Why didn't the gargoyles just fly the player onto the top of Anor Londo?
Why didn't the gargoyles just fly the player onto the top of Anor Londo?
Because Anor Londo is a test
>Undeads revive at the bonfire when they die, but Hollows die for real
>NPCs that go hollow don't respawn
>every other generic hollow respawns
because the players are fatties
Because they would drop your fat ass and then YOU DIED.
Because they had major beef with the castle guard gargoyles.If they tried to fly you to the top of Anor Londo they'd get shanked to Izalith and back. Instead, they drop you off at the other side of town so you can rampage to the other side and solve the problem for them.
Are you forgetting the fucking archers that are all over the ramparts of the castle?
Delet this
The lore you guys
I wish I could.
Is there an archive of these comics?
They move away when they go insane/hollow
>jesus christ did people actually walk on these
Why didn't they fly back up after I shot them off a ledge?
Why didn't the player just climb over?
>climbing over instead of fighting the four most powerful beings for no reason
>Uses one of ninety-nine life gems
>Begins spinning on a record while using an attack combo
>Blocked by a pile of rubble
>Rides an elevator to Bowser's sky castle
>Copies Sif
>Adds an achievement for dying for the first time
>Releases the same game again for full price
Waist-high objects are the bane of undead's existence.
It's why the fat blacksmith needed his key instead of climbing through the large hole in the wall.
>>Releases the same game again for full price
motherfucker it was the "complete edition" and it had remixed levels and improved graphics
it was for entirely different platforms too
this is such a non-complaint
Dark souls open field and trees looks like from 2001
And then you kill their hollowed version and they die permanently.
DS1keks absolutely ravaged. How will they EVER recover?
>this is such a non-complaint
>conveniently avoids all the other complaints
Besides, I don't even hate Ds2 that much. I just enjoy the rivalry. It's fun posting as a Ds2fag or a Ds3fag. You probably know how easy it is to stir up people here.
I avoided the other complaints because they were valid
Because in addition to having janky mechanics and poor overall game design, the plot is nonsensical and meaningless.
>janky mechanics and poor overall game design
>posts something that actually makes sense
Are you trying to deceive me, user?
>Rolls backwards into a thrust attack
>rolls ten years early
I hope this guy had just started to play and even then he's retarded for not rolling away from the blade
This is such a perfect video
>claymore because he heard it was good
>wooden shield because he hasn't found anything better yet
>pants but nothing else because he knows fast rolls are important, still can't roll
>fails to walk up stairs
>fails to backstab
>fails to roll
>panic rolls in the wrong direction
>gets fucking wrecked
Dark Souls 1 would be better if the town area you can see near blight town was accessible and also connected to the demon ruins
and it make it different to the undead burg, you have lots of demons attacking the place and burning it down
then to make the game even better, you redesign the demon ruins and izalith better to allow people to enter the demon ruins from this area (as well as quelaag's domain)
because they were dead
this one fared better
but the black knight claims many lives
Claymore is the only weapon I liked on DS1
Why didn't chosen undead just butter up and slither through those holes?
I'm still mad they didn't connect tomb of giants, ash lake and demon ruins.
>that jump attack
>has enough tim to roll away
Are those black knight webms filmed with the intention to be bait?
>Janky mechanics and poor overall game design.
Oh boy do a lot of popular games fall on this list. You'd be surprised how many fanboys you can piss off.
>has enough tim to roll away
He ran out of stamina, das3 player.
WEW didn't notice that.
The jump attack is still retarded.
This was probably similar to everyone's first time with a black knight if you jumped into the game blindly.
My pet theory, someone must've probably thought about this too:
Every undead is a player on it's own universe (game), this applies to the NPCs, who are "players" of their own universe.
When a player "gives up", he becomes hollow, faded to respawn and acting mindlessly like he was (attacking stuff), NPCs when lose their goal also go hollow, like a player giving up finishing his quest.
They behave just like a summoned ghost from their own universe, and when killed they return to their own universe, where their stuff will respawn and such and the player himself is a NPC to him.
Each universe has it's own timeline.
"In Lordran, the flow of time is distorted. The flow of time itself is convoluted; with heroes centuries old phasing in and out."
- Solaire
If Miyazaki really thought about this "meta" concept mixing it with the gameplay then he's a fucking genius.
If not, well, the game is still fucking genius.
>Undeads revive at the bonfire when they die
>Boss is still at full HP
You are not the only one
damn this nigger sucks at this game
died a dozen times in a 20 minute episode
Just another mechanic they ripped from DeS without adjusting the lore.
>character glow from nothing
>souls as currency
>fog gates
I like it
>A whole four things.
Just stop posting
Pretty much. It's the equivalent of the morrowind webms.
I learned how to parry at firelink, so nope.
>tfw wooden shield is one of my favorites aesthetically and I like the lightning resist
>A whole four fucking major mechanics reused without care
DaS is just a poor mans DeS. Go play your shitty knock off containment series. I'm sure you like DaS2 and 3 as well because they ignore even more what made the earlier games good.
They did retard. You don't have to fight your way up from the streets. From where they deliver you it's a short, straight walk to the grand cathedral but Anor Londo no longer has people to lower bridges and open doors for you so you gotta break in.
Good taste right here
gotta spend 2 and a half hours in the painted world, boiz
That's shorter than how long I spent in it. It took me about seven attempts to realize that I could track Priscilla with her footsteps. Before that I stayed away from the snow part of the arena because I assumed that she would use some crazy snow magic on me if I stood near it.
But the way they spent a whole episode on one staircase? cmon
I didn't watch, but that does sound exceptionally bad.
>runs these days I can run through it in 5 minutes.
>spent about 3-4 hours on it initially, probably all due to wheel skeles.
I like how much of a maze it is, despite being small.