last week for $30


At least it's not a huge savings.

If you play Pilots vs Pilots you get a 10v10 match with no titans or reapers and it feels full of action.
Attrition/Bounty Hunt isn't meant to be killing pilots nonstop, killing AI is part of the scoring system and the way to victory.

if everybody who said he won't buy the game because it's dead just bought the damn game, it wouldn't be dead.
don't be a nigger and just buy the game god dammit. it's genuinely good and the devs are based.
also posting best faction

Yeah no shit

>origin only
>released same time as BF1
>4 hour campaign

It's funny because if EA/Respawn actually cared they would release it on steam and get an actual playerbase.

But they would rather fuck over the small amount of people who are still buying origin exclusive MP games.

Origin was a mistake

>it's Respawn's fault that EA threw them under the bus with the launch date

Steam wouldn't increase the sales that much until it got down to 5 dollars, steam users are children

I play on PC and don't have any trouble findings matches. Only times it's "dead" is very early morning weekdays.

>Buy this game
>Love it
>Buy DLC to support it (and get cool skins)

>They patch out Ground War (8v8 w/ Titans allowed,) the only mode I ever cared about in an attempt to funnel the small playerbase together.

Legitimately can't play this game now. Ground War was the only mode that allowed for straight team deathmatch too, with Control Point rotating it out sometimes. Now the only 8v8 mode is Pilots vs. Pilots, but that doesn't allow for Titans, thus defeating one of the major points of playing the game for me.